A Newsletter of Coming Events May 14, 2012
Upcoming Events:
"Race Matters" discussion group
Camille Tokerud/Stone/Getty Images

"Race Matters" is an eight-week study and discussion at Edgewater Presbyterian Church, where a diverse group of Christians are gathering for incredibly honest conversations. 

Topics include "Why is it so difficult to talk about race?", "The Bible and Racism", "White Privilege", "Is Affirmative Action still needed?", "If a congregation consists of only one race, is it racist?" Learn more. 


Sessions are held on Wednesdays  at 6:30 p.m., beginning  with a potluck supper.  Parking is available.To join in contact Rev. Barbara Cathey at bhcathey@gmail.com or at 773.577.7363. Discussions go through mid-June. 

Financial Seminar for Churches

National Association of church Business Administration Led by Dan Busby,  ECFA

Thursday,  May 17, 2012, 9:00 AM- 2:00 PM in Lombard, IL

Cost: Chicago Chapter NACBA Members: $25. Non-members: $35


This timely seminar will equip leaders with information to respond to recent tax and legal developments. Sessions are designed to serve church business administrators, administrative and executive pastors, finance mangers, treasurers, and finance committee members. More info. 


To reserve your spot, contact Jan Buscher by Monday, May 14, 2012 jbuscher@firstpreswheaton.org, or register online

Music Sunday
Celebrate"Celebrate with Spiritual Song"

May 20, 2012
10am During Worship
Full invitation

Highlands Presbyterian Church
1902 W 59th Street
La Grange, IL 60525
(708) 246-1911
Presbyterian Camps - Saugatuck, MI
Presbyterian Camps

Summer is coming! Memorial Day Work Weekend is approaching fast - you are invited to come and prepare the cabins and grounds for campers and enjoy some time at camp. Join us! 

Friday, May 25 - Monday, May 28 


Summer staff has been hired. Now, all we need are campers! It is not too late to sign up for a great week (or two) at Mini-Camp, Discovery Camp, Outdoor Adventure Camp, Senior High Leadership Camp and Family Camp. See www.prescamps.org for more information. 


Presbyterian Camps in Saugatuck is a beautiful place to Enjoy God's Creation, Grow in Your Faith, and Make New Friends.

"Pedal the Prairie Path" bike-a-thon
Bicycle WheelWhen: Sunday, July 15th, 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Bicycle WheelWhere: Illinois Prairie Path, Dupage County
Bicycle WheelWho: Chicago Presbytery congregations - especially youth groups - are invited to join in this first-ever bike-a-thon
Bicycle WheelWhy: Raise scholarship support for displaced Colombian youth to attend the amazing schools of the Presbyterian Church in Colombia. Learn more about this event.
2012-2013 Presbyterian Planning Calendar

2012-2013 Planning Cal
This 19-month calendar contains many planning aids for pastors and other church leaders. The theme is "Presbyterian Mission." 

Includes: lectionary for Sundays and special days, liturgical days, liturgical colors, resource information for PC(USA) programmatic emphases, updated synod, presbytery, and PC(USA) staff directories, color foldout synod/presbytery and world maps. Order here.
Enlivening Congregational Song Seminar
Mark Bowman


Treat yourself and your congregation to this opportunity to strengthen the voice of the people in prayer and praise to God.


Read for more details--including a syllabus and feedback from some of the dozens of persons who've participated in this seminar. Cost of all five sessions and materials is $150.The days and times of the five-sesion seminar (starting Summer 2012) will be arranged to fit the schedules of the participants.


Contact worshipalive@comcast.net or 773-728-8274 if you are interested in participating in the seminar or have any questions. Enrollment is limited to 10-12 persons. 
Resource Center
Clergy Self-Care - all books listed are available for checkout from the Presbytery Resource Center at 815 W. Van Buren.

Open source church"Ministry Loves Company: A Survival Guide for Pastors" by John T. Galloway Jr. Insights and anecdotes to keep new and veteran pastors courageous and excited about parish ministry.
Web-Empowered Ministry"The spiritual leader's guide to self-care" by Rochelle Melander. Acitivities, reflection, and guidance to keep from neglecting the self.
Church in the inventive age"A Deep Well for the Pastor" audio cd. Meditations by Stephen P. McCutchan, Songs by david m. bailey. Spiritual meditations and music to support the pastoral vocation.

Click here for the full list. Email us to have books shipped to you, or to suggest your own reading list.
Job openings

Christian Beginnings, a Preschool and Childcare ministry, is an integral part of First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield.  Get to know us better and learn more about this job opportunity as Director.


Edgewater Presbyterian Church in Chicago seeks a Youth Director and Coordinator of Children's Christian Formation. Learn more. 


The Personnel Committee of the Presbytery of Great Rivers is looking for someone to serve as Associate Stated Clerk.If General Presbyter Sue Krummel is elected moderator of the General Assembly, then the Associate will take over most of the duties of Stated Clerk. Learn more.  

Ethics Appointment at McCormick
Dr Reggie Williams
McCormick names Dr. Reggie Williams to Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics. He will join the McCormick faculty in July and will begin teaching during the fall term. As a Christian ethicist, Reggie takes seriously the congregation as a locus of ethical formation, deliberation, and action. Read more.

Student Mission Trip

McCormick NOLA Mission TripThis January, a group of McCormick Seminary students traveled to New Orleans to support the on-going efforts there to rebuild, now six years after Hurricane Katrina. Read their reflections on the trip, or to invite a student to speak at your church, contact Jamie Wasowski.

Want to hear how these events went? Read the stories of people and churches in this presbytery in Our Common Ministry. 
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In This Issue
Race discussion
Church Finances
Spiritual Music
Pres. Camps
Planning Cal
Enlivening Song
Presby Library
Job openings
Ethics Prof.
NOLA trip
Mission Blogs
List Your Event Here
Who We Are

Presbytery of Chicago has
Mission Co-Workers
in Colombia, South America
List Your Event in Preview

Hundreds of elders, educators, and church leaders read the Chicago Presbytery Preview email, sent the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. If you have an event to publicize, follow the submission guidelines and send your info to Laura Cathey at lcathey@ chicagopresbytery.org

You can reissue or modify this content for your own church bulletin or newsletter, without crediting the Preview, but please credit any organizations, photographers, etc, that we credited.
Creative Commons License


This listing of upcoming events is sponsored by the Communications Work Group of the Presbytery of Chicago Presbytery Coordinating Commission.
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