topLoving Arms Elder Care NewsletterAugust 2010
In This Issue
Keeping Your Mind Active
Keeping Your Body Healthy
Keeping Your Spirit Alive
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school bus
It's hard to believe that the summer will soon be coming to an end and my children will be starting back to school. This year brings a big change to our family and our five year old daughter Jessa. She will be starting full-day kindergarten! My back to school list has increased to a length comparable to the kids Christmas Wish List! It's not until I am knee deep in glue sticks and pocket folders that I realize there is so much more that needs to get done before the big day! Haircuts, new uniforms, new shoes, new morning and evening routines, snack and lunch preferences, the list goes on and on.
The "back to school" season also signals to all of us that the end of summer relaxation and vacation is near and our time available to spend with grandparents and loved ones is once again limited by school and work obligations. Loving Arms Elder Care is here to help fill those empty spots with our
comprehensive services that not only meet the unique physical needs of senior adults, but also provide companionship and socialization.

Please let me know how we can help you maintain the active summer lifestyle for you or your loved one.

Aimee Read
Loving Arms Elder Care

Keeping Your Mind Activemusic therapy
Music Therapy

The idea of music as a healing influence is not a new concept. Music therapy is the use of music to promote healing and enhance quality of life. Music therapy may be used to encourage emotional expression, promote social interaction, relieve certain symptoms, and for other purposes. Music therapists may use active or passive methods, depending on the individual's needs and abilities.

Music therapy uses all aspects of music to help people to improve their physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Healthy individuals can use music for stress reduction via active music making, such as drumming, as well as passive listening for relaxation. Music is often a vital support for physical exercise. The sensory and intellectual stimulation of music can help maintain a person's quality of life. There are no claims music therapy can cure cancer or other diseases, but medical experts do believe it can have a positive effect on an individuals health.

All styles of music can be useful in effecting change in an individual's life. The individual's preferences, circumstances and need for treatment, and their goals help to determine the types of music used. Some aspects of music therapy include making music, listening to music, writing songs, and talking about lyrics. For more information on music therapy please visit our web site.
Keeping Your Body HealthyROM
Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms & Shoulders

These exercises reduce stiffness and help keep your joints flexible. The "range-of-motion" is the normal amount your joints can be moved in certain directions. If your joints are very painful and swollen, move them gently through their range of motion. You should try to move your joints through their full range of motion every day. Daily activities, such as housework, climbing stairs, dressing, bathing, cooking, lifting, or bending DO NOT move your joints through their full range of motion.

Gently bend your hand into a fist. Straighten the fingers again.

Rest your arm on a table and hang your hand over the edge. Slowly bend your wrist up and down.

Place your arm at your side with elbow bent and tucked in at your side. Turn your hand so that the palm faces up to the ceiling. Now turn your hand so that the palm faces down to the floor.

Place your arm down at your side with elbow straight. Bend the elbow and bring your hand up to touch your shoulder.

Shoulder movement, side to side. Raise the right arm out to the side to shoulder level. Raise it upward over your head as far as possible. Bring the arm back down and then swing across the body toward the left shoulder.
Swing the arm back to your side.

Repeat the exercises for both arms.

For more range of motion exercises for this part of your body and for some exercise tips, visit our web site.

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Keeping Your Spirit Alive

It's so easy to fall prey to the doldrums or the blues, but have you noticed that when you surround yourself with people you enjoy, it brings out the sparkle in your life. One of the many causes of depression in the elderly is isolation and lack of socialization. Limited ambulation, not driving, or the fear of falling causes many elderly to stay at home rather than socialize with friends or family.

We can help overcome isolation by providing transportation, spending quality time with you or your loved one and by encouraging participation in activities, hobbies or events that may have fallen by the wayside.

One other really important way that Loving Arms Elder Care can encourage socialization, is by assisting with the regular tasks of daily living which may be taking up a large part of your day and not allowing you to do the things you enjoy. We can help with meal preparation, bathing, and errands to allow you the additional time to socialize and enjoy life.
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