building ctalogogreyscale
The Columbus Torah Academy
181 Noe Bixby Rd, Columbus OH 43213

September 21, 2012

            5 Tishrei 5773

  Candlelighting 7:10 p.m.
This Week on E-Dateline
Headmaster's Message
Get Ready for Succot
Preview of the Week
Dates to Remember
Scrip Update - Places to Purchase Scrip
Give & Get Grapevine
News from the Lower School Judaic Studies Department
Say It In Hebrew
On the Up & Up: News from the Upper School Judaic Studies Department
News from the Upper School General Studies Department
News from the Lower School General Studies Department
Turn in Tzedakah Box Day
The Voucher Program
Giant Eagle: Apples for the Students Program
Condolences To
Simchat Beit Hashoeyvah
Steak & Jazz Night
Parsha Vayelech Quiz
A Riddle from Israel
Join Our Mailing List

RabbiKahnIn this week's Torah portion of Vayelech, we learn about the mitzvah of hakhel. This mitzvah involved gathering all of the Jewish people together once every seven years in order to have everyone participate in a special public Torah reading ceremony. The Torah specifically states that the gathering must include, "the men, the women and the small children." All segments of the community were invited and obligated to attend this unique event. There is an important lesson about creating unity in this episode. Namely, that the thing that truly should bring us together is our commitment to Jewish values. In ancient times, when people came from near and far to participate in the hakhel ceremony, they didn't do so merely in order to socialize and enjoy the refreshments. They came in order to celebrate the Torah and rededicate themselves to observing its precepts. This lesson is very appropriate for us as we prepare for Yom Kippur when Jews will come from all points on the compass to join together in the synagogues and participate in the time-honored rituals of fasting, praying, and seeking forgiveness. Once again, it is our commitment to Torah values and traditions that unites us and binds us together.


Shabbat Shalom! 

Rabbi Zvi Kahn


Don't miss this Sunday's fun family extravaganza "Get Ready For Sukkot!" from 1-3 pm at the JCC on College Avenue.  The afternoon will feature activities and learning opportunities for all ages led by CTA educators.  The event is FREE and open to the entire community.


Schedule for the day is:

1-3 pm    Arts & Crafts & Refreshments for All Ages

1:15 pm  Mini Program with Moreh Dror for ages Preschool through 5 

1:30 pm  The Deeper Meaning of Sukkot - a text study for adults with

              Rabbi Kahn

2:00 pm  Creating Sukkot Traditions for Your Family - with Rabbi Drandoff


Rabbi Yaakov Frankiel will lead special activities for students in grades 6-8 on the front lawn of the JCC.


"In the spirit of the New Year, we are looking forward to a fun program to join together as a community in preparation for the holiday of Sukkot!  Our faculty has been planning a wonderful afternoon and the JCC will be abuzz with family fun on Sunday.  I hope that everyone can make it," exclaimed Rabbi Kahn.


Parent and high school student volunteers are needed.  If you have not signed up, contact [email protected]. This event is possible thanks to Leonore Zusman and the Marilyn and Stuart Cole Fund of the Columbus Foundation.

Sunday, September 23:  Sukkah Decorating, JCC, 1-3 pm
Monday, September 24: Macaroni & Cheese-Volunteer: A. Rosen
Tuesday, September 25: Hamburger-Volunteer: M. Napper
Erev Yom Kippur - 2:00 pm Dismissal
Wednesday, September 26: Yom Kippur - No School
Thursday, September 27: Chicken Cutlets
Friday, September 28: Fish Sticks-Volunteer: S. Lubow

Monday, October 1: Succot - No School

Tuesday, October 2: Succot - No School

Wednesday, October 3: Simchat Beit Hashoeyvah, 5-7 pm - NOTE TIME CHANGE

CTA Scrip Office, 864-0299 ext. 112
Monday-Thursday- 7:30am-4pm; Friday- 7:30am-3pm

The Scrip Office keeps a variety of available scrip on hand. Special order scrip from hundreds of stores is available by sending your request to [email protected]. To see a complete selection of all of the Scrip choices, go to To benefit CTA with online purchases, register at  

"I heard through the Grapevine..." We have many former families, grandparents, supporters, alumni who would probably like to support the school via Scrip.  We just need volunteers to call & contact them to take Scrip orders.  This is a perfect opportunity for those who want "Give & Get" hours in their own time frame or from home.  Please contact Sara Shatz at [email protected]


"L'chaim and Todah Rabah to ... New CTA family, Shaul & Yisca Weisband, parents of Ariel in 1st grade, for purchasing Wal-Mart, Starbucks and Scrip and to Joey & Lindsay Schottenstein, parents of Jacob in Kindergtarten, for purchasing Giant Eagle, CVS and Starbucks Scrip. Lindsay has done a GREAT job of encouraging friends who are not at CTA to register their Kroger card to CTA, & to buy Starbucks gift cards from CTA and just add it to their Starbucks card so the school benefits!!! **** If you have purchased scrip, or have volunteered, please email Kim Abelman so we can thank you through our "Grapevine"! Order Scrip gift cards through Lesa at the front desk ([email protected]).


The Give & Get (G&G) Commitment for 2012-2013 is $2,000 per family. G&G is fulfilled through donations, Scrip purchases, solicitations & volunteering.  The weekly G&G Grapevine gives you ideas of how to easily do your part. Send a record of all G&G volunteer hours to [email protected].


If you would like to volunteer, contact Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Abelman, at 855-5195 or [email protected]. Volunteer time is worth $25 per hour towards Give & Get.



Monday, Sept. 24

HOME Soccer game vs. Delaware Christian

Varsity Boys, 5pm 


AWAY Volleyball game vs. Polaris Christian

Middle School Girls, 5pm


Thursday, Sept. 27

HOME Volleyball game vs. St. John's

Middle School Girls, 5 pm


HOME Soccer game vs. St. John's

Middle School Boys, 5 pm


AWAY Soccer game vs. TBA

Varsity Boys, 5 pm


By Dror Karavani, Lower School Judaic Studies Coordinator


This month is a very busy month with all of the holidays. We have just finished learning about and celebrating Rosh Hashanah and now we are absorbed in our learning about Aseret Yemai Teshuvah (The Ten Days of Repentance) and Yom Kippur. All of the students had the opportunity to go outside to the stream near the school and participate in a tashlich program. I would like to wish everyone Shabbat Shalom and Gmar Chatimah Tovah.  

  Dror1 9-21

Dror3 9-21  



By Galit Golan, Hebrew Language Coordinator

Galit 2010

This past Friday, the middle school and high school students celebrated Rosh Chodesh Tishrei during Shishi Ivrit, our monthly Hebrew Award Ceremony. Liat Shaked, our young Israeli Shlicha, prepared a presentation and a quiz game for the students about Rosh Hashanna and Israel. We were so impressed to see how much knowledge about Israel the students have gained during the last few years. The students learned the song שיר ישראלי which describes the mixed cultures in Israel, and had a great time.  As part of the program, awards were given to students who excelled in their Hebrew studies during the month of Elul.  The teachers had a hard time choosing the awardees among many excellent students.

Galit3 9-21 Moreh David Adar awarded Mira CassellRiki Shenkar and  Aaron Polster for excellence in Hebrew studies.

Morah Kelly Adar awarded Rochel Kaltmann and Jenna Rodier for initiating Hebrew conversation and Jonah Stavsky for devotion and engagement in Hebrew Studies.

Morah Galit Golan awarded Yaakov Metz and Judah Stein for excellence in Hebrew studies.


Mazal Tov and Yishar Koach to all our students!


In the lower school, the 5th grade class had a special יום תאומים- twin day, in relation to a new story they learned in Hebrew class about Teomim (twins). The students got to dress up as twins, have a "twin fashion show", and make a Venn diagram in Hebrew about themselves and their twin. 


Shannah Tova and Chatima Tova to you and all Am Israel!

By Rabbi Zecharia Weitz, Upper School Judaic Studies Coordinator

Weitz The holiday season is such a rich and meaningful time of the year but it is also a time that can seem dry to a teen. Among the means utilized in the Upper School to bring the holidays to life for the students is the school-community connection. Each year a number of rabbinical representatives from our community come in to offer a new angle on how the yom tov is relevant to a Weitz 9-21 teen in Columbus, Ohio. Pictured is Rabbi Avi Goldstein of Beth Jacob Congregation at the pre-Rosh Hashanah talk with the Upper School students.


Within the Judaic Studies department, the basic halachot (laws) of each yom tov are covered in the Gemara classes and a philosophical background is provided by the Chumash teachers. This, together with the enrichment presented by the community rabbis, assures that the students in the Upper School are offered a yom tov awareness of both what we do and why we do it.


What do You Think? As is the case with many yomim tovim, the Shabbat before Yom Kippor has special significance: It is known as "Shabbat Shuva" ("Shabbat of Repentance") as we increase our focus on improving our ways. The question is why is it specifically the Shabbat before the holiday that gets this attention? Is there some connection between the Shabbat and the holiday that follows it?


Submitted by Dr. Matthew Kennedy, Upper School Science Teacher

  AP Physics 

The Advanced Placement (AP) Physics class started the year working on classical mechanics. The students in this high level science course have been investigating the motion of objects in one and two dimensions, also known as kinematics; and the forces that make the objects move, also known as dynamics. 


Recently the class was challenged to predict when two motorized, and Dr. K modified, buggies would collide with each other if they were placed two meters (think 2 yards) apart.  Sounds simple, doesn't it?


The students were given only meter sticks, tape and a stopwatch.  They were told that they could only run one buggie at a time!  So how did they do it?  First they had to figure out if each of the two buggies moved with constant speed.  Then they had to figure out a mathematical model for the motion of each buggie. Then they had to predict where and when the crash would take place. Each group modeled their predictions on whiteboards and presented their data to the class.  Then they tested their models and prediction. 

  AP Physics2

Eureka! Success!  The different groups were able to accurately experiment, test, and derive predictive models that when performed on our test track, showed successful collisions exactly at the point of impact that they had predicted!  Good Work AP Physics!  Next time from the Dr. K lab..... Chemistry class.


Submitted by Morah Rachel and Morah Aronowitz
Kindergarten Teaching Team
Both in the Judaic and the General studies classrooms, kindergarten spent time learning all about apples.


In the Judaic room, in preparation for the Holiday of Rosh Hashanah, we discussed that we eat apples dipped in honey so that we have a sweet year.  We tasted all different kinds of apples green, red and yellow and then we all got to them dipped in honey. The class agreed that they liked the green apples the bestJ. We also each made a pretty apple and honey dish for each child to take home and use for the Rosh Hashanah table. We then went on a very fun apple picking trip where the children had blast learning all about apples and apple trees and picked their own bag of apples.


Applepicking1 In the General Studies classroom we also began learning about our apple unit.  By utilizing apples and apple trees we are able to connect many different subject areas, as well as making connections with our Judaic learning.  For math we sort ourselves by which apple we like most, and graph the results. For science we make observations about apples using our five senses. For literacy we read about the legend of Johnny Appleseed.  Next week we will continue learning about apples and include artwork, crafts, and the four seasons of an apple tree. 


  tzedakah box

This Monday, September 24 is the first "Turn in Tzedakah Box" Day on the school calendar.  Please send money by check or cash in a baggie marked with your family name so that it can be counted towards your Give & Get.


Tzedakah boxes were distributed to each CTA family. If you did not receive yours, one can be sent home with the youngest child in your family. Please contact Shari Herszage ([email protected]) for more information.


Our students are encouraged each day to give tzedakah when saying their morning prayers and we encourage you to make tzedakah an observable mitzvah in your home. Please use the CTA Tzedakah box to support day school education at CTA. The Tzedakah Box Turn in day happens each month near Rosh Chodesh (the beginning of the Jewish month) and we will remind families to send in the money collected in the CTA Tzedakah box. 


Parents who are on the voucher program may be eligible to do volunteer work at the school in lieu of tuition payments.  There are two basic conditions for this to become a viable possibility.  First, the volunteer work must be a type of activity that is already being done at the school by school employees. Second, the parent volunteer must be fully qualified to engage in the specific type of work.  Please contact Sara Shatz (864-0299 ext. 100 or [email protected]) for further details.


1. Sign up for the Apples for the Students Program at: or by calling 1-800-474-4777.


2. Provide our School ID #4389. Each time your Giant Eagle Advantage Card is scanned, through March 17, 2013, your purchases will automatically earn our school FREE educational awards. 



Smadar Melmed on the passing of her mother 


Come support the 8th grade Washington trip by buying dinner at Simchat Beit Hashoeyvah on Wednesday, October 3. Dinner will begin at 5:00 p.m. Details to follow.  


This year's Steak & Jazz Night benefitting the 8th grade Washington Trip and the Girls' Basketball team will take place on Sunday, October 14, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.  Details to follow.


It has been a time-honored Jewish tradition to give tzedakah in recognition of important events. Todah Rabah to the following for their donation:


To the Scholarship Fund:

Rabbi Avraham and Hope Drandoff in honor of Rabbi Josh and Aliza

   Finegold for their eruv work

Dan and Leslie Chase in honor of Aron Ackerman becoming a Bar Mitzvah

   and Sigal Import becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Amir and Galit Golan in honor of Benny Makias' Bar Mitzvah and in honor

   of Elizabeth Berkovich's engagement



1.  Moshe said, "I am 120 years old today. I am no longer able to go out and come in..." How do we know this does not refer to physical inability?

     a.  Because verse 34:7 says "His (Moshe's) eye never dimmed, and his (youthful) moisture never departed."


2.  Which of Moshe's statements to Yehoshua was later contradicted by Hashem's command?

     a.  Moshe told Yehoshua to share his leadership with the Elders. Hashem later commanded Yehoshua to rule alone.


3.  Why does the Torah refer to Succot of the eighth year as though it occurred during the shemita year?

     a.  Because the laws of the seventh year still apply to the harvest.


4. Why does the Torah command that babies be brought to the Torah reading?

     a.  To give reward to those who bring them.


5.  What does it mean that Hashem "hides His face?"

     a.  He ignores their distress.


6.  What function does the song Ha'azinu serve?

     a.  It warns what will befall the Jewish People if they abandon Torah.


7.  Which verse promises that the Torah will never be totally forgotten?

     a.  "For (the Torah) will not be forgotten from the mouth of the offspring."


8.  What is the difference of opinion regarding the placing of the Torah scroll which Moshe gave the levi'im?

     a.  Whether it was placed outside but adjacent to the Ark, or inside next to the Tablets.


(Parsha Vayelech Quiz originally appeared on the

Ohr Somayach website,


As part of our partnership with the Shiloh school in Israel, we will be receiving riddles each week relating to the Parasha.  You will notice this each week on this back page.  The goal is to have the parents and children discuss the parasha, while trying to figure out the connection between the picture and the parasha.  All answered riddles should be given to the Judaic teacher on Monday. The names of the winners will be announced and sent to our friends in Israel. 


Riddle 9-21 What is the connection between the picture and the parasha?

Look in Chapter 31, Verse 2. You will find the answer there.


Moreh Dror Karavani will collect all of the submitted answers, put them into a box, and save them for the big raffle! You will hear more about this very soon. Keep your answers coming.

I hope you enjoy the electronic version of our Dateline. Please check out our website at