Tracking The Capitols
Tracking the Capitols is a weekly source of legislation currently being tracked by the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation state policy team to keep you informed of the most pertinent and timely state legislation affecting hunting, recreational, shooting, fishing, trapping and other conservation issues. Inclusion in Tracking the Capitols does not necessarily constitute support or opposition to legislation by CSF and/or the CSF States Program.

Working with  
State Legislators

This Week's Updates For The Week of  

June 20, 2012

Recently Introduced Bills:


Delaware HB 367
Intro Date: 6/5/2012

Sponsor: Representative John Atkins
Issue Brief: Sunday hunting
Summary: An act to amend title 7 of the Delaware code relating to the prohibition on Sunday hunting. Synopsis: this bill would allow hunting on private property on Sundays after noon.


Pro-Sportsmen Bills Moving this Week:


Illinois HB 4819 

Intro Date: 2/3/2012

Sponsor: Representative Ed Sullivan - Member, Illinois Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Crossbows
Summary: Amends the Wildlife Code. Removes language limiting the use of crossbows to hunt deer during the open season for bow and arrow set annually by the Director to handicapped persons and persons age 62 or older. Creates a provision that permits individuals to hunt with a crossbow if certain conditions are met. Makes corresponding changes in provisions concerning deer hunting, deer hunting permits, and prohibitions. Effective immediately.

Status: Passed Both Houses on May 31.


Anti- Sportsmen Bills Moving this Week:


California SB 1221 

Intro Date: 2/23/2012

Sponsor: Senator Ted Lieu

Issue Brief: Hunting with Hounds

Summary: This bill would prohibit a person from permitting a dog to pursue a bear or bobcat at any time. This bill would exempt from that prohibition the use of dogs by federal, state, or local law enforcement officers, or their agents or employees, when carrying out official duties as required by law. By changing the definition of a crime, this bill would impose a state-Mandated local program.

Status: Hearing will be held on June 26 in Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife.  

SCISCI is a proud partner of CSF and
sponsors in part TRACKING THE CAPITOLS

Working with Congress, Governors and State Legislatures to protect and advance hunting, recreational shooting, fishing and trapping.



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For additional information on legislation included in this report please contact the appropriate representative


Southeastern States Director Jennifer Lundy, at 321.253.0016, or email


Midwestern States Director Chris Horton, at 501.865.1475, or email


Northeastern States Manager Brent Miller, at 202.543.6850 x 13, or email


Western States Manager Andy Treharne, at 202.543.6850 x 19, or email