"Solutions for All Your Packaging Requirements"
In This Issue
MARQ HPE Case Erector
Climax Drop Packer
MARQ HPA Case Sealer
MARQ Case Erector
MARQ HPE Erector
Pictured is the MARQ HPE Case Erector and bottom sealer. This is one model of a complete line of erection and sealing machines available from MARQ. Each machine is designed based on the individual customer's application and case size. Pressure sensitve tape or hot melt sealing is available. Sturdy and reliable stainless steel construction used.

Climax Carton Multipacker
Climax Carton Multipacker
Climax Carton Multipacker

Climax manufactures the compact, carton Multipacker unit.  Fully automatic and available in single or dual lane configuration. Unit can handle glass or plastic bottles, cans or composite containers. After packing in a paperboard carton - this can dicharge cartons either individually or repacked into a corrugated tray. Speeds up to 60 cartons per minute. 
We continue to expand our ability to communicate with you:
We hope the periodic "BELCORP BULLETIN" provides useful information about selected equipment manufacturers. Our web site is now expanded to include a Blog Page for various submissions regarding the packaging industry and provide you with an opportunity to voice your views and suggestions as well.
Our new You Tube site will provide an increasing number of equipment videos from various manufacturers for your viewing.
Let us hear from you!
Dear Customer/Prospect:
 This issue of the Belcorp Bulletin features two of our primary machinery manufacturers: MARQ PACKAGING SYSTEMS and CLIMAX PACKAGING MACHINERY. Both of these manufacturers provide a broad range of equipment for case erection, filling and sealing. If you have a requirement for case erection, sealing, tray forming, drop packing of many product shapes and sizes or robotic loading, these companies can provide solutions for your requirements. 
Climax Drop Packer
Climax Drop Packer
Photo on the right is the DP4 Drop Packer which can handle a wide range of case, tray and plastic shell packing operations. Available in single or tandem case drop configurations. The DP4 provides a soft air cushion for filled cases or trays. Up to 40 CPM production with tandem lanes.
MARQ HPA Case Sealer
MARQ HPA Case Sealer
MARQ HPA Top & Bottom Case Sealer pictured is designed to handle sealing for top and bottom closure or each function separately. This unit is designed for gap cartons which conserve weight and corrugated useage. Can be configured for side lug or side belt case transfer.  Availble with adjustable frame lengths and speeds up to 30 CPM. See this unit in operation on the "Belcorp channel" on our You Tube site, accessible on our web home page :
Visit the Belcorp Web Site.
Go to to learn more about our wide variety of equipment manufacturer partners.  You can also see some examples of machinery in operation on our "Belcorp Channel" on You Tube - easily accessed by clicking on the You Tube logo on our web site.