The Tea Smith Logo
The Tea Smith Leaflet
  October 2010
In This Issue
Autumnal Teas
Win a $50 Gift Card
Lin's Ceramics
Bottled Teas
Cooking with Tea
Autumnal Teas are Waiting for You
Almond Apple Delight

The Long awaited Autumnal offerings are waiting for you.  Our Sinfully Sweet Apple Pie is back, and the Snap Dragon is especially good this time of the year.  If you need a caffeine free option, the Almond Apple Delight tisane, or Cinnamon Sensation Rooibos will warm you on the chilly mornings, or relax you in the evening.  Check these and our other Seasonal Features out, and take advantage of the COUPON at the bottom of the page.

Your Favorite Place to drink Tea may be worth $50
Post a Photo on our FaceBook Page, or send us a photo of your favorite place to enjoy tea from The Tea Smith.  If it is selected as the most popular by our customers and staff, you will receive a $50 gift card from The Tea Smith!

Quick Links

The change of seasons brings new flavors and new teas to enjoy.  We are excited about our new beverages as well as new accessories.  Grab your favorite cuppa and read on.

PS  Don't miss the COUPON at the bottom of the page!

New Partnership

Last year during my trip to Taiwan we spent some time in Taipei.  One of our stops was at Taipei 101, the world's tallest building for a wonderful dinner with a  panoramic view of the city and surrounding countryside.  The highlight was our visit the flagship store of Lin's Ceramics Studio.  Founded in 1983, Lin's style and quality has been appreciated in the finer tea rooms throughout China and Taiwan.  Their stores in Taiwan and China reflect their sense of style and are popular places for personal tea sets and gifts.

We met them again this year at the Hong Kong International Tea Fair, and are pleased to announce that The Tea Smith will be featuring their hand crafted products here in the USA.

Our initial stock is just arriving and is Lin's Tea Setincluded on our website.  The range of materials and colors made it a tough decision as to what we should order first time around.  Once you see and  feel these pieces and taste your teas from one of these artisan teapots or cups, it will make your tea experience serene and complete.

Lin's has studied teas for years, and has developed three materials that enhance the flavors of teas.  Their Ju Ware porcelains are made for white teas, and light flavored green teas.  The Pottery series brings out the best in green teas, and lightly oxidized oolongs.  The Purion series is a unique process that enhances the flavors of dark oolongs, and black teas.

Stop into the store and have one of the Tea Smithies show off our new treasures.  If you are a web store customer and want further information, call in and we will be pleased to share our appreciation for their works, and answer questions you may have.

Tea and Health-Bottled Teas
One of the fastest growing drink categories in the country is bottled tea, or RTD ready to drink.  We get regular questions about the tea and health value of these drinks.   A recent posting on YAHOO HEALTH did a good job of pointing out the realities of these drinks.   

It reinforces what we tell our customers;  To get maximum health value from your teas, be sure to get fresh loose leaf teas, and brew them for yourselves and of course get them at The Tea Smith.   Also, skip the sugars!! 
Cooking with Tea
At our Annual Open House in September Chef Brian Sullivan treated us to some tasty and unique recipes. 
Lemon Chiffon Creme Brulee

For Custard

  • 2 cups whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Lemon Chiffon Rooibos double strength
  • 5 large egg yolks

For Cr�me Br�l�

  • 12 teaspoons sugar


Make custard:
Preheat oven to 325�F. Place three 4-inch-diameter fluted flan dishes* in each of two 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking pans or place six 3/4-cup ramekins in 1 pan. Mix cream, sugar and Lemon Chiffon Rooibos in heavy medium saucepan. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves and mixture comes to simmer. Cover pan, reduce heat to very low and simmer gently 10 minutes to infuse flavors. Strain into large measuring cup.

Whisk yolks in medium bowl until well blended. Gradually whisk in hot cream mixture just to blend. Return custard to measuring cup; divide among dishes. Pour enough hot water into pans to come halfway up sides of dishes. Carefully transfer pans to oven.

Bake custards until almost set in center when pans are gently shaken, about 30 minutes for fluted flan dishes and 35 minutes for ramekins. Using metal spatula, transfer custards in dishes to work surface; cool 30 minutes. Chill at least 3 hours and up to 2 days.

Make Cr�me Br�l�e:
Sprinkle 2 teaspoons sugar evenly over each custard. Working with 1 custard at a time, hold blowtorch** so that flame is 2 inches above surface. Direct flame so that sugar melts and browns, about 2 minutes.

Refrigerate until custards are firm again but topping is still brittle, at least 2 hours but no longer than 4 hours so that topping doesn't soften.

If you enjoy The Tea Smith, please consider passing this newsletter on to your friends.  We appreciate your support and patronage.


Tim Smith, Chief Leaf
The Tea Smith, L.L.C.
Save 15% on Seasonal TeasA Special Offer for our best customers.  Bring this coupon in for a 15% discount on your next purchase of Autumnal Seasonal Teas.  When shopping online enter AUT10 at checkout, and click redeem.

As if you need another reason to drink fine tea.
Offer Expires: October 16 2010                                                                                         Not Valid With Other Offers