topLoving Arms Elder Care NewsletterSpring 2012
In This Issue
Mind - Is it Dementia or Depression
Body - COPD
Spirit - Gardening
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How time flies.

It has been a while since I've had the opportunity to sit down and share with you what is happening here at Loving Arms Elder Care.

During the past year, we have grown by leaps and bounds. We are able to provide care to more seniors in an extended service area and have moved to new offices in Warminster so that we can better serve our clients and our caregivers.

On a more personal note, our family is becoming more established as our youngest has now started first grade and our two sons continue to bring excitement to the family with their involvement in sports and scouts. My husband, Matt, has also joined the company and is keeping things running smoothly behind the scenes and spreading the word about the services of Loving Arms.

It is so exciting for me to see my dream of providing quality senior home care becoming a reality and flourishing and growing....just like seeds planted in the spring become beautiful blossoms for all to enjoy in the summer.

We hope to keep you informed and educated with our newsletter about medical conditions, activities and programs that will help our senior population continue to live a quality lifestyle through caring for the mind, body and spirit.

Looking forward to working with you!

Aimee Read
Loving Arms Elder Care

Keeping Your Mind Active - Is it Dementia or Depression?dementia


Never assume that a loss of mental sharpness is just a normal sign of old age. Dementia and depression are both common problems among the elderly, and can share many of the same symptoms making it difficult to tell the two apart. There are, however, some differences that can help you distinguish between the two. 


What is Depression? Depression is a mental health disorder that involves both mind and body. It can include constant feelings of sadness or irritability, decreased pleasure in formerly enjoyable activities, inability to concentrate or make decisions, or feelings of hopelessness and guilt. Physically, depressed people suffer from a loss of energy and may experience a change in appetite, with weight gain or loss. They may also see a change in sleeping patterns, whether difficulty in sleeping or sleeping too much. 


What is Dementia? Dementia is a generic term that may apply to any of a number of neuro degenerative diseases. It is characterized by the progressive and persistent loss of cognitive functions, including memory and language, as well as personality and emotional impairment. 


Whether dementia or depression, prompt diagnosis and treatment are key. If it's depression, memory, concentration, and energy will bounce back with treatment. Treatment for dementia will also improve you or your loved one's quality of life. 


There's no single test that can differentiate depression from dementia. But some behavior clues may help the doctor make an educated assessment. When discussing depression and dementia, there are several different classifications that help to distinguish one from the other. For more information, please click here.  


COPDKeeping Your Body Healthy - COPD 
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to a group of lung diseases that block airflow as you exhale and make it increasingly difficult for you to breathe. The key words are "chronic" and "obstructive." Chronic means that it's going to be with you a long time and obstructive means that airflow in the lungs is partly blocked. In all cases, damage to your airways eventually interferes with the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your lungs. COPD is a leading cause of death and illness worldwide. 
Emphysema and chronic asthmatic bronchitis are the two main conditions that make up COPD. 
Chronic bronchitis is increased coughing and mucus production caused by inflammation of the airways. Bronchitis is considered chronic (or long-term) if a person coughs and produces excess mucus most days during three months in a year, for two years in a row.

Emphysema is a disease that damages the air sacs and/or the smallest breathing tubes in the lungs so they can't push all the used air out of your lungs. This air remains trapped, so there's less room for fresh, oxygen-rich air to enter. You may notice that you have a hard time exhaling, and that you have limited energy. Shortness of breath occurs because the chest wall muscles have to work harder to expel the air.

For more information on symptoms, risk factors and management COPD, please click here.
Living with COPD can be difficult - especially as it becomes more and more difficult to catch your breath. You may have to give up activities that you previously enjoyed. And your family and friends may face significant changes and challenges in an effort to help you. You may also find yourself facing some tough questions, such as how long you have to live and what you will do if you no longer can take care of yourself.

Loving Arms Elder Care can work with you in sharing your fears and feelings with your family, friends and doctor and developing a comprehensive care plan for your current and future needs.

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Keeping Your Spirit Alive - The Spirit of Gardening
It is hardly surprising that many elderly people enjoy gardening as it's a healthy way of maintaining fitness and is an activity which can be strenuous or gentle depending on your capabilities. New growth, beautiful colors and delicious scents also boost our spirits and build memories. Even if you have some kind of disability, there are many things you can do, adaptations you can make and special equipment you can buy to make gardening accessible.

The love for gardening spans generations. Just about anyone can dig, plant, and pull up weeds, and the rewards sprout and blossom before your eyes. Gardening's benefits extend beyond baskets of veggies or flowers nestled in a vase. Gardening enriches your body, your mind, and your spirit.

For more information on the benefits, considerations, precautions and plant selections for gardening, please click here