Three things to share with you in this third issue:
1) Thanks for your good feedback to these e-newsletters. We are glad that you are benefiting from this tool. Only those who have placed orders with CMAResources have received them, so if you have leaders and friends who would benefit from receiving this communication, please use the "Forward Email" link at the bottom to share it with others. Help them join the nearly 2000 others receiving this e-newsletter.
2) A special opportunity knocks on our door. Through a generous donor, you can double your investment in the ministry of Church Multiplication Associates. For every gift CMA receives between now and Labor Day (up to $15,000) a matching gift will also be given to CMA. Obviously you need to act quickly to take advantage of this opportunity.
>>If you would like to make a donation to the ministry of CMA,
click here and you can give securely online.
3) Going retro with our feature article. Well maybe retro is too strong of a word. We are looking back a couple of years at a letter which still speaks to us today & into tomorrow.
We are walking with you towards the multiplication of healthy disciples, leaders, churches and movements!
Serving you and our King,
Church Multiplication Associates