October 2011 | The Tea Smith Leaflet

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In This Issue
Scratch n Sip
Autumnal Teas Return
Tea at the Top
Old Market Update
Calling All Artists
Scratch n Sip Game
Week 5 
Scratch Game
Click Tea Leaf to Play

Congratulations to the 200 plus winners we have so far!


Be sure to check your inbox for

a message from Scratch Email

and instructions on

how to redeem your prize!


Plenty more winners

out there so keep playin'!


Thank you for helping us help them bring this new game to life!  If you encounter any problems, have any suggestions for improvements or simply like to play, I would encourage you to email Chris their CEO directly .  


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These are very exciting times at The Tea Smith.  A couple of weeks ago Autumn arrived, as did the first of our Autumnal teas. 
Of course the preparations for our new store are keeping us quite busy.  Fortunately we have plenty of teas to sip to keep our energy up and keep us focused on the tasks at hand.

We have plenty of news to share, so grab your favorite cuppa and read on!
Autumnal Teas Return to The Tea Smith
South of the Border thumb
If you are a regular supporter, you know we blend up special teas to celebrate each changing season.  We look forward to these as much as do our customers. 

One of our more unusual, but popular blends is South of The Border.  This black tea blend combines the sweetness of chocolate with a hint of chili pepper for spice.  Try it as a latte. It is a wonderful way to warm up. 

Don't miss our other
Seasonal Teas, like Sinfully Sweet Applle Pie, Cinnamon Sensation Rooibos just to name a few.  And watch for a couple of new flavors expected in mid October!
Tea At The Top.
Tea on Mt Baldy-Philmont
We are always excited and honored when we learn that our teas are enjoyed in all sorts of fascinating places and events. At a recent fund raiser I met Bill Stott, owner of The Architectural Offices, who shared his favorite tea drinking memory.

"As I mentioned, here are a couple shots of our Boy Scout Crew at Mt. Baldy - elevation 12,441 - in Philmont Scout Ranch outside Cimarron, NM.  One with the whole crew near the summit, and one brewing tea at the top.  We carried up JetBoil backpacking stoves and brewed tea at the summit before we hiked back down.  It was a beautiful way to spend the Fourth of July.  It was terribly windy at the peak but we found a windbreak and with three stoves we were able to get everyone hot tea (Organic White Peach) at the same time.  Twelve of us hiked around 85 miles in ten days."



Old Market Store Update
Though the location does not yet reflect it, there is great progress being made for our new location.

As we plan, we would appreciate YOUR ideas about what you would like to see there.  Send an email to  [email protected]    Who knows, you may help us discover the latest and greatest trend in tea! 
Calling Local Artists
Dan Richter
Though our wall space is not large, we often get requests from local artists to display their works in our stores. 

If you are interested in sharing your creations with our visitors, drop us an email along with information about your background, medium and pieces your would like to show.  We will be putting together a schedule based on the response and types of works that fit our space and customers interests.   
We truly appreciate your support of The Tea Smith and welcome your suggestions and ideas on other offerings that you think our customers would enjoy.  
If you know another person that might enjoy our teas and offerings, please pass this along.  They will be pleased that you thought of them, and will probably want to treat you to share in a new tea with them!




Tim Smith, Chief Leaf
The Tea Smith, L.L.C.