
May 2012 

 UCBC Staff Represent CI-UCBC at National Service Learning Conference

UCBC Academic Dean Honor� Bunduki (pictured below with CI-USA Board member Paul Tshihamba) traveled to the U.S. for the second time this April. He met with CI-USA colleagues, church partners and participated as a guest panelist, along with UCBC Service-Learning Coordinator Chelsie Frank, at the 2012 National Service-Learning Conference in Minneapolis.

Read more about this event at Chelsie's

UCBC Wedding 
On March 31, Bethany Erickson and No� Kasali were married in Beni. Bethany serves as Coordinator for international staff and No� is a teacher at UCBC. We wish them every joy and blessing in their new journey together! Bethany and Noe (wedding)
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Daniel Masumbuko: A Global Leader in ReconciliationDaniel Masumbuko

Congo Initiative is pleased to announce that Daniel Masumbuko Kasereka, Member of the CI-UCBC leadership team, and Finance Director and Chaplain for UCBC, has been honored as one of the Tanenbaum Peacemakers in Action finalists for 2012. The Tanenbaum Peacemakers in Action award recognizes the work of faith-based, local leaders who give of themselves to pursue peace and facilitate reconciliation in their communities. We are pleased for Daniel and honored that he is a member of the CI and UCBC teams.


Read about Daniel's remarkable story of becoming a peacemaker.  


Daniel's work as a leader in reconciliation spearheads Congo Initiative's Center for Church Renewal and Global Mission. This Center is purposed to heal the wounds of conflict and restore positive relationships within families and communities and between ethnic groups. The Center also teaches and trains ministers and lay persons for the renewal of holistic outreach and service to Congolese society that reflects the redemptive and restorative character of God.  


CI-USA Board President Paul Robinson writes: "[Daniel's] life, witness, and work are a demonstration of precisely the grassroots commitment that is needed for transformation to take place in communities. [Embodying UCBC's institutional motto], Daniel is a man whose life has [truly] been "transformed to transform."      

Student Spotlight:

Grace Lukogo Mwenekwelu  

 Grace Lukogo

I am a student in L2 Communication. I thank the Lord for my presence at UCBC. I live in Beni, [but] without any member of my family. The great thing that makes me joyful is that the UCBC students treat me as a brother. I believe that the community life is growing at UCBC. The relationship that we have with the classmates has brought a new way to live together, to think together and to consider one another as brothers and sisters. UCBC is my biggest family. The beneficial thing is not just the community life, but other activities to. I have learned the manual work in the work program, the spiritual life in the chapel activities. I'm physically safe [here]. God has protected me. The academic program was well done because we have studied all the program courses. My prayer is that God protect us. We want to see new things appear at UCBC.  


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3. PRAY. For our Congolese leaders and students. 
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