Bikram Yoga Chiswick

September 2012 


Bikram Yoga Chiswick
1st Floor, The Studio
Chiswick, W4 5UT


'The cure for anything is salt water 
- sweat, tears, or the sea' - Isak Dinesen
Back to yoga
Birthday BYC
Christmas Teatowel
BYC bye bye
Race for Life
Class cancellation
Follow us
Deal of the Month
September 2012


One FREE Week of Yoga 

when you buy a 1 Month Unlimited.

Back To Work Rabbit

Back to school, back to work, back to yoga.


  As a little incentive to ease into post-summer-holiday life, 

we've got an amazing deal for you.... 

From 1st-30th of September 2012

get 5 weeks for the price of 4, with any 

one month unlimited card purchased.


One Month Unlimited - �140

Available online or at the studio


Concession Rate - �126

Only available at the studio with valid ID.


Please note this offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offers.

A date for your diaries!

BYC 10th Birthday & Christmas (yes Christmas) festivities 
and party will be taking place on Saturday 17th November.
Details to follow, but we promise to make it a day to remember ;)
Capital 'T' - as in Tea towel!
Just when you thought our 10 year anniversary celebrations couldn't get any more hip, we have come up with the idea of creating a BYC charity tea towel!
We are inviting all our students to draw themselves doing their favourite posture and, 12 lucky students will be immortalised on the BYC tea towel which will be available for sale at christmas.

1 - draw a picture of yourself in your favourite posture.
2 - write your first name and the title of the posture underneath.
3 - either scan it and email it to us or give it to reception.   
The twelve we pick to put on our 10th Anniversary Tea Towel will be given 5 free classes. 
Visit our website for names of the postures.
Happy drawing!
BYC has been very lucky to be blessed with the amazing Cassiano & Vera, both of whom have been invaluable members of our BYC family for a number of years now.  While we are sad to seem them leave us, we want to send them off with all the love and luck in the world for their new adventures.   
Cassiano vera p
Cassiano is opening his own
 studio in Brazil!
The perfect excuse to dust off the passport and go for a visit! 
Vera is returning
home to her family in Mexico.

Cassiano's last class at BYC will be on Wednesday 12th September at 6.30am
Click here to visit Cassiano's Studio in Florianopolis. 

Also on the good bye/good luck list for September
Our fabulous receptionist Rachel is off to Teacher Training! 
Along with our lovely BYCers Darielle, Kasia & Amy. 
We wish you all the best and cannot wait to practise your classes when you have qualified!

                  Also best wishes to Isabell and Leanne!
So, Helen, the wonderful owner of that magical place that's Bikram Chiswick, has asked me to write a little something for the newsletter in the months to come. Don't worry. If you complain enough, I'm sure she'll ask me to stop right away.
To tell you the truth, at first I was a bit surprised to be asked, as I don't know much about Yoga. I told her and, instead of a philosophical answer like: "Ah, but you know that you don't know!", I got: "If I asked anybody else, I'd have to pay them extra for it: you can do it during your regular billable hours." Point taken.
Here I am, then!
I think the first thing I should clarify is what we're doing here at BYC. Yes, we're doing Bikram Yoga, of course (although 'Yoga you don't do, Yoga you try!', as Bikram says), but maybe I should specify what kind of Yoga: Hatha Yoga. Which is the physical branch of yoga, consisting of 'Asanas', or 'Postures'. This means that all those different kinds of Yoga which involve Asanas are Hatha Yoga, regardless of the name they might be sporting (Ashtanga, Power, Flow, Jivamukti, etc..). 
We call the yoga we do here at BYC Bikram Yoga, because of the specific series of postures we perform in every class. 
Bikram's guru, Bishnu Ghosh, and his brother, Paramahansa Yogananda (author of the seminal book 'Autobiography Of A Yogi' and founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship) used to heal patients, who would come to them with all sorts of different ailments, by prescribing specific Asanas, in order to target a specific need. However, their dream was to create a series of Asanas that could benefit everybody, healing and preventing any type of ailment. After years of research and study, from all the hundreds of different postures belonging to the Yoga tradition, they came up with a series of 84 postures + 2 breathing exercises, which could work the entire body ('inside out, bone to skin, fingertips to toes') and guarantee perfect health.
This 84 posture series is what's now called the 'Advanced Series'. 
However, Bikram thought this series had two issues: 
1. It was extremely difficult, therefore not accessible to everybody.
2. It took over two hours to be performed and not many people can dedicate that much time to heal themselves! 
So he decided to compile another, simpler and shorter series, drawing from the Advanced, which could still thoroughly work the entire body, albeit not as intensely. That's how the Beginners Series was born: 26 postures + 2 breathing exercises. A total body workout, from the inside out and the outside in, done in 90 minutes. And he was 'so proud of it, he put his naaame on it!'. 
Now, even though Bikram called it 'Beginners Series', it doesn't mean it's easy! Bikram himself says that people in the West (where Hatha yoga is not practised from the age of 3) should stick with the Beginners series for at least 40 or 50 years..!
Not long to go, then.
 Olympic Action 
Olympichick wasn't the only BYCer to get in on the Olympic action!
Our beautiful and fantastic teacher, Lorraine Stewart, danced in the Olympic closing ceremony and will be performing again for the closing of the Paralympics. 
Lorriane Olympics


Well done, lovely Lorraine!


A message from BYCer Tariq

I am running a half marathon on behalf of a fantastic charity, that does amazing work to grant the wishes of children between the ages of 3-18, who are living with serious or life-threatening illnesses.

Your support and donations...not for my run... but for these kids, will make such a big difference to a child who could really do with it. The charity also said that they might even be able to provide pictures of the wish they grant to the child we help! Sensational...

Let's all do something amazing together, dig  deep and help make a  wish (or 2) come true....Big love Tariq xx


To Donate Click here.

Other news:
The 6.15pm class on Friday 7th September 2012 has been cancelled to enable us to carry out necessary maintenance work. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your co-operation.
We now have a new batch of lovely 
BYC grip mat towels. 
They are on sale at the studio for �21 each.


See you in class soon. 
With love and thanks
Helen, Kat, Fed, Francesca
and all the staff at BYC
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