CDF leads Green Streets Training Program in Iowa
 Main Street Iowa, within the Iowa Department of Economic Development, retained
CDF to develop the first training program ever to provide Integrated Green
Strategies for Main Street communities throughout the state. The training
program builds on the Green Street Pilot Project led by CDF in West Union, Iowa
and illustrates the potential downtown revitalization benefits from an
integrated, holistic approach.
CDF leads the team of
nationally-recognized experts that are developing the program, including:
Mazur, Caerulean Collaborative (local art and craft)
Fagan, Sam Schwartz Engineering (transportation)
Gibbs, Gibbs Planning Group (urban retail)
Farr, Farr Associates (sustainable urbanism)
The program includes
a webinar available state-wide, followed by individual workshops in 25-30 towns
participating in the Main Street program.
CDF teaches IIT's Landscape Architecture 2nd Year
Masters Studio
Image credit: Conservation Design Forum
Each year the Illinois Institute of
Technology invites design professionals to teach a studio course through the
Dreihaus Foundation. This year, CDF has the distinct privilege to teach the "Spring 2010 LA Studio 544 IV: Site, City and Region."
The studio course is
made up of a group of 14 Landscape Architecture and Architecture students who are
focusing on site, neighborhood, and community-scale planning from an integrated,
sustainable design approach. The students are working on two project
sites which include: 1) an urban brownfield mixed-use retrofit, and 2) a rural
eco-village that includes restorative agriculture. The course is co-taught by CDF's Lybra Lindke,
James Patchett, and David Yocca, with guest lectures and critiques from Ron
Doetch (Michael Fields Institute), Margot Mazur (Caerulean Collaborative), Doug
Farr (Farr Associates), and CDF staff members Tom Price, Gerould Wilhelm, Alan
Scimeca, Jason Navota, and others.
Johnson Controls Global Headquarters receives WI Builder Top Project
|  Wisconsin Builder Magazine recognized 30 projects throughout the state
of Wisconsin that "made a difference in their communities,
triumphed despite tricky circumstances and introduced a new technique to the
industry." CDF was part of a collaborative team led by Gensler to
design a major expansion and site renovation for the Johnson Controls Global
Headquarters in Glendale, near Milwaukee. An awards dinner will be
held on April 21, 2010 to recognize the winning
projects, and each will also be featured in the May issue of Wisconsin Builder.
CDF led civil and water resources engineering, landscape architecture and ecological
restoration services for the project. The headquarters is projected to achieve LEED Platinum
certification, and is registered with the USGBC. Read the Award Announcement >
Charles H. Shaw Learning and Technology Center featured in "Chicago Architect Magazine"
|  In the Chicago Architect article
"Power Switch," (January-February 2010 edition), Farr Associates'
Jonathan Boyer was interviewed about the conversion of the Sears, Roebuck &
Co.'s former power plant building into a LEED-certified charter high
school. The school, which is in its first academic year, showcases
preservation, adaptive reuse, community development, educational innovation,
and sustainability. CDF provided ecological site design and engineering
Learn more >
Iowa State College of Design's King Pavilion achieves LEED Platinum
| Image credit: Iowa State University
The King Pavilion at ISU's
College of Design provides classroom and studio space for architecture and
landscape architecture students. The King Pavilion is the first higher
education building to receive LEED Platinum certification in the state of Iowa.
As part of a team led by RDG Planning and Design, CDF provided complete,
ecologically-based landscape architecture and civil engineering services for
the project. The design includes permeable paving, an extensive green roof,
and bioretention/rain gardens - all part of the overall rainwater management
Read the Press Release >
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Patient Tower achieves LEED Gold
|  Lutheran
General's new 380,000-square foot 12-story patient tower, which opened in 2009,
achieved LEED Gold certification. CDF provided landscape architecture and
water resources engineering services on a team led by OWP/P | Cannon Design,
which also includes Gewalt Hamilton Associates.
Site elements include ornamental rain gardens adjacent to the main
entrance drive, a cascading water runnel that leads to a public sculpture
garden, a pediatric rooftop terrace, and a courtyard respite garden. The design
encourages public accessibility to ornamental and functional rainwater elements
that are both beautiful and educational.
ASLA 2010 National Professional Awards Program | 
David Yocca, CDF's Principal Landscape Architect/Planner, is honored to
join the group of designers and writers serving as the Professional Awards Jury
for the American Society of Landscape Architects 2010 awards program. Each year, the Professional Awards program recognizes
the best examples of landscape architecture from around the globe.
Learn more >
West Union, Iowa Receives $4.5 million in Grant Awards
|  The
Green Streets Pilot Project, a green infrastructure/complete streets demonstration
project in West Union, Iowa, has received over $4.5 million in public grant
awards. As the project lead, CDF is
providing landscape architecture and ecological engineering services on a team
including TeKippe Engineering, IBC
Engineering, and the Iowa Department of Economic Development. The team has assisted in obtaining funding
from a variety of sources, including the Iowa's
Department of Transportation, Department of Natural Resources, and the Watershed
Improvement Review Board.
Learn more about CDF's grant assistance >
Omega Center for Sustainable Living
 Image credit: Omega Institute
The Omega Institute for Holistic Studies is
recognized worldwide for its' outstanding programs and speakers that inspire
people to healthy, sustainable living. The Institute retained a design team to
implement a design approach for its campus infrastructure consistent with its
restorative mission. As part of a major campus enhancement, a new wastewater
recycling and re-use system was developed using an "ecological engine" with
constructed wetland elements. The project includes a classroom building that
houses a portion of the wastewater treatment system, and provides learning
space in a setting with a didactic display of the Omega Institute's commitment
to water conservation. Both the USGBC's LEED program and the Cascadia
Region-Green Building Council's "Living Building Challenge" served as design
tools. The Center is one of the first
buildings to achieve the Living Building Challenge certification.
rainwater capture/reuse
wastewater treatment system, including an "ecological engine" and constructed
parking lot bioswales
Location: Rhinebeck, New York Client: Omega Institute Team: BNIM, project lead, architecture John Todd Ecological Design, ecological wastewater design Conservation Design Forum, landscape architecture,
water resources engineering
The Chazen Companies, civil engineering and permitting
Landscapes, Private Wisconsin Residence
|  Image credit: Conservation Design Forum
A new paradigm in sustainable site practices
is emerging - one that integrates art, ecology, and function towards the
creation of healthy, inspiring places. This is the approach for the renovation
of a country estate in Waukesha,
The master plan contains guiding principles which focus on water as a resource,
renewable systems, and the restoration of healthy ecology as the foundation.
The site program includes the gradual adoption of the property to the lifestyle
desired by its owners in consilience with all the plants and animals that make
it home. Site features crafted of local materials reflect the natural history
and geology of the site.
of grazed, low-intensity agricultural landscape into restored native prairie
woodland cleared of invasive and aggressive species
landscapes restored and managed
renovated for energy-efficiency and authentic materials
paths and quiet resting spots integrated into the landscape
and landscape features crafted with native stone
landscapes with low-input native and adapted plantings
constructed with porous interlocking
concrete unit pavers for function and beauty
amenities, including a rainwater harvesting and re-use system, runnels,
and created pond maintained with natural
water cleansing systems
Location: Waukesha, Wisconsin Team: Conservation Design
Forum, master planning, landscape architecture,
ecological restoration
Conservation Land Stewardship, site assessment and construction oversight Caerulean Collaborative, design consultant Pond Alliance, water feature consultant
Ann Arbor Municipal Center

Graphic credit: Atelier Dreiseitl
The City of Ann Arbor, Michigan is
renovating and expanding their downtown city hall and police and courts
buildings. The City made the decision to
improve and add to the existing downtown site and to use green building and
site approaches to guide plans that achieve the greatest long-term value for
city residents.
In the site design for the Municipal Center,
rainwater will be celebrated as a visible amenity as it is directed from the
roofs of the buildings across the site to street-side rainwater planters and a
large public rain terrace. The system's water strategies include green roofs,
native/adapted plantings appropriate for the urban setting, and porous concrete
unit paving, which provide both beauty and function. Following the leadership of the Ann Arbor
Public Art Commission, the team is working with international water artist
Herbert Dreiseitl on several components within the public spaces inside and
outside of the buildings. Water as Art will provide a beautiful, relaxing
element in this very public space. The art will also teach people about
the importance of water, and be a reminder of the facility's location within
the Huron River Watershed. Currently under
construction, the project aspires to obtain a LEED Gold rating from the U.S.
Green Building Council.
Integrated rainwater landscape
Porous interlocking concrete unit paving in parking/drop-off
areas and public plaza
Visually accessible green roof systems on lower roof surfaces
terrace with full public access in and through a water landscape
rainwater planters
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan Client: City of Ann Arbor, Michigan Team: Quinn Evans Architects, project lead, architecture
OWP/P | Canon Design, architecture InSite Design Studio, landscape architecture Conservation
Design Forum, landscape architecture, stormwater
engineering Stantec, civil engineering, permitting Herbert Dreiseitl, water specialists
A Doctrine of Sustainability
| By Gerould Wilhelm, Principal Botanist/Ecologist
There are at least six principles that must be attended to in all
design programs, if we really are to sustain the ability for next
generations to have at least as many choices for free, clean, and
healthful living as we have. A principle is a statement with which no
one in the colloquium would disagree.
I. Accrued understanding of sustained ways of living and
technologies, along with an operational ethic, when inculcated in our
children, will be passed along to their children.
However clever and brilliant our strategic and tactical applications
to sustainable design might be, we must be aware that, at any given
point in time, they are always nascent and imperfect---always coming
into being. What is important is the ethics that drive the solutions
and the metrics to assess the implementations for modifications of the
next iterations. Elders are keepers of wisdom, the middle ones are the
practitioners of tried and true ways, and children are the innovators
with energy and na�vet� to move us forward. ... Read More >
April 9, 2010 Unilock UniExpo 2010 David Yocca, Principal Landscape Architect/Planner, CDF
April 9, 2010 Green Infrastructure + Sustainable Urban Design
for Public Officials + Community Stakeholders
James Patchett, Founder and President, CDF
14, 2010 Illinois Institute of Technology College
of Architecture Lecture
Herbert Dreiseitl,
Atelier Dreiseitl
April 21, 2010 Illinois Institute of Technology College of Architecture Lecture James Patchett, Founder and President, CDF
April 26, 2010 Racine Kenosha Master Gardener Association meeting James Patchett, Founder and President, CDF
June 10, 2010 Michigan Stormwater Management Seminar Patrick Judd, CDF
June 10-12, 2010 AIA 2010 National Convention David Yocca, Principal Landscape Architect/Planner, CDF
September 7, 2010 Oakland County Building Sustainable Communities Seminar
Speaker: Patrick Judd and David Yocca, Principal Landscape Architect/Planner, CDF
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