The Sportsmen's Voice

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US Congress

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August 8, 2012


Your Trusted Source for Federal and State Policy Updates and News Concerning Our Sportsmen's Heritage  



The 2012 Farm Bill Reauthorization to be Considered in September


Last week, House leaders decided not to bring a one-year extension of the Farm Bill to the House floor and to continue with the passage of a comprehensive Farm Bill when Congress reconvenes in September. The sportsmen's community sent a letter on July 31 to Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor and Minority Leader Pelosi urging them to pass a full reauthorization with the inclusion of a strong conservation title. The House must now work to pass the reauthorization so that it can go to conference before the current Farm Bill expires on September 30.


In the absence of a Farm Bill reauthorization, House leaders brought up and passed legislation on August 2 which temporarily reauthorizes emergency assistance programs that expired last September, in order to help farmers and ranchers cope with the drought. In order to fund these programs, this legislation proposes to take $639 million from two of the largest conservation programs for the farming community; $350 million in mandatory funding would come from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, a cost-share program that provides help to farmers for making environmental improvements, and $289 million would come from the Conservation Stewardship Program, which awards farmers on a tiered basis for stewardship activities. The Senate included drought assistance funding in its passed version of the 2012 Farm Bill and is not expected to take up the House legislation.


Billfish Conservation Act Passed Out of House Committee


On August 1, the House Committee on Natural Resources marked up the Billfish Conservation Act (H.R. 2706), a legislative priority for the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus of the 112th Congress. This legislation was introduced by Representative Jeff Miller, Co-Chair of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus (CSC) and 20 of the 25 cosponsors on the bill are members of the CSC, including all of the House CSC leadership. H.R. 2706 would close U.S. commercial markets to foreign-caught Pacific billfish, Atlantic billfish are already prohibited, thus preventing their catch and importation. However, catch-and-release recreational angling for billfish generates many millions of dollars in economic benefits to the U.S. economy each year; these benefits would grow with the passage of this important legislation. In addition, a prohibition on the sale of Pacific-caught billfish will have virtually no detrimental impacts to America's fishing industry. In order to respect traditional fisheries this legislation will not apply to billfish sold within the State of Hawaii or the Pacific Insular Area; additionally, this ban would have little, if any, impact on America's seafood industry since billfish account for less than 0.1% of U.S. seafood sales in a market that is highly elastic due to the large number of sustainable alternatives and no U.S. commercial fishing boats target billfish The bill was ordered to be reported to the House floor by unanimous consent.


The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation will keep you up to date on the progress of H.R. 2706.




New Jersey Bill Would Provide Voter Registration Opportunities to Sportsmen  


New Jersey Senate Bill 1631, introduced by Senator Steven Oroho, Co-Chair of the New Jersey Legislative Angling and Hunting Conservation Caucus, will be included in hearing held by the Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee on August 9 at 10 a.m. If passed, SB 1631 would require voter registration forms be made available for those applying for a hunting, fishing or trapping license. Any agency or office providing these licenses under the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife in the Department of Environmental Protection would therefore be required to have these forms available.




August Recess Shoot-Out


Over two hundred beginner and experienced shooters joined the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF) for a day of friendly shooting competition. Learn more about the event by reading the press release .  


Political Convention Events   


 The Stars & Stripes Shoot-Out occurs every four years in conjunction with the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. This year, the events will be held on August 28, in Tampa, Florida at the Republican Convention and September 4, in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Democratic Convention. These events provide a chance for members of the caucuses affiliated with the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation to join like-minded sportsmen for a day of friendly shooting sports competition. If you have any questions or would like to join us, contact PJ Carleton at (202) 543-6850 ex. 22 or


23rd Annual Banquet & Auction


 The 23rd Annual Banquet & Auction: A Celebration of America's Sporting Heritage will be held Wednesday, September 19. The yearly Banquet & Auction provides an opportunity for the outdoor sporting community, supporters and friends of the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation to recognize the tremendous work of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus in keeping sportsmen in the field. If you have any questions or would like to join us, contact PJ Carleton at (202) 543-6850 ex. 22 or


8th Annual Wine, Wheels & Wildlife


 The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF) has once again partnered with NASCAR legend and CSF board member Richard Childress to celebrate America's outdoor traditions at the 8th annual Wine, Wheels & Wildlife event on Wednesday, October 17. This unique event presents an opportunity for the nation's leading sportsmen and women, along with political leaders and NASCAR affiliates, to enjoy an evening outdoors at Childress Vineyards. If you have any questions regarding this event or if you would like to join us, contact PJ Carleton at (202) 543-6850 ex. 22 or


National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses' 9th Annual Sportsman - Legislator Summit


 The National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses (NASC) will be holding its 9th Annual Sportsman - Legislator Summit in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in late November. The NASC Sportsman-Legislator Summit is the largest gathering of pro-sportsmen legislators that occurs each year. This event provides the bipartisan group of sportsmen-legislators - representing states across the nation - with the opportunity to interact with state and federal natural resource agencies, allied non-governmental conservation organizations and industries concerned with the future of our nation's outdoor heritage. The meeting is also an opportunity for legislators to gather together to discuss issues impacting the sportsmen's conservation community and to share information relevant to America's hunters and recreational anglers and shooters. We encourage you to continue your involvement in the sportsmen's community by attending this year's Summit.


Sponsorship and hosting opportunities are still available for this year's Summit. For more information contact Jennifer Lundy at 




Working with Congress, Governors and State Legislatures to protect and advance hunting, recreational shooting, fishing and trapping.


For more information on the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation go to or contact Gary Kania at 202.543.6850 x 16 or email