In This Issue
October Cupping: Teas of India
Early Seasonal and Holiday Announcements
Expansion at the Legacy Store
Tea in the News
3d cup w/steam
October Cupping
The Teas of India
From White tea, to Chai discover the flavors of this continent!
Thursday October 18th
Legacy Store
168th & Center
330-7070 for reservations and information
7:00 PM
Monday October 22nd
Tower Store
78th & Dodge
393-7070 for reservations and information
7:00 PM
Cost is $12.00 per person, or $10.00 when 2 or more sign up together
Early Seasonal Announcements
Family on COmputer
Watch your inbox in October and November, as we give you early announcements of new teas and accessories for the winter, and Holiday Shooping Seasons!
Quick Links

Things are noisy at the Legacy location this week.  Construction has started on our new Tea Lounge.  We made room for the new teas, and have plenty going on, so grab your favorite cup and read on.
Construction on the NEW space at Legacy
Legacy Construction 
Progress is not always neat.
We have taken possession of the bay next to our original location.  This will double the size of our store.  Features include more room for tea (naturally) some comfortable seating groups for quite conversation and relaxation and some new foods to snack on while you sip.
Of course, we will not neglect the Tower store.  They will also be getting some new lounge chairs for a more comfy and relaxing feel.
We will have most of the work done in the next week, and plan to be pretty much complete by November 1st.
Come on in and help us supervise!

Tea In The News.

Leaves and Bud
It seems that more and more writers and publications have discovered tea!  There were two interesting articles in national publications during the last week or so.
The Wall Street Journal on October 2nd featured and article about the Hot trend in Tea in China; Puerh.  They covered the rising popularity among collectors who collect this tea as one would a fine wine. 
US and World News cited recent studies showing that tea may help us focus our minds.  Research is being done on how tea may affect brain disorders and diseases
Thanks for your support and patronage of The Tea Smith!  If you know of someone who likes tea or would like to learn more, do them a favor and pass along this newlsetter!

The Tea Smith Family