In This Issue
Port Commission Study Highlights Dramatic Growth at Port of Davisville
Davisville 2nd Fastest Growing Auto Importer in North America
Community Spring Cleaning
News About Quonset    

Providence Business News:
Five Questions With: Dino D. Fiscaletti  

New England Real Estate Journal:
Quonset provides added value for its tenants  


WJAR: Pier work planned in Quonset Business Park 


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Port Commission Study Highlights
Dramatic Growth at Quonset's
Port of Davisville


Confirms Strategic Approach,
Offers Ideas for Future Growth

A report commissioned by a special legislative commission studying Rhode Island's ports was released today. "Rhode Island's Ports: Opportunities for Growth" highlights the Port of Davisville's recent successes, supports the existing strategic approach and offers useful direction for future growth.

Highlighting the auto import business as one of the state's most important port-related economic assets, the report found that the Port of Davisville is currently the eighth largest auto importer in North America, with 134,575 autos in 2010 - over eight times more than the Port of Boston. The report also notes the potential for growth in the short sea shipping market, which is anticipated by the arrival of a port crane as part of Quonset's TIGER grant by the end of 2012.

Overall, the study's authors, Martin Associates, confirm Quonset's strategic approach to growing its port business, which focuses on expanding the auto business, possibly expanding its food cargo business, and preparing for potential growth in container short sea shipping and the wind energy construction market.

"The report is very valuable, in that it highlights our strong results over the past few years to confirm our strategic approach," said Steven J. King, P.E., the Managing Director of the Quonset Development Corporation. "The report also offers ideas on how to continue our expansion at Davisville, ideas that we find extremely useful."

The report also comments on the potential need for dredging at the Port of Davisville. The report notes, however, that a dredging project funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would require the implementation of a harbor maintenance tax that would likely be damaging to the auto import business. QDC and state officials have begun preliminary work on the dredging issue.

The report's analysis of container shipping opportunities finds potential in short sea shipping between the Port of New York/New Jersey and Quonset. The report also notes Quonset's efforts to seek, and prepare for, container traffic. It sets the practical potential for such business at 24,000 TEU annually, but is highly contingent on the cost of trucking, which has been cheaper in recent years.

Davisville 2nd Fastest Growing Auto Importer in North America, and Gaining


Auto Imports at Davisville Have
Quadrupled in the Past 15 Years

The Port of Davisville was the second fastest growing auto importer in North America during 2010, and the 8th largest car importer overall. The Port accepted 134,575 autos, an increase of nearly 20,000 cars, or 17%, over 2009.  Only the port of Brunswick, GA had a larger increase than Davisville. Brunswick is home to the second largest auto importer overall in North America, while Davisville is the largest in the Northeast U.S.

The Port of Davisville also received 55,000 cars by rail in 2010, a year in which 4,480 rail cars arrived at the Quonset Business Park.  The latest numbers confirm the momentum at Davisville, where projections are that 197,500 autos will be imported in 2011.

Community Spring Cleaning

If you're noticing less litter and wintered-over detritus around the natural treasures of North Kingstown and Quonset, it's not just your sunny attitude from the warmer weather. Community groups are out in force organizing cleanups throughout the town.

On Saturday, April 16th, a group of local girl scouts led by Maggie King led a cleanup of the Quonset Salt Water Marsh off of Maritime Way. They filled heavy duty garbage bags and hauled washed-up tires and other large objects away to reveal the marsh's full natural beauty, which the rest of us can now enjoy until next year.

Wish you could have pitched in? Not to worry. There are other projects scheduled throughout the Town. Check out the Chamber of Commerce or Patch websites to see how you can help.