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2011 Fall News and Events
KIRO 97.3 Logo  
Char Barrett on 97.3 KIRO FM - tomorrow!

Saturday October 22nd 6 AM and 12 Noon  

Sunday October 23rd 2 PM


Radio host Bill Radke will explore, "Why are we so scared or uncomfortable with death? It's inevitable, most of us believe something better awaits us, and we know it's inevitable. Other cultures have a vastly different view of death, so is this an American-only issue on death?"


Bill will be asking Char Barrett, funeral director and founder of   A Sacred Moment funeral service, Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg, Temple B'Nai Torah and George Bacon, Seattle Gay News these thought provoking questions and more. Listen in on their engaging and lively conversation!


If you miss it this weekend, Bill's show will be podcast at


Compassion & Choices Logo Compassion & Choices Annual Meeting

Saturday, October 22

1-3 p.m.
University Unitarian Church
6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115-7393
Be sure to stop by our table at Compassion & Choices of Washington's Annual meeting, tomorrow, October 22.
This year's keynote speaker will be Derek Humphry, the author of Final Exit and the founder of the Hemlock Society USA in 1980. Derek is generally considered to be the father of the modern movement for choice at the end of life in America.
Bathing Eva in WorkshopBastyr University Logo
Home Funeral Training
at Bastyr University  

Join us Saturday, November 5, as we reprise our popular Home Funerals and Green Burial Workshop at the beautiful Bastyr University campus in Kenmore.   Register Here
Washington End of Life Consensus Coalition (WEOLCC) Annual Meeting

Friday, November 11
9:00am-2:15pm - $25
Radisson Hotel Seattle Airport
18118 International Blvd, Seattle, WA 98188

This year's annual meeting will feature a keynote presentation, six short presentations from community representatives across the state highlighting local end-of-life initiatives, as well as an optional Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) training.   


The keynote speaker is Gerri Haynes, RN, speaking on "How to encourage, create and stimulate end-of-life conversations within families and communities." Gerri is a palliative care consultant and a clinical associate faculty member of the UW School of Nursing. She is a past president and board member of Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility.


Lunch and a continental breakfast will be provided.   

A Sacred Moment will be tabling at the event.  We hope to see you there!  


Event Details   Register Here 

Designated Agent Legal Changes 


Washingtonians have new rights to celebrate surrounding their end-of-life wishes. With the passage of Senate Bill 1691, effective July 22nd, 2011, individuals may now name a Designated Agent to oversee their funeral arrangements. Many people who agree to support a friend, partner, or family member as their Durable Power of Attorney don't realize that this power expires at the time of death, leaving them legally unable to dictate disposition wishes if they did not happen to also be the legal next of kin.

  • Previously: Unless the deceased individual had already signed their own disposition authorization, only spouses, registered domestic partners, and other legal next-of-kin (adult children, parents, siblings, guardians) were able to authorize disposition choices.
  • After SB 1691: This law change allows Washington residents to appoint a specific individual of their choice as their Designated Agent to direct and approve their cremation or burial arrangements - regardless of their next-of-kin status.

We wish you all a safe and warm fall season!
Char, Chris, Lucinda, Jan, and Lindsay
A Sacred Moment staff
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