Does This Sound Like Your Family?
LPN eZine
Week of 6/27/2011
In This Issue
This Week's Article Picks
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LPN Schedule

This Week's

Radio Schedule


Live Powerfully Now
12noon - 1:30pm



Your Morning HUG
7am - 7:30am   


All Times listed are Central  

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This Week's Article Picks!

How Do You Want to Be?

I stared at my husband purposefully across the kitchen. Our conversation had intensified as we discussed our shared desire for...


Don't Die Before Your Time

Too many believers today are choosing to die before their time. They don't see their usefulness and therefore sit around getting stagnant, waiting for the end to come and ease their "suffering". How sad



Do you write blogs or articles based on marriage, health, parenting, faith, or towards women?

Let us know 

Local and Online Events



Our Super-Natural Sister Mixers are great fun!  

The next one will be August 12th @ 6:30pm 


Ladies... join us for an evening of fellowship, fun, food, door prizes and words of hope and encouragement.


Our mixers are Free... bring a favorite food and a friend to share... let us know you're coming.


email Linda at linda@lindagoldfarb.com



SNS events take place at:
1401 Pat Booker Rd
First Baptist Church Universal City, Texas 78148

call Sheri at FBCUC for more info 210-658-6394
or email sblanchard@fbcuc.org

For more general info: linda@LivePowerfullyNow.org



Consider the following scenarios...


Susie was quietly finishing her homework when the door to her bedroom suddenly burst open letting in the unbridled wailing of her little brother Bobby. "Mom, he's doing it again! I can't get my work done."


The doorbell rings; you answer it but can't step back out of the way to let the repairman in because your three year old has wrapped herself around your legs. No matter how you coax little Mary, she will not budge... her face buried snugly against your thigh trembling in fear.


"I just don't get it, Amanda is a bright girl, how can she manage to forget her homework for the third time this week?"


Children... yours, mine, or theirs... as soon as you figure the first one out the next one throws you a personality curve ball and you're back at stage one. Ya gotta love em' but sometimes it's not easy. What's a parent or caregiver to do?


If this sounds like your family or your neighbors, I invite you to take a listen to an interview I did with Barbara Nixon, author of "The Birth to Five book" we discuss parenting success strategies everyone can benefit from. 


Over the next few months I will be sharing family-focused tips and strategies to encourage and equip you to make a difference in your community, at home, and in the workplace. My heart has been burdened with the break down of the Christian family unit especially in America. I've said again and again that Satan doesn't need to use supernatural forces to attack the kingdom of God in America, he uses busyness, financial strife, and immoral deceptions to weaken us to the point of accepting his terms of defeat. If you are like me and you desire to stand against the enemy then I've got great news.


I invite you to mark September 9-10, 2011 on your calendar to attend Resurrecting Hearts @ Home: A Blueprint to Refresh, Rebuild, & Reclaim the Family, being held at the Schertz Civic & Community Centers in Schertz, TX. I have invited experts, both local and from around the country, to come and share instruction and encouragement to empower our families. The time is now... we must be physically, emotionally, and spiritually equipped if we are to stand strong. More info to follow...


We have great programs lined up this week, take a listen and let me hear from you. Oh, one more thing... take time this day to make that call, write that note, or better yet get in the car and connect face-to-face with your family & friends. Tomorrow never comes, it is in the moment of today that lives are touched and hurts are healed... it begins with you.


Hugs in Him... Linda

Live Powerfully Now:

What do you know about Demons?

Can Christian's be possessed by demons or evil spirits?


Can a spirit of oppression or obsession take hold of Christians?


As followers of Jesus, how much power do we have?


Linda welcomes back author and Bible teacher Brenda Blanchard. We are in week 6 of the Truth About Angels series and today we find out if Christians can be possessed, oppressed, or obsessed by demons. Be sure to listen to the past archived shows to catch up with us in the series.


Brenda Blanchard 

Find out more about Brenda at www.BrendaBlanchard.com 


Linda Goldfarb invites you to experience the power of God's truth for everyday living...


Click the link below to go to the show:

Anytime - Archived show 



Not Just Talkin' The Talk: 

God's Word in Public Schools!

What do you think would happen if every high school student in America received a copy of the Word of God formatted the way they think and act?


What if students banded together to saturate their public high schools with that type of Bible?


What if multitudes of young hearts were turned toward their Savior Jesus Christ? 


Do you think the nation would notice? Do you think it would get media coverage?


I say, let's give it a try!!!


carl bluntMy guest today is Carl Blunt, president and CEO of "Saturate: The Life Book Movement, a national ministry created to 'saturate' high schools with God's Word." Blunt is also the author of "The Life Book" which presents a brief overview of the Old Testament and the Book of John using an interactive format with honest student comments and real-life questions in the margins.


the life bookTune in to hear the impact "The Life Book" is making in communities across the country and how you can get these books into the hands of high school students where you live.


Find out more about Carl Blunt and The Life Book Movement at www.thelifebook.com , www.twitter.com/carlblunt , and  www.facebook.com/carlblunt



Join Linda and her guest for a time of empowerment.


 Be sure to check out


for daily encouragement from our host Linda Goldfarb and other Power Team members.


Encouragement to Walk-the-Walk, spiritually, physically, & relationally.


Click the link below to go to the show:

Tuesday - 12pm (Texas Time



  Your Morning H.U.G.:

Is That God Whispering?



How do you know when you are  

hearing from God?


Can divine direction be misunderstood?


How do you filter the words whispered to you?


power of a whisper 


Linda brings insight and encouragement based on Acts 13 and Bill Hybels' book, "The Power of a Whisper".  Bill shares Five Filters we can use to test the whispers we hear to see if they are from God.


1 - Is the Prompting Truly from God?

2 - Is It Scriptural?

3 - Is It Wise?

4 - Is It in Tune with Your Own Character?

5 - What Do the People You Most Trust think About It?


Join Linda in the chat room to discuss how we can use these filters daily to discern God's will.


This is a mid-week moment you don't want to miss.


Bill invites you to share your God-whisper at  www.thewhisperwall.com

Click the link below to go to the show:

Wednesday - 7am Texas Time 



 Life Tech Youth - LTY:


Join Josh and his co-host Jefte each week for Life, Tech and Youth tips to empower your faith-walk


Click the link below to go to the show:

No show this week