 Message From Maitreya
Is it discrimination or conspiracy! Increasingly it does not pay to be a registered non-profit religious organization! Read... |
Cheap and easy way to spread the Mission!
We already have the tools. Now it is time to start using them in full. They are cheap, easy to use, and almost permanent! Read... |
Print on Demand Successful!
We have received our sample copy of Thus Speaks Maitreya on Esa The Christ from the Print on Demand service, and it looks...! Read...
Golden Keys 7 has been revised!
It was a beautiful book before, and is now even more Perfect and full of Truth. Read...
Rate Our Books!
Write reviews and rate our books in...! Read...
New "Share" Option on Website!
Now you can email a page, print it, bookmark it, and/or share it on hundreds of social networks, blogs, etc.! Read...
FTP Site! You may have noticed that the FTP site had not been working for a while. We have discovered...! Read...
Donate Through Paypal!
Now you can easily donate to the Mission right from this Newsbrief. If you look at the right column of the Newsbrief, at the bottom of the section "Spotlights", you can see a Paypal logo...! Read...
Changes to the Feast of Tabernacles! Several important changes have been made to the Feast of Tabernacles! Read...
Corrections! We goofed in last month's Newsbrief. We are especially dismayed that last month's report from our Quebec contact did not have the correct URL. Read her report from last month in this month's Reports section. Sorry Radah! Read... |
This section is for the monthly reports that have been sent to the Mission. We have three categories for these reports:
Members (Light Seekers), Contacts (Light Bridges) and Contacts who are also actively engaged in spreading the Mission (Light Bearers)! Read... |
MOM Members Meeting
Wednesday, January 20 at 7:30 PM Mountain Standard Time. Mandala/Unus will be the moderator/co-moderator this month.
To listen to the audios of previous MOM meetings, go to our FTP site where the audios for these meetings are. Choose the year and then the month of when the audio was recorded! Read... |
Satsangs Recently Corrected and Added to the Website:
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We encourage you to forward this Newsbrief to everyone you know.
Deadline For Reports: Please send any reports you have for this Newsletter/brief to the Mission. The deadline for reports is the 5th of the month. We will try to send out the Newsbrief the 10th of each month.
The Mission Free CD: Three tracks introducing the Mission Teachings (Letter to Humanity, Introduction to the Mission, and Maitreya Explaining the Message).
Or send an email request for a free CD.
Suggestions: Send any suggestions for improvement, the topics you want to be posted in the Newsbrief, the parts of the website to be added, etc.
Tithes: All members and those who Love the Mission are required to pay their tithes. This Mission is huge and needs many resources. We are approaching the implementation phase. If you want to see the Mission to manifest, we need to create a culture of tithing in the Mission where this is done by everyone automatically as their second nature! With the remaining 90% of your income, with some diligence, you can live comfortably in the COLs!
Donations/Gifts: Besides for tithes you can also send donations or gifts (no matter what the size). You can donate even if you are not yet a formal Member of the Mission!
Forward this email to all the people you know!
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Note 1: After using URLs in this Newsbrief and connecting to the intended sites, if you have any problems with those sites, please contact them directly. This includes sites by members of the Mission. There is usually a way to contact them which is posted in their website! However, if a URL is broken (is not working) or there are any other problems in this Newsletter/brief, please alert us.
Note 2: Share Our Archived Newsbriefs with Your Social Network Friends. If you cannot see this capability below, click here!
Thanks, God. | |