How To Hire Top Talent
ne of the biggest problems in businesses today entails making mistakes about who to deploy to perform specific roles within an organization. There are a number of tactics available to assist employers in hiring the top talent to meet the needs of their companies.
First, the company should devise a blueprint for the role that needs to be filled within the company. Rather than hire the well-rounded employee who can fill any role, managers should seek individuals who have specific talents for specific roles. Strive to hire the specialist rather than the generalist.
Conventional hiring practice sets goals to attract those individuals who have graduated from the best schools with the highest grades. However, recent research has shown that this practice does not necessarily lead to recruitment of candidates most suitable to a specific position.
The process should not be about hiring the best person. It should be about hiring the right person. Seek the candidate who has a 90% chance of achieving a set of outcomes that only 10% of a group of people could achieve.
This could as easily lead to the young woman who ran her father's company instead of working toward that Harvard MBA. The key is to be sure about the person you are hiring and make sure they will be able to accomplish the goals set forth by your company once they are in the role. The majority of successful companies are now beginning to use their own networks to source talented candidates for a position.
In other words, if possible, hire from within. It is common sense, but not necessarily common practice to stay in close touch with and talk to a company's networks on a regular basis. Finding the right talent can be as simple as asking trusted co-workers and associates the question, "Who do you think I should hire?" There is no better, more successful or more cost effective way to generate a flow of the right talent. But if you don't know what you are looking for in a position, you won't know what to look for in the candidate!
Managers tend to fail at hiring the ideal candidates who possesses the right talents because they do not follow a rigorous enough hiring process. Interviews should walk through a candidate's entire career in chronological order. They will also need to know how a person will do the job, why they will do the job, and will they do the job.
This is the best way available to make a good hiring decision. You are not going to be able to distinguish the real talent from the average performer in a rushed, twenty-minute interview. Taking the extra time at the beginning of the hiring process is well worth the time and effort when that right candidate comes through for your organization.
If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with your current hiring needs, contact us today!t
We encourage your participation and comments.
~ Written by Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected worldwide. All rights reserved. |

Exceptional Leaders...
Invite The Truth
o be effective, leaders must know what is really going on within their organization. Inherent in the nature of organizations and individuals is a tendency toward fear. This fear causes employees to not communicate bad news, lest they be held responsible.
Some leaders' negative reactions to bad news can cause employees to either soft pedal the truth or simply not communicate it. This causes "CEO's disease," the condition of being blind to what is really going on-a sure path to failure as a leader.
Some leaders invite the truth and react to communications in a way that drives out the natural fear that exists in most organizations. They create strategies and develop competencies that create a culture of trust.
They know what is going on, both the good news and the bad news, and can therefore respond appropriately in terms of the needs of the business.
Thought Provoker 
- Are you getting the truth?
- Are you aware of the natural tendency of employees to 'put the most positive slant on things'?
- Are you creating a culture of trust by your personal style that fosters others to provide ALL the information, both good and bad?
- How do you react to bad news? Do you kill the messenger?
Studies have shown that organizations where fear is at minimum and good news and bad news flows naturally are the most successful.t
~ Copyright protected by author Bruce M. Anderson. Reprinted with permission. Thinking Partners Inc.713-882-5285 |

Turn Negative Into Positive Action
"Learned optimism" - the ability to interpret negative events in positive terms, can boost your productivity. To give yourself a mental edge:
- Devise three solutions to any problem. By forcing yourself to identify a trio of options, you leave less time for anxiety. You'll also gain momentum by seeking more creative solutions.
- Reframe from upsetting situations. That's better than allowing your mood to deteriorate. Example: Replace thoughts of "That customer was so rude" with "That person must really be having a bad day."
- Embrace each challenge on its own terms. Don't assume problems are here to stay or that negative, unbreakable patterns must block your success. t
Source: Communication Briefings, as adapted from Shape, Weider Publications |
All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted. � 2011. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent from SA and copyright holder(s). All rights reserved worldwide. |
Patrice W Manuel
CEO/Senior Principal |
To Think. To Plan. To Win.
4033 Central Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
Telephone: 816.256.4577
Email: info@pstrada.com
For more information, go to www.pstrada.com |
Steve Jobs Quotes
"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me...Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful...that's what matters to me." ~ The Wall Street Journal
"We don't get a chance to do that many things, and everyone should be really excellent, because this is our life. Life is brief, and then you die, you know? And we've all chosen to do this with our lives. So it better be damn good. It better be worth it." ~ Fortune |
In memory of Steve Jobs - American inventor and entrepreneur. Co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.
February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011 |