2010 Inspirations from
Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs
Happy New Year!
Hopefully you are warm and safe and enjoying this blustery winter we are all having! To make the best of your time indoors, we thought we'd inspire you with some New Years organization. Most of our readers are women and we hope that like us, you have a quiet place in your home that you can call your "office".  Whether it be a converted closet, an extra bedroom or a nook in the basement, we all need some space - wouldn't you agree? 

As the popularity of home offices has grown,  we've had lots of fun with our clients creating these special spaces. We've added a few other inspirations for you too.  We will continue this conversation on our new blog.  Please check it out and subscribe - http://blog.kandrac-kole.com.
We hope to see you all in the New Year!
Joann and Kelly


Does your office currently look like this?

(That's ok, you are not alone!)

office before

Could it become this?

Or this?


Or isn't this creative?


Here's what we did for Client #1

marti office

And client #2

And client #3

Do you want to be client #4?