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Mission Of Maitreya's Newsbrief, September 2009, issue 12         This Newsbrief         Access Online/Archives
Emails-mailsA Letter with Many Questions!
Message From Maitreya
We received a letter with lots of questions.  Some of you might have the same questions!  Read... 
Click to enlarge picture!
By: Hosanna
Rationalization has a limit in our lives.  Where is the limit!  We have to recognize this limit and stop rationalizing!  Read...
Welcome All to the Feast of Tabernacles 2009!
This will be the last Newsbrief before our yearly Feast Of Tabernacles.  Sarah-Ji (Maitreyii-Ji) is welcoming everyone to this year's Feast and gives important information for those who would like to attend... Read...
Preparation for the Feast!
Ananda Ma reminds us that this is the most special Feast.  God has demanded for us to prepare ourselves for His Coming... Read... 
Questions for Maitreya for the Feast!
The Maitreya will be with us on October 4th and 6th for two hours (from 12:00 to 2:00 PM MST).  Send your questions to be answered in these sessions... Read...
Help with the Feast!
We surely can use your help and services during the Feast.  Noor sent an email to some of you about this... Read...
Feast, the schedule, etc.!
The entire schedule and activities for the Feast 2009 is now available and posted online... Read...
Inca Prophecies!
Andrew Harris (our contact in British Columbia, Canada) sent us more prophecies, this time from the Incas.  In separate page Maitreya has written a further explanation for these prophecies!... Read... 

Check out!
We found this interesting website where you can start your own social network.  Unus explains... Read...
Seond LifeSecond Life News:
Second Life is the virtual world where the Mission is creating a Cyber Community of Light.  We have the Temple, housing, meditation areas, etc.  Go to SL to visit, and read the latest news about it here!  Read...
Contacts1Reports From Contacts:
This section is for the monthly reports that have been sent in by Mission contacts.  Read
MOM Members Meeting: 
Wednesday, September 16th at 7:30 PM Mountain Standard Time.  Hosanna/Mandala will be the moderator/co-moderator this month.  Read...
Satsangs Recently Corrected and Added to the Website:
04/23/2005: Listen - Read - Topics
04/02/2005: Listen - Read - Topics
In This Issue
A Letter with Many Questions
Second Life News
Contact Reports
MOM Members Meeting
Quick Links!
We encourage you to forward this Newsbrief to everyone you know.

Deadline For Reports: Please send any reports you have for this Newsletter/brief
to the Mission.  The deadline for reports is the 5th of the month.  We will try to send out the Newsbrief the 10th of each month.
Three tracks introducing the Mission Teachings (Letter to Humanity, Introduction to the Mission, and Maitreya Explaining the Message).
Or send an email request for a free CD.

Send any suggestions for improvement, the topics you want to be posted in the Newsbrief, the parts of the website to be added, etc.
Questions: Send them to the Mission.

Seal Of Approval (SOA): All creative works done by anyone for the Mission have to carry the Seal Of Approval of the Mission.  Here is the process to obtain the SOA for your work.
Tithes: All members and those who Love the Mission are required to pay their tithes.  If you want to see the Mission to manifest, we need to create a culture in the Mission where this is done by everyone automatically as their second nature!  With the remaining 90%, with some diligence, you can live comfortably in the COLs!
Quick Links
. Introduction to the Mission!
. Prophecies fulfilled by Maitreya!
. Maitreya's Genealogy.
. Our Literature
. Downloads (FTP site).
. Search our Scripture (THOTH) in Google!
. Order THOTH from Amazon (also our other literature)!
. Contacts.
. How to join us!
Websites by Members of the Mission.
Poems by disciples.
. Inspiring
. Feast Of Tabernacles (our yearly gathering).
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Feast of Tabernacles 2009
Feast starts: October 1, 2009
Note 1: After using a URL in this Newsbrief and connecting to the intended site, if you have any problems with those sites, contact them directly.  This includes sites by the members of the Mission.  There is usually a way to contact them which is posted in their website!  However, if a URL is broken (is not working) or there are any other problems in this Newsletter/brief alert us
Note 2: Share Our Archived Newsbriefs with Your Social Network Friends.
Thanks, God.