Is Happiness Real?
LPN eZine
Week of 9/25/2011
In This Issue
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This Week's

Live Powerfully Now  

Radio Schedule


Live Powerfully Now:




Super-Natural Sisters:




Your Morning HUG

7am - 7:30am  

All Times listed are Central  

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Must Read for the Month!
Same Kind of Different As meSame Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall & Denver Moore... Perspective is everything when life comes at you... whether you're a modern-day slave or an international art dealer. This true story will empower your walk... let me know your thoughts.  Hugs in Him, Linda 
This Week's Article Picks!



Be on the look out for new articles from our Power Team writers!

Do you write blogs or articles based on marriage, health, parenting, faith, or towards women?

Let us know 


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Simplify Your Life 


Wednesday Morning 9AM Bible Study for women!


September 14th thru December 7th Linda will facilitate "Simplify Your Life" by Marcia Ramsland.


This is a great Life Application study for any woman who desires Not-to-be defined by her physical, spiritual, or relational clutter!!!



Loving the ME God Sees

 4:30 PM on  



Linda is teaching "Loving The ME God Sees" a small group Bible study she's written on relational transparency for women based on the Book of James.


This is a 13 week study ending in December.


Testimonies from previous attendees: "Life changing!" "Ill go through this study with Linda again and again. I learn something new each time because my season has changed." "Powerful yet practical and applicable to my daily life."


Studies are held at

First Baptist Church 

of Universal City  210-658-6394

 1401 Pat Booker Rd
 Universal City, Texas 78148



Our Super-Natural Sister Mixers are great fun!  

Ladies... join us for an evening of fellowship, fun, food, door prizes and words of hope and encouragement.


The 2nd Friday in October... mark your calendar! 


For more info email Linda at linda@lindagoldfarb.com




I have not been very happy these last couple of days... seriously, I'm amazed I have the stamina to write to you today. Can you say Virus... the yucky chills-one-moment-sweaty-fever-the-next kind of virus!

I even missed a special East To West choir presentation at church... ugh!!! I don't like being sick. In fact it is one thing that, if I'm being truthfully honest, really ticks me off. I have way too many things on my agenda to even consider penciling in 'virus' on my calendar. Can I get an amen??? 

As I mentioned, I was not happy at all. But I remained blessed and highly favored even in the midst of my puniness... and my happiness had nothing to do with it! 

Happy is defined as feeling or showing pleasure, contentment, or joy. And I would  place an emphasis on the feeling portion. My happiness is totally dependent on how I feel at any given moment, therefore it is temporal... fleeting as the wind that changes from season to season. If this is true, then how much value should I place on my happiness?
Blessed and highly favored are defined as made holy and chosen by God. Therefore by their definition this is a state of being unaffected by seasons... once and for always. 
As a child of God, I will experience ups and downs in my health, relationships, and even in my finances and I may not be happy about it... but as a daughter of the Most High God I can choose to be defined by my circumstance or claim daily to be blessed and highly favored. What do you choose? 
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us without reservation... thank You for caring enough for us that our very thoughts are heard before they emerge from our mouths. Help us to believe that those who love You are blessed and highly favored as Your Word of Truth assures us. Give us a desire to know You more! Stir up in us a passion for Your passions and a heart for Your people! If we stray from Your path beckon us to return, whatever it takes... in the precious name of Jesus the Christ we pray. Amen. 

Thank you for allowing me to share God's blessings from this week... I'd love to hear what He did in your life over the weekend. Really... let me know. Email me at linda@livepowerfullynow.org 


Check out our radio offerings, I hope you will take the time to listen in.


Blessings to you and yours this upcoming week!


Hugs... Linda

The LPN Network... 


Live Powerfully Now:
Break the Desire-Sin-Death Cycle!

Where does desire originate?  


What happens in our brain when desire enters in?


If desire leads to sin and sin leads to death, how can Christians break the cycle?

Linda Goldfarb invites you to experience the power of God's truth for everyday living... today she shares from her Bible study, Loving the ME God Sees based on the Book of James, how Christians are not immune to the vicious cycle of desire, sin and death. Tune in to hear the Truth from God's word that will set you free.

Click the link below to go to the show: 


 Super-Natural Sisters:  
 Overcoming Fear for Women!
Are you fearing the storms of life?


Are you fearful of what may happen to your children once they leave home?

Do you have a fear of inadequacy?

Linda's guest, author and speaker Grace Fox will address these issues and more during today's broadcast. Moving From Fear to Freedom: A Woman's Guide to Peace in Every Situation is the book Grace and Linda will discuss. Find out more about Grace at www.gracefox.com

 Click the link below to go to the show:

Tuesday at 12noon Central time


  Your Morning H.U.G.:

Is Happiness Real?


How do you define HAPPINESS? 

Would you consider yourself a happy person? 

Is happiness something worth striving for?.

Linda Goldfarb shares a mid-week washing in God's word to encourage your faith-walk. Happiness is not all it's made up to be! If that's true, then what are we to look forward to each day? 


 Click the link below to go to the show:

Wednesday - 7am Texas Time


   Everyone is loving... 

One Heart Beat:  



Making Marriage Work!



Certified Marriage Coaches David and Lorrie McIntyre bring a wealth of knowledge and experience wrapped in humor and love to make the big pills go down easier.


 Join them as they bring their passion for marriage and relationships to the air to help couples build strong, quality relationships full of life, fun and love.


Along with their friends and special guest, David & Lorrie bring honest and transparent talk about marriage and relationships, the personalities, sex (yes, sex!) and more.  


Don't miss the opportunity to strengthen your marriage and relationships with David & Lorrie McIntyre on One Heartbeat.


Be sure to visit www.oneheartbeatga.com and follow them on Follow us on Twitter


Click on link below to listen to show:

No show this week!


 Life Tech Youth - LTY:


Josh and Jefty are on a hiatus and will be back on the LPNN circuit as soon as they can. Please continue to lift their ministry to parents and youth in prayer.