United Way
of Northeast Florida 
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November 2008 eNewsletter

Achievers For Life First-Year Results and Expansion Announced
United Way and Superintendant Ed Pratt-Dannals announced the first-year results of the community impact strategy focused on dropout prevention.  See the story below.


Achievers For Life First-Year Results and Expansion Announced
Achievers For Life First-Year Results and Expansion Announced
On October 29, at Matthew Gilbert Middle School, United Way of Northeast Florida leaders and Superintendent Ed Pratt-Dannals announced the first-year results of the community impact strategy focused on dropout prevention-Achievers For Life.

Lawyers Open New Office to Help Northside Homeowners
Lawyers Open New Office to Help Northside HomeownersOn October 16, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid (JALA) held the official ribbon-cutting ceremony for their new offices, located at the Ribault Family Resource Center of Full Service Schools of Jacksonville. 
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Employee Groups Give Work Day for Community Service
Employee Groups Give Work Day for Community Service
"There are numerous opportunities out there for companies to come together and give back to their community," said John Briscoe, Senior Operations Manager of FedEx Express in Jacksonville.  John, along with and a team of  20 FedEx managers and trainees,  recently took a break from their work day to complete a major beautification project at Saint Clair Evans Academy, a United Way Full Service school.  
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Interested in team building projects for the holidays?
Here are a few examples of holiday projects that are available for large groups. Contact Coretta Hill at
(904) 390-3231 for more information.
The ARC Jacksonville

- Volunteers are needed to assist with landscaping and painting gazebos.  This is a year-round project.
Sulzbacher Center
- Volunteer meal groups are ongoing opportunities for up to 12 people.
- On November 28, volunteers are needed to help decorate the campus for Christmas.
Child Guidance Center
- In December, volunteers assist staff with gift wrapping and sorting through donated items, such as clothes and toys. 
Jacksonville Marine Institute
- On November 26, the institute needs volunteers for serving and cleaning after the Thanksgiving Feast.
The Salvation Army
- On December 15-18, volunteers are needed for the ToyShop to help distribute toys to families.

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Born Learning Needs Your Socks!
Are your single socks lonely? Have you ever thought of donating them?  
Donate your socks!Parents attending United Way Born Learning workshops participate in Make N' Take, where they learn how to use everyday items as learning tools for their children. A single sock is just one of countless household items parents use to boost their child's development. With just one sock you can create a puppet or an indoor ball.
Give back to your community. Donate your single socks today!
For more information, contact Melodie Dove at 904-390-3225.


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1301 Riverplace Blvd., Ste. 400, Jacksonville, FL 32207
904.390.3200  ·  mail@uwnefl.org
