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Mission Of Maitreya's Newsbrief, March 2009, issue 06        Access this and previous issues in our website
Absolute and Relative Laws! Absolute-Relative_s
(Picture enlarged, or click it) 
Message From Maitreya
There are Laws from Heaven and laws from earth; how can man deal with both?  Read... 
WALL: By Mandala
Is this where humanity is heading! 
Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread
God commanded to have Seven Feasts and Holy Days throughout the year.  Passover is the first of these.  Read...
Anniversary of the Letter to Humanity: God Is Calling You!
This is the second anniversary of the letter we sent out to humanity.  What happened to the earth in this period?  Read... 
Calendar of God
The yearly Calendar of God (Maitreya's Calendar - MC) is now available.  Read...
Picture of the New Man:
The picture of the New Man by Salvador Dali that we used in our previous Newsletter, turned out to have greater symbolic meanings than we first thought!  Read...
Approved Songs
, Make Songs, Nominate Songs!
We thought this was a good idea, was it?  Read...
Seond LifeSecond Life News:
Second Life is the virtual world where the Mission is creating a Cyber Community of Light.  We have the Temple, housing, meditation area, etc.  Go to SL to visit, and read news about it!  Read...
Contacts1Reports From Contacts:
This section is for the contacts to send their monthly reports to the Mission. Since this area had become crowded, we moved the reports to its own page.  Read ...
Meetings1MOM Members Meeting:
Friday, March 20th at 7pm Mountain Standard Time.  Isaac/Unus will be the moderator/co-moderator this month.  Read...
Satsangs Recently Corrected and Added to the Website:
12/13/2003: Listen - Read - Topics
10/29/2005: Listen - Read - Topics
11/15/2003: Listen - Read - Topics 
In This Issue
Absolute and Relative Laws! Message From Maitreya
The Wall: By Mandala
Second Life News
Contacts Reports
MOM Members Meeting
Recently Added Satsangs
We encourage everyone to forward this Newsbrief to everyone you know.

Deadline For Reports: Please send any reports you have for this Newsletter/brief
to the Mission.  The deadline for reports is the 5th of the month.  We will try to send out the Newsbrief the 10th of each month.
Three tracks introducing the Mission Teaching (Letter to Humanity, Introduction to the Mission, Maitreya Explaining the Message).
Or send an email request for a free CD.

Send any suggestions for improvement, the topics you want to be posted in the Newsbrief, the parts of the website to be added, etc.
Questions: Send them to the Mission.
Quick Links
. Introduction to Mission!
. Prophesies fulfilled by Maitreya!
. Maitreya's Genealogy.
. Our Literature
. Downloads (FTP site).
. Contacts.
. How to join us!
Websites by Members of the Mission.
Poems by disciples.
. Inspiring
. Feast Of Tabernacles (our yearly gathering). 
. Latest News: Newsflash!
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