
Barnstable County Human Services 
In This Issue
MASS 2-1-1
Data & Information Services Bid Announcement
RFP - Regional Network to Address Homelessness
World Suicide Prevention Day
National Day of Service & Remembrance
"NO MORE" Project Webinar
National Recovery Month
United Way Grant
Samaritans Training Sessions
Grief & Healing After Suicide Webinar
Suicide Prevention Trainings
Asset Building Grant Opportunity
Prader-Willi Syndrome Conference
NAMI - Charity Golf Tourney
Joining Forces Community Challenge
Regional Domestic Violence Council
2011 Ounce of Prevention Conference
Barnstable Senior Center News
2011 Kids Count Data Book
Samaritans Welcomes New Leadership
Veterans Crisis Hotline
Healthy Connected Cape Cod
Samaritans Survivor Support Group
Homelessness Crisis Hotline
E-Newsletter Article Submissions
Quick Links


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September 6, 2011


Welcome to the information E-Newsletter from Barnstable County Department of Human Services.  This newsletter is designed to provide timely information on health and human service topics of interest for people living and working in Barnstable County. This publication will be sent out periodically to our mailing list.  Please forward this newsletter to your friends and colleagues and if you are not on our mailing list you can join by clicking on the JOIN THE MAILING LIST button below.
If you have information you would like included in future e-newsletters, please follow the submission requirements outlined at the bottom of the page and email to kcallahan@barnstablecounty.org

Elizabeth Albert, Director
Barnstable County Department of Human Services
Is your organization listed on 2-1-1?  If not, take some time and list it today!
  • Do you provide health or human services on Cape Cod or the Islands?
  • Does the public know what services you provide?
  • Do people know how to access your services?
  • Do you need assistance in finding services for your clients?
~ Is your organization listed on Mass 2-1-1?  If not, let us know.
~ Not sure how to use 2-1-1?  It's easy - call us for free training.
~ Want to learn how to create your own directory of resources?
MASS 2-1-1 is a free, confidential, 24/7 information and referral database and hotline for access to health and human services for consumers and providers.  Multi-lingual translations are also available.  The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has designated it as the official point of contact for receiving emergency information during a time of crisis.  

MASS 2-1-1 is a project supported by the Barnstable County Department of Human Services in partnership with the Cape & Islands United Way. 

For more information contact the Barnstable County Dept. of Human Services at kcallahan@barnstablecounty.org or call 508/375-6626 or ronniegullette@comcast.net or call 508/277-3008.  To locate services dial 211 or 1-877-211-MASS on your telephone or go to www.mass211help.org

The Barnstable County Department of Human Services is seeking a qualified contractor to provide Data and Information Services for the Healthy Connected Cape Cod Initiative.  Maximum contract is $23,000 and it is anticipated that this project will require a minimum of 15-20 hours per week.  Bids will be accepted until 12 Noon on September 9, 2011.  For bid specifications please email Beth Albert at balbert@barnstablecounty.org.



Request for Proposals:  Barnstable County, through its Chief Procurement Office and on behalf of the Department of Human Services, seeks a qualified contractor to assist the Department in coordination of the "Regional Network to Address Homelessness".  The maximum amount available for this contract is $40,000.


The RFP and submission requirements will be released on Thursday, September 8th and will be available on the Barnstable County Purchasing website:  http://purchasing.barnstablecounty.org.  Please forward this information to interested parties.



September 4 - 10, 2011 is National Suicide Prevention Week.  The Cape & Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition has a calendar of events and trainings for September, October and November on its website at www.suicideispreventable.net



In 2009, September 11th officially became a National Day of Service and Remembrance as part of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act.  For this year's Tenth Anniversary, Americans across the country will join together to remember the victims of the September 11th attacks and to pay tribute to those who rose to defend our nation here and abroad.


Cape Cod Volunteers expects that the national significance of this day will inspire many of the Cape's community members to get involved.  This year, the 9/11 Day of Service takes place on a Sunday, giving families and adults with full-time jobs the opportunity to serve.  Please consider posting volunteer opportunities that could be appropriate for families and all age groups on the Cape Cod Volunteer website.  Individuals looking for volunteer opportunities are encouraged to check out the Cape Cod Volunteer website as well.



Over the past year and a half, representatives from several domestic violence and sexual assault organizations have been coming together with a small group of funders and private sector volunteers to work on an exciting new effort called The NO MORE Project.  This project is about creating a new, over-arching visual symbol to help raise public awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault.


National Web conference to preview The NO MORE Project is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6, 2011, 1:00 PM (EST).  Click here to register.  This webinar will be repeated at 4:00 PM (EST).  Click here to register.



Join the voices for recovery at the Rise & Shine for Recovery Cape Cod Symposium Fun 4 mile Run-Walk on Saturday, September 10, 2011.  Start/ending location is the The Resort & Conference Center at Hyannis, 35 Scudder Ave, West End Rotary, Hyannis.  Registration begins at 6:30 AM, Walk/Run begins at 6:45 AM.


Event sponsored by Gosnold on Cape in partnership with the Mass Organization for Addiction Recovery (MOAR), the Freedom from Addiction Network (FAN) and Students Opposed to Pills (STOP).



C&I United Way 2012 Community Investment Grant Application now available.  Grant proposals will be accepted from August 15 through September 26, 2011 by 4:00 PM for consideration of 2012 funding.  All 501 (C)3 non-profit organizations, municipalities, or schools providing services in the following three key investment areas are eligible to apply:  1. Nurturing and Protecting Children and Youth, 2. Supporting and Sustaining Families, 3. Support for Aging and Vulnerable Populations.  Historically, grants have ranged from $5,000 to $50,000, and will be reviewed by over 40 volunteer community panel members. 


The guidelines and grant application instructions are available on the United Way Website.  For more information please call 508/775-4746.  To download the grant application, click here or visit the "News and Announcements" section of the UW website.



The Samaritans on Cape Cod and the Islands will be offering Crisis Line and Senior Outreach Volunteer Training in September.  Training dates are scheduled for 9/12, 9/13, 9/15, 9/20 and 9/21 from 5:45  - 8:45 PM.  Interested candidates are encouraged to call the Samaritans office at 508/548-7999 or visit www.CapeSamaritans.org for more information.



This webinar will provide an overview of the unique grief of survivors (those who have lost someone to suicide) and the unique supports needed to help heal after a suicide loss.  The webinar will address many of the issues that the newly bereaved face including:  Why did this happen?  How do I cope?  Where can I find support?  In addition, participants will gain more information on what we currently know about suicide and grief and what resources current exist.


Webinar will take place on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 from 2:00 - 3:30 PM (EST).  Register for the webinar by emailing Brandy Brooks at brandy.brooks@state.ma.us.  Webinar is sponsored by the Massachusetts Suicide Prevention Program.



Assessing & Managing Suicide Risk:  Core Competencies for Mental Health Professionals - September 14, 2011, 8:00 AM 0 5:00 PM at the Taunton Inn & Conference Center, 700 Myles Standish Blvd, Taunton.  This training is designed for mental health or health care professionals that provide direct clinical services to clients or patients.  For complete details go to the Mass Dept. of Public Health Suicide Prevention Calendar at www.adcare-educational.org.


Grief After Suicide:  Walking the Journey with Survivors - October 18, 2011, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM at the Radisson Hotel Plymouth Harbor, 180 Water St., Plymouth.  This workshop will provide a focused overview of the impact of suicide on survivors and the clinical and support responses that needed after a suicide occurs.  For complete details go to the Mass Dept. of Public Health Suicide Prevention Calendar at www.adcare-educational.org.



The Massachusetts Attorney General's Office announces the "Asset Building in Low Income Communities" grant opportunity.  Grants will be awarded to consumer-oriented programs that provide services and support to low-income communities within Massachusetts.  Four awards of up to $75,000 are expected.  Examples of eligible activities include:  providing consumer education and other assistance to increase household assets/savings to support long-range financial goals (such as becoming a first-time homeowner; paying for college, or planning for retirement)' home financing education; recognizing and avoiding predatory lending practices and debt management assistance; and promoting job development and small business opportunities.  Applicants must submit completed grant forms via email by September 15, 2011.  Click here for Grant Guidelines.



Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a complex genetic disorder that manifests with severe, idiosyncratic symptoms, including insatiable appetite, the health implications of which can be serious. Inattention to the special treatments required by those with PWS can be life-threatening.


A conference for Families, Providers and Professionals will be held September 16-17, 2011 at the Ocean Edge Resort & Golf Club in Brewster, MA.  To view the conference brochure or to register on-line click here.  For questions contact Jennelle Cain at 508/628-6672 or JCain@advocatesinc.org.


Sponsored by Latham Centers, Advocates & Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of New England.



Annual Charity Golf Tourney to benefit the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on Cape Cod will be held on Monday, September 19th at the Ridge Club in Sandwich and will begin with a shotgun start at 11:00 AM.  This event will include golf, lunch, dinner, prizes, gifts, silent auction, and raffle.  People may wish only to attend the dinner reception if they do not golf.  All net proceeds will support programs and services to help support, educate, and advocate on behalf of families of those with mental illness as well as those with mental illness themselves.


For more information, to register for golf, dinner, and/or sponsorships please visit http://www.Itsevent.com/boston/namicape/



In April 2011, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden launched Joining Forces, a national initiative to support ad honor America's Service Members and their families.  The First Lady and Dr. Biden have now established the Joining Forces Community Challenge to recognize citizens and organizations with a demonstrated, genuine, and deep desire to serve military families.  Citizens and organizations providing programs, services, or support designed to ease the burden and alleviate the emotional and mental stress on service members and their families are encouraged to apply for the Joining Forces Community ChallengeNominations must be submitted by September 30, 2011.


For more information about volunteer opportunities and other ways to support military families visit the National Resource Directory.



The next quarterly meeting of the Cape & Islands Regional Domestic Violence Council will be held at Community Action Committee, 115 Enterprise Rd., Hyannis on September 20, 2011 from 9:00 - 10:30 AM.  Agenda items include:  networking and short business meeting and a presentation from the Men's Hope Center on the topic of "Heterosexual Males who are Victims of Domestic Violence. Support resource information will also be available.  Please RSVP to Caronanne Procaccini, CACCI at Tel: 508/771-1727, ext 135 or cap@cacci.cc



Communities ~ Taking Charge ~ Making Change, scheduled for October 4, 2011 at the Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel, Marlboro, MA.


The U.S. public health system is moving toward increased use of evidence-based policy and systems change to prevent disease, promote health, and eliminate disparities.  How do we go beyond the buzz words to understand what's really happening and gain tools to strengthen our own communities, organizations, and residents?  Conference will examine public health prevention in the era of state and national health care reform, promoting community health with data and accessible technology, challenges and benefits of increasing access to locally produced foods.  Register today!



The Barnstable Senior Center, 825 Falmouth Rd, Hyannis offers many great programs and events including entertainment, workshops & seminars, and health & wellness programs.  For a comprehensive calendar of events visit http://town.barnstable.ma.us/seniorservices/



Annie E. Casey Foundation has released the 2011 Kids Count Data Book comparing indicators of child well-being across states.  The data book also includes the essay "Promoting Opportunity for the Next Generation" that addresses how children are faring in the wake of the economic downturn and the worsening picture for vulnerable children and families. 


Click on each link for the data book and links to other associated information are:

2011 Kids Count Data Book, Kids Count Data Center to search by state and within states, Summary of Massachusetts rankings compared with the nation.


For more information contact Christine stein at Barnstable County Dept. of Human Services at cstein@barnstablecounty.org or Tel: 508/375-6629.



The Samaritans on Cape Cod and the Islands sends good wishes & heartfelt thanks to Maura Wilson, former Director.  Maura plans to remain active with the Samaritans.


Stephanie Kelly, Assistant Director over the past year will assume the Executive Director role for the organization.  Her depth of experience will serve the organization well as the Samaritans continue to make a difference in those in need.


Samaritan volunteer, Jessica McHugh will be serving as Assistant Director.   Her professional experience and expertise will serve the Samaritans with community outreach, volunteer program management, online communications and program develoment.



The VA has rebranded the National Veterans Suicide Prevention Hotline to what is now called Veterans Crisis Line.  The purpose of the change is to shift the emphasis from "suicide" to "crisis" for Veterans and their families to make that critical first call for help.  The Veterans Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255, Press 1) is available 24/7/365 to provide confidential counseling and referrals for Veterans and their families.  This is an integrated national outreach effort to increase awareness and use of the Veterans Crisis Line, support and promote broader VA suicide prevention efforts, and promote help-seeking behaviors among Veterans at risk of suicide and other mental health problems.


For more information about the Veterans Crisis Line please click here.


The "Healthy Connected Cape Cod" project promotes opportunities to access good, nutritious food and to share the abundance of this food with neighbors and friends.
  • Support existing programs and practices that encourage happy and healthy eating
  • Increase awareness of and participation in food-centered activities
  • Increase healthy food options at all Cape Cod food pantries
  • Promote community-driven advocacy and public education around healthy and happy eating.

To learn more visit http://www.bchumanservices.net/ or contact Beth Albert at Tel: 508/375-6626 

Over 800,000 people worldwide end their lives annually.  Seven to ten people -- parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren and close friends -- deeply feel the devastation of each loss.  
That means that approximately 5 million "survivors" are left behind every year.
Samaritans has expanded the number of sites on the Cape & Islands for their survivor support groups including Falmouth, Hyannis and Nantucket.  These groups honor and respect the needs of the survivors, provide unconditional emotional support, help survivors gain courage and comfort from one another, and deal with a unique grief that is often not understood by others.

For more information contact the Samaritans office at Tel: 508/548-7999
Serving individuals & families in the communities of Barnstable County, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.  Staffed by trained homelesness prevention advocates.  Immediate local emergency housing, food and transportation available.  Referral to the right resources for assistance, assessment and on-going support.


If you or someone you know, are in crisis and have no place to stay tonight, call the  Crisis Hotline at 1-888-656-2233 to connect with an experienced advocate who can arrange local overnight emergency housing until the next business day.  You will meet with an advocate the following day to help you access available resources and supportive services.


The crisis hotline is a regional innovation pilot project funded by a grant to CACCI by Barnstable County through the Cape & Islands Regional Network to End Homelessness from the Massachusetts Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness.
 To submit materials, please include the following information:
  • Descriptive Title
  • Brief Description of the Content (the who, what, why, when, where) 
  • Attachments must be submitted in PDF and text format (either DOC or RTF files are acceptable)
  • Weblink or Hyperlink if available 
  • Contact information of the person submitting the information and if appropriate, the contact person for the event (include name, address, phone, TTY, email)

Barnstable County Seal

Posting of articles submitted for publication in the Barnstable County Human Services Newsletter is at the discretion of the Department.  All articles must be submitted in text format to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  To request this newsletter in alternate formats, please call Kathie at 508-375-6628 or TDD at 508-362-5885.