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In This Issue
New Japanese Teas Arrivals
Seasonal Teas Arriving SOON
Shizuoka and Japanese Teas
Tea & Health:Heart Health
Featured Products Teas of Japan

The long awaited Gyokuro has arrived along with a fresh shipment of Sencha Shin Ryoku.  We also have a small amount of the early Spring Sincha in the store.

For a change in taste experience, try brewing these using about 5 grams of tea in about 4 ounces of 160 degree water for about 1 minute. 

Seasonal Teas Arriving SOON!

Autumn is just around the corner and we are blending up some of your favorites, including Sinfully Sweet Apple Pie and last year's MOST POPULAR NEW OFFERING:  Almond Apple Tisane.

Pop into the store, or watch for our big announcement.

You will want to be the first of your friends to have these fabulous flavors.

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78th & Dodge
402 393 7070



In August our Chief Leaf again attended the Hong Kong International Tea Fair to search out new teas and accessories.  We are quite excited and plan to announce some of these in the next month or so.

Along the way Tim visited our Japanese tea supplier in Shizuoka.  The article attached is a short summary of his visit and a few things he picked up about the processing of teas in Japan.

Check out the COUPON at the end for some special prices for a few popular Summer teas.

By month end we will have some of our cool weather seasonals arriving, including the Sinfully Sweet Apple Pie, and last year's sensation  Almond Apple Delight Tisane.

Grab your favorite Cuppa and read on!
Tour of Shizuoka and the "Secrets" of Fine Japanese Teas
Shogun's Castle recreated in Shizuoka
Shogun Castle
  Shizuoka is a beautiful province located mid coast of Japan.  In Shizuoka city, from a lofty building you are treated to a panoramic view that stretches from the ocean to the famous Mt. Fuji.  In between, the lush green mountains reach like fingers to the sea. 
After arrival on the Shinkansen bullet train we headed for the tea gardens.  We weaved and twisted up well maintained but narrow roads, climbing some 3000 feet to arrive at the gardens that produce our tea. Unlike some other areas, much of the tea is produced in small family owned gardens that have been passed along from generation to generation.  Although, some of this is changing as younger family members pursue other more glamorous occupations farms are being purchased by larger companies.
Tea Garden with representation of Mt. Fuji
Mt Fuji
The 1st flush produced late in the Spring is the source of the best teas, including Gyokuro, Sincha and high quality Sencha.  The 2nd and the occasional 3rd flush are considered to be of lesser quality, and go into the production of lesser quality Sencha, and Bancha.  Once the picking is done for the year, the bushes are severely cut back to prevent the plant from flushing until the next Spring.
After the leaves are plucked and withered they are partially dried, and shipped to the factory.  Tea at this stage, called aracha or raw tea, still contains twigs and debris and is not suitable for drinking.

From here we wound back down the mountain to visit a large computer controlled tea factory which is capable of receiving up to 30 tons of leaves per day from as many as 200 different farms. The leaves are in motion almost all the time in the factory, and as they enter are constantly aerated to prevent them from starting to oxidize.  The factory is a well organized, clean facility full of specialized machinery that sort, heat, shape and dry the leaves in a manner that imitates the hand production methods from centuries past.  At the end of the day the 30 tons of aracha will yield 5-6 tons of leaves.
Still, the highest quality teas are produced in small batches which
Making Genmaicha
require much more attention and processing.  To begin with, all of the leaves are produced by a small number of gardens to assure quality and consistency.  Once the aracha is received another important step is to refrigerate almost to freezing the leaves until they are ready to be processed. 
Once in the factory, they are sorted by size before roasting so that each leaf is properly handled. Two different processes are used to sort out the stems, which will be used for Kukicha, from the leaves.  The tea master then tastes the processed leaves, and blends the various sizes together to achieve a balance of flavors.  The finished tea is then vacuum packed and placed in cold storage until it is shipped.
At The Tea Smith, we have always been proud of the quality of our Japanese teas.  Having seen the care and attention with which they are grown, processed and handled it becomes clear that we are really treated to some of the finest teas that Japan has to offer. 

I would encourage you to experiment with the teas and discover the unique and relaxing experience that is imparted by a brilliant cup of Gyokuro, or Sencha Shin Ryoku.

Tea & Health is an industry news site.  A recent article entitled Experts: USDA Report Adds Pressure on Bevs
 begins "
They've cut sugary drinks out of schools. They're introducing lower-calorie products and natural sweeteners. They're giving money to fitness programs. But here it goes again: a new report published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) says that consuming carbonated soft drinks contributes to America's obesity problem."

At The Tea Smith we have always said that drinking tea is part of a healthful lifestyle.  It seems that even the beverage industry is seeing the value in choosing healthy alternatives to sugary drinks.  Many of our customers have replaced sodas with tea, and have been pleased with the taste and the results.  It seems that after a short period, they prefer teas, and have been able to reduce the number of sodas they consume.

All of us at The Tea Smith would like to sincerely thank you for supporting us. We appreciate your patronage.

We love to hear from you about what you like best or what we can do to improve your experience. Please feel free to call or email me at [email protected]
Tim Smith, Chief Leaf
The Tea Smith, L.L.C.
Be a considerate friend. If you know someone who may enjoy tea, please pass this newsletter along to them. They will be forever grateful, and so will we!
Save 15% on any purchase of Summer Specials and Seasonals
Here is a special offering of some of the most popular iced teas,  Included are the Blanc De Blueberry, Mango Mayhem, Snap Dragon, the unique Licorice Whip, and Sweet Pomegranate.  Just click on the link for the list.
Offer Expires: September 19th.                                                                           
Online Enter SEPT10 for Coupon Code at Check out and hit Redeem  
(Not Valid with other offers)