Online Banking Password Know How

Answer Key

June 2012

How did you do with this challenge? As the credit union leader, did you answer the questions yourself? Did you involve your team and ask for their help? Read the answers below and see if your answers match up to ours.

This screen allows you to create a report that shows you which members have inactive or disabled online banking passwords.

Answer: MNAUDT - 7 (Auditing Functions - Audit Disabled/Inactive PIN/PWs)


This link allows members to reset their own online banking passwords.

Answer: The I forgot My Password link in the online banking login screen


This is where your staff can reset member passwords.

Answer: MNUPDA - 11 (Update Functions 2 - Update ARU/Online Banking Access)


This screen helps you find out the number of times your staff reset member passwords.

Answer: MNMISC - 10 (Miscellaneous Processing - Mbr PIN/Password Change History)


This tool helps you figure out why members keep having to reset their passwords.

Answer: MNCNFE - 6 (Internet Member Services Config - Config PIN/PW Reset Reason Codes)


Keep Asking Questions!

Did you find all the answers? Did your team come up with the same answers as you? Did you discover some trends or learn new facts about your credit union? Look for the next CEO Tickler, which will show you even more that CU*BASE can do for your credit union and your members!


Read previous issues of the CEO Tickler at:



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