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Monthly Newsletter
Greater Dayton, OH area  November 2009 
In This Issue
NEW Partners Corner
A visit with a Sensitive Santa
Article: First Meet & Greet a Success!
November Support Group
2010 5K Walk/Run Planning Meeting
Upcoming Trainings
Assistive Technology Open House
Quick Links
Visit our sponsor
Partners Corner

Roads to Recovery: Now leasing therapy rooms to families!
Dayton Autism Networking Team (DANT): Playgroup Fridays; Support Group 2nd Thurs. of month.  Contact Candie Belanich
Sibshops: 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM Sunday Nov. 15.  Contact Lisa Flake 776-6272
Q:  Who are the Partners?
A:  The Partners Committee is comprised of autism-specific support groups in the area who work together for the benefit of the community 

A visit with a Sensitive Santa

   Dayton Mall
The Dayton Mall wishes to continue a tradition started last year when the Dayton Chapter was the featured charity for their Magical Season of Giving, the visit with a Sensitive Santa. 
This event is exclusive to families living with autism.  The Dayton Mall will provide a free photo of the family or child(ren) together with Santa. 
This event will take place Sunday, November 22, from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM before the Mall opens to the general public.  Come in the main Mall doors and make your way to the Santa area outside Macy's.  Siblings and extended family are welcome to participate as well.  Contact Dave Casper if you are interested in participating,
And hurry to the Mall if you want to see last year's mural in the food court before it's replaced for the coming holiday season.  It has featured children with autism for a year!  The new charity will be Hannah's Treasure Chest, another very worthy cause.
Hope to see you at the Sensitive Santa! 

Dear friends, 
I do hope you're making time to admire the all-too-brief colors of autumn.  It seems that if you blink, you'll miss them!  Sam and I have been doing a lot of driving lately...back and forth to school, speech therapy, autism events...and I've been yelling "Look at that orange tree!  Look at the scary ghosts!  Look at the funny pumpkins!".  I'm starting to feel that he's simply amusing me when he said "Uh-huh" in that completely monotone voice.  But pass a train track or crossing sign and he's screaming "Look!  LOOK!  A train!!!".  I try to match his excitement, but after the fifteenth time that day, it's my turn to respond with the lackluster "Uh-huh."  
Lackluster. That's how I feel about the holidays this year.  Thanksgiving and Christmas are nice but having lost my mother in June, and finances being what they are, I think the holidays will be a little bittersweet for our family this year.  That's why I'm really looking forward to our Chapter Holiday Party and the visits with the Sensitive Santas this year.  It brings me such a deep, meaningful joy to see the looks on the faces of the participants. 
The Sensitive Santa time at the Dayton Mall will be the Sunday before Thanksgiving, so hoping the joy carries over to Thursday.  Details below.
Our Holiday party will be Wednesday, Dec. 16, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM.  Details coming soon.  We have a partnership with Santa America, where we connected with Santa Dave, a UD graduate and really super (and authentic) Santa who is absolutely fantastic with our kids.  He will be at our party. 
Chances are, I'll find so much joy in our activities that I forget how lackluster I was feeling.  I hope you'll make plans to join us and see how long the joy lasts for you and your family!
Count your blessings this Thanksgiving, large and small.  And just like the fall colors and train tracks, they are there, we just have to slow down and appreciate them.
Nancy Bernotaitis

AS-Dayton's First Meet & Greet a Success! 

The flu couldn't keep everyone away from the Autism Society Dayton Chapter's first Meet & Greet event on Thursday, Oct. 22nd.  Though several did have to miss because they or their children were ill, many were able to come out and enjoy a delicious catered buffet, get information about our committees, kick-off our 2010 5K Walk/Run, and network with other parents and professionals.
At one point, participants of walks past were asked to stand.  They were honored with the theme to "Rocky" because they're all fighters, fighting autism! 
The two videos that were used in the presentation have been uploaded to our website, please check them out.  They are under the "videos" section on the right.
Thanks to all who came out and those who signed up to help with our committees and events.  We have more than 50 volunteers as part of our chapter now!  Amazing!  We are looking forward to an exciting and amazing year together in 2010.  Oh the families we'll serve!
Autism Society - Dayton
Free Support Group
Thursday, Nov. 19, 6:30 PM
Miami Valley Regional Center
The Green - and Economical - Way to Clean

Instructor: Annette Zvirman
Stop paying those high prices for hazardous cleaning products and polluting your home environment.

In this workshop we will review the ingredients in common household cleaners and why you may not want to use them in your own home. You'll learn about non-toxic but effective alternatives and how to make them by creating your own basic cleaning kit (recipes included) to take home with you. By the end of this workshop you will be all set to create a healthier home environment for you and your family.
Please RSVP by Nov. 15 so that we can order enough supplies for everyone.
Refreshments will be served.
Sorry we are unable to provide childcare.
ANNETTE ZVIRMAN is an interior designer and mom who is committed to creating the healthiest environment that is (realistically) possible for her family-and the world. She lives in Pittsburgh with her husband, two sons, two dogs, one turtle and a cat. 
Third annual AS Dayton 5K Walk/Run & Vendor Expo 2010
Planning Meeting 
 Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2009   6:30 PM
 Miami Valley Regional Center, 4801 Springfield Street, Room 1-26, Dayton, OH 45431
If you've helped with the walk in the past or thought about helping with the walk, please join us on the above date for our first walk planning meeting for the 2010 walk!  All are welcome!
If you have not yet plugged into a committee, you can find out more about them at this meeting! 
There are 2 chapter committees and 6 walk sub-committees responsible for the walk.  The sub-committees only meet as needed between Nov. - April.  The walk will be the last Saturday in April.
The committees are:
  • Volunteer (chapter level)
  • PR/Marketing (chapter level)
  • Children's Activities
  • Concessions
  • Logistics 
  • Registrations/Walkers  
  • Sponsors
  • Vendors/Raffle
Where do you fit in?
Our walk website is  You can view the results of last year's walk!  Registration for 2010 will begin in January.
A slideshow of walks past is now available on our website!  You'll find it under the videos section. 
Please RSVP if you plan to attend this meeting.  Refreshments will be served!
 Be our guest!
Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley
You are invited to attend one of 3 Informative Open Houses planned for Nov. 5th, Nov 16th and Dec 7th from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM. 
You can expect to:
  • Preview our new Multi-Sensory Room and AT Lending Library!
  • Talk with Vendors from Southpaw Enterprises, DynaVox Mayer-Johnson & tobii ATI
  • Learn about OCALI (Ohio Coalition for Autism & Low Incidence)
  • View cool videos on individuals using communication devices
  • Attend an Adapted Wii demonstration!
  • Voice-activated Home Demonstration
  • Attend an Autism 101 workshop and lunch: 12:00 - 1:00     
OR CALL 937-461-3305
A Refurbished Laptop with educational software
2 tickets to EnterTrainment Junction!
Holiday Open House

When: Saturday, November 7, 2009
Where: We Care Arts Berkeley Center, Kettering
Printable Coupon
We Care Arts will host its annual Holiday Arts Festival (formerly Holiday Open House) on November 7, 2009. Events will include Make it/Take it projects for kids and adults. This makes it a great time for the whole family. Come and enjoy a unique shopping experience in our Gift Gallery where we display many one-of-a-kind, hand-made gift items, perfect for holiday giving.