In This Issue
Past PLTS President Remembers the Future
Dr. Vargas Keynote Speaker
PLTS Student Chosen as Rep to LWF
Summer Session 2009
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In Memoriam
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April 2009
We hope you enjoy this latest edition of PLTS news!
Past PLTS President Remembers the Future
schmalenbergerThe Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmalenberger, former PLTS president, was the guest of honor at the annual luncheon of the Remember the Future Society. He led the assembly on a tour of his recent travels around the world where he has been teaching at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong and a seminary of the Batak Christian Protestant Church in Indonesia.
After his presentation, he entertained questions from the group.
The Rev. Dr. Phyllis Anderson, PLTS President, delivered a brief "State of the Seminary" report, telling the group that the seminary is remaining faithful to its commitment to keep the budget balanced, while at the same time recruiting a full complement of top-shelf students and moving forward with plans to make campus improvements.
All in attendance enjoyed a delicious luncheon, served by seminary staff.
The Remember the Future Society is the group of graduates and friends who have made a provision for the seminary in their estate plans. There are more than 300 members, thanks to the efforts of the Remember the Future Society Committee: Tom Kling, Dr. Judy Larsen, and Jim Carlson. If you have or would like to include the seminary in your estate plan, please contact Joel Wudel in the development office.
At the Sound of Our Name
VargasDr. Alicia Vargas is the keynote speaker at the ELCA's Women of Color in Ministry gathering in Chicago, April 16-18, 2009. The last such gathering was held eight years ago.

Dr. Vargas is currently researching Pauline studies in order to add a Latina voice to the ongoing discussion of the "Lutheran" and "inclusivity" perspective on Paul. Her article, "ELCA Multiculturalism has Pauline Roots," will appear in the July 2009 issue of The Lutheran.
PLTS Student to Serve as Representative to LWF
Matt GuessMatt Guess, a member of the PLTS class of 2013, was chosen to represent the ELCA at the Lutheran World Federation Assembly in Stuttgart, Germany, in 2010. The ELCA Church Council has approved the final list of fifteen delegates from the ELCA. Of the fifteen, three are young adults. Two delegates are LWF Council members. Of the remaining delegates, 40% are female and 40% male, with the inclusion of persons of color and/or primary language other than English, and with a mix of clergy and laity.

Matt, a first-year student in the Master of Divinity program at PLTS and a candidate for ordained ministry through the Southeastern Iowa Synod, is a member of First Lutheran Church in Newton, Iowa. Congratulations!

Summer Session 2009
bridgeOur summer session is sponsored this year by Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, the Pacific School of Religion, and the Center for Arts, Religion and Education of the Graduate Theological Union.
Summer session is designed explicitly for clergy and lay leaders who want to broaden their theological understanding and strengthen their skills for effective ministry. Visit our web site for a class listing and to register.
Graduate Updates
Steve Crittenden (TEEM 2008) was ordained at Star Valley United Church in Thayne, Wyoming, on March 7, 2009.
Phil Petrasek (MDiv 1973) was awarded the "Man of the Year" award for Ferndale, Washington, where he has been serving Christ Lutheran Church for the past six years. The award was based on his involvement in the community, which includes serving on the Police Advisory Commission, as a Community Support Officer for emergency response, and as the coordinator for the Ferndale Community Service Cooperative, an agency that coordinates services to at-risk families and youth. 

Ruth Sievert (MDiv 1980) has a new call at Christ the Shepherd Lutheran Church in Altadena. She was installed on February 1st.
Amy Walter-Peterson (MDiv 2003) has been called by the unit of Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission of the ELCA to serve as the Director for Evangelical Mission in the Upstate New York Synod. Her call began in March. 
Your Name Here -- please send your updates to
In Memoriam
The Rev. Dr. Charles Mays (DMin 1981), died on March 5, 2009, after a short battle with liver cancer. The founding pastor of Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Renton, Washington, Charles also served parishes in Washington, Virginia and Minnesota and also as a board member for many church and community organizations. He is survived by his wife Sandy, three children and four grandchildren. A complete obituary can be found here.
We also received word recently of the 2007 death of the Rev. Dr. Erwin Gerken (DMin 1982).

Blessed be the memory of these servants of God!