Reports Tell A Story

March 2012


There are advantages to having all the answers before the questions are asked.  Like today, for instance.  We delivered the CEO Tickler Answers at noon, and now here in Jeopardy fashion, are the matching questions.


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CU*BASE has hundreds of ways to display statistics, trends, and measurements comparing actual results to plans and goals. This edition of the CEO Tickler focuses on major screens and reports you can use to effectively assess progress compared to goals set for your credit union.

Where do you go to display data showing loan volumes, approvals, and overall productivity?

When digging into these statistics in the loan queue also notice their loan origination and type of loan.


Which report allows you to view trends based on the types of loan applications?

Trends change over the course of time. It's important to understand the factors behind the rise and fall pattern of loan types.    


Which report produces a list of all members based on outstanding loan balances?

This report is often used to review 'top' borrowers for regulatory purposes.      

Which report allows you to compare indirect lending members with standard members?

If you want to retain members coming to you through the indirect channel, the ability to analyze this data can be helpful.  


Where will you find reports that are highly recommended by experts at CU*Answers?

This report series has a name, but the categories are most important when determining which are best to answer your particular business questions.  


Keep Asking Questions!

Have you found the answers yet?  More importantly, have you prompted your team to see if they know the answers?  If you're stuck, in two weeks we'll send a follow-up newsletter with a few hints. 


Read back issues of the CEO Tickler at



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