Spill Center UpdateDecember 28, 2010
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Spill Center subscribers range from the largest truckload, LTL and private fleets, to small fleets, chemical, environmental and insurance companies, and truck leasing companies.
Tom Moses
Thomas Moses
Spill Center

Tom Moses is an environmental attorney, former U.S. EPA toxicologist and president of Spill Center�, which he founded in 1990 as a 24/7 nationwide resource for companies at risk from hazardous materials releases.
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Welcome to Spill Center Update, the information service focusing on hazmat transportation safety, risk avoidance and cost containment.

After a Spill: Blame vs. Liability

An environmental release resulting from a vehicle accident or a spill at a fixed facility requiring emergency cleanup can set off a complicated and potentially expensive chain of events for the spill generator. Laws defining liability provide that a party involved in an activity is legally responsible for damages resulting from that activity. The key to protecting against damages resulting from fuel spills and other releases is two-fold: understanding the potential liability associated with the company's activities and being adequately prepared to control costs and mitigate damages.


A transporter activity creates legal responsibility, as does a shipping activity or a construction activity - regardless of who is at fault for the spill. And it should be remembered that the spill generator's responsibility does not end once the contaminated soil and materials are hauled away. The company also needs to make sure that it is dealing with reputable cleanup contractors. Having someone knowledgeable on the team when it comes to spill mitigation and the legal consequences that can result from an environmental release can prove invaluable.  

All applicable reporting and cleanup requirements must be strictly followed or the spill generator likely will have to face the consequences - which can be very costly. Truck accidents with spills of diesel fuel or hazmat require a prompt and efficient response to contain the costs and limit potential liability associated with these environmental releases. Penalties for failure to comply with regulatory reporting requirements can be severe. The best way to protect against spill-related fines and third-party claims is to be prepared for spills before they happen. Creating a detailed contingency plan is the best first line of defense. It acts as a road map to direct the response to spills, whenever and wherever they may occur.

Put Spill Center on Your Team

Spill Center�, a leading nationwide spill-support specialist and environmental claims management company, has developed a comprehensive program to help clients deal with environmental releases swiftly and thoroughly to avoid trouble with the authorities. The program is designed to help Spill Center clients facilitate spill reporting and avoid fines and other penalties associated with environmental releases which require emergency cleanup. With more than 20 years experience assessing and managing environmental spills, Spill Center offers expertise in environmental emergency response, investigation and remediation of accidental releases of hazmat and other regulated materials.

Spill Center has been helping carriers, shippers, truck leasing & rental companies, chemical companies and insurers contain costs and limit liability related to environmental spills since 1990. To learn more about Spill Center training and other spill support and environmental claims management services, visit our website at www.spillcenter.com. I also invite you to call me directly at 978-568-1922, X222 or e-mail me at tmoses@spillcenter.com.


Tom Moses

Spill Center

22 Kane Industrial Drive
Hudson, Massachusetts 01749
