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Iced Tea Features and Free Coupon
July 2008
In This Issue
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Featured Product
RTD (Ready to drink) Teas: The Price of Convenience
3d cup w/steam
Upcoming Events
4th Annual Open House
August 9th-10th
Watch for Details on our BIGGEST & BEST YET 
The Tea Smith's Perfect Iced Tea Recipes
0108 Front page
Real tea is Real easy when you follow our suggestions for infusing iced teas from The Tea Smith.  Click on the link aboive for our favortie methods. 
Use these as a starting point, then add your own flair and creativity 
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Featured Product
Bodum Bistro
When you want to brew in style, the Bodum Bistro is just the item you need.  This 50 ounce glass pitcher features a large infuser basket for any of your favorite teas or herbal infusions
$39.95, but supplies are limited

Summer has arrived, though full of storms in the Midwest. Hot and humid days are on the way.  So when we relax, whether after working in the yard, or entertaining friends, iced beverages are almost always present.  In This issue we take a look at the popular RTD (ready to Drink) offerings as well as some of our customer's favorites.  So fill a glass of YOUR favorite and read on. 
Our Editorial Opinions on Iced Tea Options.
  Most of the tea consumed in the US is iced.  It is a fact that we Americans drink almost 80% of our tea cold.  And the fastest growing segment in the consumer tea industry is RTD-Ready To Drink. 
Two of the following three statements about RTD drinks are accurate.  Can you spot the error?  It is convenient, it is sold everywhere, and it is a healthy drink that is good for you.   
 Fat guy with drink
If you are a regular Tea Smith customer (or just an avid tea drinker) and are concerned about what you consume in your diet, you know that the last statement is a result of millions of dollars in marketing, and not something with which dieticians would agree.
Take a look at the labels and nutritional information from the popular consumer brands, and you will quickly see that you can do better.
For example, Green tea is offered in regular and diet.  This should be your first hint.  Brewed tea has about 8 calories in a glass.  So something must have been added to the Green tea in bottles that adds calories.  According to their labels,  Sugar Cubesbottle of Snapple has about 150 calories, Arizona has 175, and Nestea has 210.  The sugar in these green teas ranges from 30 to 55 grams! 
Seriously, we get used to the fact that sugar has been slipped into many of the foods and beverages we consume. 
So when you are ready to refresh, do something that tastes good, and is good for you;  Brew some naturally sweet, very low calorie tea from The Tea Smith.  Your family and guests will be impressed with how good it is without added sugar, and you can be proud to give them something healthy!
Thanks for your support and patronage of The Tea Smith!  If you know of someone who likes tea or would like to learn more, do them a favor and pass along this newlsetter!

The Tea Smith Family
Tea and Fruit Popsicle 
Bring this coupon to either of our stores on your next visit and enjoy our NEWEST creation; FruitTea Coolers.  These are more than your typical popsicle.  Made with real tea, and real fruit they are fun and tasty.  Plus, they have a little surprise inside.
Try one today, or take a box home.  You may have just discovered your next favorite Summer treat! 
Limit 1 per customer                                                                         Offer Expires: July 13, 2008