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Above the Fog PLTS Newsletter August 31, 2010 |
Twenty-four students will begin their studies at PLTS this fall. We welcomed them to campus yesterday for orientation. School begins next Wednesday. Thanks be to God for this new school year! May the transitions of the next few weeks be easy for all of you. |
Celebrate 10-10-10 With Us! | |
 On October 8, 1910, a handful of people founded the lone seminary in the West at St. James Lutheran Church in Portland, Oregon. They believed that the church of the West needed leaders prepared in the West, so they struck out in faith to start a seminary. The seeds they planted then have grown into a tree that has borne fruit for the church for a hundred years. This October 10, 2010, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of PLTS, and we invite you to celebrate with us. If you are in the Portland area, plan to join us for any or all of these special occasions.
Saturday, October 9, 2010 Centennial Banquet
Emanuel Hospital Atrium 2801 North Gantenbein Avenue Portland, Oregon 6:00 pm Social 7:00 pm Dinner Presentations of the Centennial
Awards for Faith and Courage
There is no charge for this event, but you are invited to bring a bottle of your favorite Oregon wine to share at your table. Please RSVP and select your entree here.
Sunday, October 10, 2010 Centennial Bach Cantata St. James Lutheran Church 1315 SW Park Ave, Portland 5:00 pm Reception following
Sunday, October 10, 2010 A Birthday Party in Olympia Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 1601 North St SE, Olympia 4:00-6:00 pm Wine, sparkling cider and appetizers provided.
You can also join the celebration by declaring October 10, 2010 to be Faith and Courage Sunday. There are stories of faith and courage in your congregation. There are teachers teaching. There are mentors mentoring. There are quilters quilting.
There are people who have heard the call of Jesus and who serve him every day.
Will you help bring these stories to life? Will you declare October 10, 2010, to be Faith and Courage Sunday in your congregation? Will you uncover your stories of faith and courage and highlight them on 10-10-10?
We want our 100th birthday to be a celebration of faith and courage throughout the church. We invite you to help us make it so! Here are some ideas to help you. |
Founders' Day: September 29, 2010 | |
Ecology, Theology, and the Church: A Liturgical Manifesto - The Rev. Dr. H. Paul Santmire  How is the Church to respond to today's global ecojustice crisis? This presentation cautiously steers around both the torrents of crisis-talk and the urgent claims of environmental ethics on the life of the Church. The argument focuses on the Church's own liturgy, and on the Eucharist in particular, with this manifesto: unless the Church's own liturgy is right, ecologically, the Church will not be fundamentally equipped to respond to the greatest crisis of our times. To this end, several proposals are made for liturgical renewal.
A Lutheran pastor with experience in academic, inner-city, and metropolitan settings, the Rev. Dr. H. Paul Santmire has also pursued a scholarly vocation in the discipline of ecological theology and environmental ethics for more than forty years.
The schedule of events will be announced shortly. Registration is now open; click here. |
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It all begins with planting the seed.
 A couple of years ago, Gary and Pat Andeen invited some people to their home in Beaverton, Oregon, to meet the PLTS President, Phyllis Anderson and Vice President for Seminary Relations, Joel Wudel. Gary was chairing the PLTS Board of Directors at the time, and was being a faithful friend by inviting Lloyd and Margaret Guenther over for what we'll call a "fireside chat." There was a blazing fire in the fireplace. There was certainly chatting. And of course, there were refreshments. Delightful.
Read the whole story here. |
Peters Named Alumnus of the Year | |
The Board of Trustees of the Baptist Theological Union has named Dr. Ted Peters the Alumnus of the Year for 2010.
The Alumnus of the Year award recognizes outstanding achievement by graduates of the Divinity School, and has been awarded annually since 1947. Past recipients include Peter Paris, Lisa Cahill, Robert Franklin Jr., and Jaroslav Pelikan.
Peters will deliver his Alumnus of the Year address "Can We Enhance the Imago Dei? A Theological Assessment of Genetic Alteration, Pharmacological Enhancement, Nanotechnology, and Transhumanism" at 4:00 pm on Thursday, October 28, in Chicago.
The lecture will address theological concerns that arise from recent genetic and technological advances: If 'techno-visionaries'plan to take control of the next stage of human evolution (through guided changes in the human genome, cognitive and physical enhancements through drugs and nanotech implants, uploading human minds into computers, and crossing a threshold where our more intelligent progeny will take the responsibility for creating a post-human race that will supplant the homo sapiens we have come to know), the theologian must ask: would such advances in human intelligence and prowess affect in any way our status before God, the imago dei? |
Updates | |
David Armstrong-Reiner (MA/MDiv 1996) is the author of the new Book of Faith Bible study on the Book of Revelation. David received his PhD from Emory University in 2008 and wrote his dissertation on Revelation. He and Mary Armstrong-Reiner (MDiv 1995) just celebrated six years of co-pastoring Resurrection Lutheran in Bloomington, Illinois.
Howard Baumgart (BD 1955) wrote, "In June 2010, my wife Loree and I journeyed a second time to Norway. Part of the trip was to attend a centennial celebration in the community from which my great-grandparents left for America long ago. Along with visiting distant cousins, a personal memorable moment for me was reading the scripture text and delivering a brief homily in English in the Fluberg church, at the invitation of Pastor Øystein Wang. I immediately liked him when we were introduced and he was a wonderful person with whom to work. He and his wife are accomplished pianists and he has published a number of CDs in various genres. I was given a CD as a gift, along with a book published in 2003 on the occasion of Fluberg's 300th anniversary. It is the oldest church in the district of Land, Oppland County and dates at least into the 14th century. I shall always cherish the emotion I felt and the memory of preaching in the very building where my great-grandparents were baptized, confirmed and exchanged their wedding vows, 16 January 1872."
Jeremy McLeod (MDiv 1978, formerly Lorn Brown) will be serving as one of a team of writers providing materials for the UCC's new Faith Practices curriculum ( He's working on Worship, Art, Music, and Story resources for modules in FP's " Working for Jusitce." This is a very similar role as when Jeremy was the Liturgical Coordinator for the ELCA's Congregational Social Ministry program.
Dan Carlson (TEEM student) was ordained on Sunday, August 15th, at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Excelsior, Minneosota, and has been called to serve Public Safety Ministries Inc. in Excelsior.
John Cummings (MDiv 2010) will be ordained on Sunday, September 26th at 4:30 pm at his home church, Mt. Carmel Lutheran, in San Luis Obispo, California.
Joel Langholz (MDiv 2009) and Becky Herhold (MDiv student) were married on June 12, 2010 at First Lutheran Church in Palo Alto, California. The couple now lives in Southwest Minnesota. Joel begins his second year as Associate Pastor of First Lutheran Church in St. James and Becky will start her fourth-year internship at Augustana Lutheran Church, also in St. James.
"The Bible's Got Talent" was the theme of the 2010 Summer Sundays at Thanksgiving Lutheran Church in Santa Rosa, California. Jean Lebbert (MDiv 1992) lined up as contestants biblical characters whose stories don't appear in the lectionary. Presentations included group readings, youth skits, and old-fashioned storytelling; bag lunch Bible studies held on the Monday preceding allowed participants to gain deeper insight into each character's contribution to the story of living abundantly in the divine. On the final Sunday, the congregation were invited to cast up to ten votes for their favorite story. Monies were sent to the organizations matched to each character. "I think I had more fun than anyone with this theme. I got to do a lot of bible study," comments Pastor Lebbert, confident that if the preacher is having fun and is grounded in scripture, it's okay!
Joseph Leon (TEEM 2002) recently returned from a mission trip to Tia Juana, a Mexican border town near California. He helped to build a house for families in the community and chaperoned youth from Prince of Peace Lutheran and his two daughters, Mirian and Noemi. He wrote, "What a great experience to re-energize and find myself in a community that is so rich in non-earthly possessions, but yet so happy. I encourage anyone to take this trip to Mexico and make a difference in the lives of so many.The food was great, the people were hospitable and new friendships were made. My two girls really enjoyed the experience; they signed up to go along with Emanuel Los Altos, Los Altos Lutheran and St Luke from Sunnyvale to help with VBS."
Eric Luedtke (MDiv 2010) has been called to serve as solo Pastor of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Knoxville, Tennessee. Eric's ordination and installation will be at Gloria Dei on Saturday, September 4 and will feature Jonathan Rundman's "A Heartland Liturgy."
Sarah Meckler (MDiv 2006) has been called as the new associate pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Lodi, California, and was installed on July 25.
Sheila Michaels (TEEM student) was ordained on Sunday, August 22nd, at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Thief River Falls, Minnesota.
Bonnie Novak (TEEM student) will be ordained on Saturday, September 11th, at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Nashua, Montana.
Breonna Roberts (MDiv 2010) was ordained on August 25 at her home congregation, American Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tucson, Arizona. She has been called to serve as assistant pastor at Christ Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Maryland.
Clay Schmidt (GTU PhD 1994) is entering his eleventh year of teaching preaching and worship at Fuller Seminary and is heavily involved in producing events for the Third Lausanne Congress for World Evangelism, to be held in Cape Town, South Africa in October. His two latest books are Sent and Gathered: A Worship Manual for the Missional Church (Baker Academic, 2009), and Praying the Hours in Ordinary Life (Cascade Books, 2010).
Craig Schweitzer (TEEM student) will be ordained on Thursday September 16th at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Martha Neff Stum (MDiv 2010) has been called to Galilee Lutheran Church in Kelseyville, California, and will be ordained there on September 12th.
Your Name Here -- please keep us up to date with your whereabouts and happenings here. |