February 2011

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In This Issue
2010 Honor Roll of Donors...Thank you
Financial Donors
Archives, Library, and Fine Arts Donors
Amistad Increases Access and Service
2010 Visitor Numbers Increase Greatly
Amistad Offers Graduate Intern Experience
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2010 Honor Roll of Donors...Thank you

The February edition of e-Amistad Reports always features a special tribute to those donors who have exhibited long term vision by making contributions to the Amistad Research Center during the previous year.  We are privileged to honor and thank the individuals and organizations whose generous philanthropy in fiscal 2010 has played a vital role in our ongoing success.

Last year, more than most, the country's adverse economic environment caused nonprofits to experience a good deal of fiscal stress.  While Amistad did not escape the reality of harsh economics, the donors to whom we pay tribute ensured important resources for preservation and expansion of access to our superlative collections. Their important support is gratefully appreciated and cause for acknowledgement in the Honor Roll of Donors. 


Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of all donor lists.  Despite our best efforts to avoid errors, we realize that occasional mistakes will occur.  We apologize in advance for inaccurate spellings, omissions, and other errors.  If there are questions about listings, please contact us at the Center at (504) 862-3222.   


As we say thanks for the dedication and loyalty of last year's friends of Amistad, we urge even greater participation and involvement. We also solicit the partnership and philanthropy of many additional constituents who share the Center's commitment to preserving history and culture.

Executive Director
Lee Hampton
Financial Donors

Individual Donor Recognition


Clifton H. Johnson Club


Thomas Wirth


Cinque Club


Edgar John Bullard III

Charles C. Teamer, Sr.


Harriet Tubman Club


PamelaJune Banks-Anderson*

Benjamin A. Dent

Lee Hampton

Paul J. Leaman, Jr.

Ronald L. Wilson


Carter G. Woodson Club


Irene N. Ellens

Sybil Haydel Morial

National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses Foundation

Occidental College


Frederick Douglass Club


Kitt H. Alexander

Donald and Jacqueline B. Blackwell

Central Congregational UCC

Central St. Matthew UCC

Rebecca T. Cureau

Lori Dowden

Marvin Ellis

James D. Guidry

Willie Lee Hart

Christopher Harter

Andrea G. Jefferson

David Johnson

Josie Y. Lewis

Joseph E. Madison

Rev.  Dr. Calvin Morris

Doris Newton

Cynthia Prather

Lance Query

Rev. Paul Sittason Stark, M. Div

Margaret N. Stevens

Dr. Janice L. Sumler-Edmund

Williar St. Vil

Shirley Porter Washington

Cleota Wilbekin

Hugh Wilson


Sojourner Truth Club


Constance Black

Pamela Fleetwood

Edmond Gueringer

Dorothy Hall

Laura Holland

Marie Judge

Brendolyn M. McKenna

Maury and Florence Midlo

Rev. Robert Sandman

Ora Myles Sheares

Maggie Taylor


Phillis Wheatley Club

$49 and under

Della Baptist

Kathleen Bethel

Floretta Bufford

Sheila Randle

Andrew Salinas

Eleanor Strickland

Sharon Williams


Corporate Partner Recognition


Lewis Tappan

$50,000 +

Tulane University

National Historical Publications and Records Commission

UCC Local Church Ministries


John Quincy Adams


Chicago Friends of the Amistad Research Center

Louisiana Weekly Publishing Company

National Endowment for the Humanities

UCC Justice and Witness Ministries


Memorial and Honor Gifts


PamelaJune Banks-Anderson in memory of Ernest and Esther Banks-Anderson

Central Congregational UCC in memory of Dr. Clifton Johnson

Irene N. Ellens in memory of William and Haley F. Newton

Doris Newton in memory of William and Haley F. Newton

Thomas Wirth in memory of Dr. Clifton Johnson


*Active Pledge

Archives, Library, and Fine Arts Donors

Archives and Manuscripts Donors


Clarence Christian Papers, .2 linear ft.

donated by Clarence Christian


Jeremy Cooker Collection, 1 linear ft.

donated by Jeremy Cooker


William J. and Bernice McSweeny Papers, .6 linear ft.

donated by Lee Meitzen Grue


Burnell Robertson Papers, 1 folder

donated by Jocelyn LaFrance


John A. Bolin, Jr. Papers, .2 linear ft.

donated by Hazel S. Moore


Heritage United Church of Christ Collection, .4 linear ft.

donated by Hazel S. Moore


Mildred Katherine Ellis Papers, 7 linear ft.

donated by Cynthia Prather


James Herman Robinson Collection, 4 items

donated by Keith Royster


Suane-Duplantier Family Papers, .2 linear ft.

donated by Elizabeth Simmons


Llewelyn Soniat Papers, 2.4 linear ft.

donated by Llewelyn Soniat


Albert F. Sperath Collection, 2 linear ft. 

donated by Albert F. Sperath


Tom Thurman Collection, 2 linear ft.

donated by Tom Thurman


Tefft Family Papers, 1.23 linear ft.

donated by Katherine J. Wilkinson


Archives and Manuscripts Donors to Existing Collections

Between a Rock and a Hard Place Collection, .4 linear ft. 

donated by Chaplain PamelaJune Banks-Anderson


Molefi K. Asante Papers, 2.5 linear ft.

donated by Molefi K. Asante


Harold R. Battiste Papers, 2 linear ft. 

donated by Harold R. Battiste


Derrick Joshua Beard Collection, 1 folder

Donated by Derrick Joshua Beard


James E. Blackwell Papers, 1 linear ft.

donated by James E. Blackwell


La Creole Collection, 2 folders 

donated by Lolita V. Cherrie and Ingrid R. Stanley


Harold Doley Papers, 5 linear ft.

donated by Harold Doley


Charles E. Donegan Papers, 1 folder

donated by Charles E. Donegan


Louis A. Martinet Legal Society Records, 1 folder

donated by Cheryl Gray Evans


Ina J. Fandrich Papers, .4 linear ft

donated by Ina J. Fandrich


Lolette Fowler Papers, 3 linear ft.

donated by D. C. Harbold


John Garner Papers, 1 folder

donated by John Garner


John Hankins Papers, 2 linear ft.

Rebecca H. Hankins


James H. Hargett Papers, 1 folder

donated by James & Louilyn Hargett


Willie Lee Hart Papers, 1 linear ft.

donated by Willie Lee Hart


Stella Jones Gallery Collection, .4 linear ft.

donated by Stella Jones


Operation Crossroads Africa Records, 1 linear ft.

donated by Willis Logan


Joseph Madison Papers, 1 linear ft.

donated by Joseph E. Madison


Carolyn Maitland Papers, 1 linear ft.

donated by Carolyn Maitland


Ronald E. Mickens Papers, 4 linear ft.

donated by Ronald E. Mickens


Ernest N. Morial Papers, .4 linear ft.

donated by Sybil H. Morial


Marc H. Morial Papers, .4 linear ft. 

donated by Marc H. Morial


Maura O'Donovan Collection, 1 folder

donated by Sister Maura O'Donovan


New Orleans Chapter of Links Inc. Records, .4 linear ft.

donated by Andrea G. Jefferson


Regenia A. Perry Papers, 6 linear ft.

donated by Regenia A. Perry


Louis Charles Roudanez Collection, .6 linear ft. 

donated by Mark Charles Roudane


Hale Smith Papers, 3 linear ft.

donated by Juanita R. Smith


Raymond Smyke Papers, 2 linear ft. 

donated by Patricia Smyke


Robert & Lillian Perry Family Papers, 3 folders

donated by Beatrice Perry Soublet


New Orleans Second Lines Photograph Collection, 3 folders

donated by Randolph Square, Jr.


A Knighton Stanley Papers, 1 linear ft.

donated by A Knighton Stanley


Paul R. Valteau, Jr. Papers, 8 linear ft.

donated by The Honorable Paul R. Valteau, Jr.


National Bar Association/National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses Collection, 1 folder

donated by Cleota Proctor Wilbekin 


Archibald LeCesne Papers, 1 folder

donated by Charmaine LeCesne Young


Library Donors


Akashic Books                                John Lottman 

Toni Anderson                                 Carolyn Maitland

Mark Applewhite                              Ian Malone

Warren Boudreaux                           David Massey 

Richard Brown                                 John McCall

Susan Chebet                                 Ronald Mickens

Jan Cohen-Cruz                               New Orleans Museum of Art

Charlene Duline                               Renee and Bill Oliver

Iracema Dulley                                Cynthia Prather

Rachel L. Emanuel                          Dave Prescott

Abbye Gorin                                   Andrew Salinas

Lee Hampton                                  William H. Schaap

Willie Hart                                      Charlesena H. Smith

Christopher Harter                           Joyce A. Smith

Al Hester                                       Suzanne Smith

Historic New Orleans Collection       Patricia Smyke

Winston Ho                                    Janice L. Sumler-Edmond

Keith C. Holmes                             Tom Thurman

Gale L. Kenny                                University of North Carolina Press

Nghana Lewis                                 University of Oklahoma Press

                                                     Randi Walker  


Fine Arts Donors


Jerry O'Connell   

Regenia A. Perry





Amistad Increases Access and Service
Frances Lavinia Allen

This undated carte de visite of Frances Lavinia Allen taken in Mobile, Alabama, can be viewed in Amistad's online database.

In 2009, Amistad Research Center announced plans for a new era in servicing scholars, researchers, and other constituents with the unveiling of a new online finding aid database. Funding was received from the Council for Library and Information Resources (CLIR) to implement plans for an archive and manuscript collection management system. The staff adopted use of Archon, an award-winning software program that allows for full-text searching of online finding aids and automatically publishes archival descriptive information and digital archival objects in a user-friendly website.  This dynamic software has opened up a significant portion of Amistad's historical papers and records online through an easy-to-use web-based public interface.


Assisted by interns, graduate assistants, and other volunteers, Amistad team members have populated the database with finding aids that were previously available only in hard copy and accessible only at the Center.  There are now over 100 guides to collections online.  These online guides include some of Amistad's core collections: the American Missionary Association and the American Home Missionary Society; the papers of artist Richmond Barthe and poet/playwright Countee Cullen; the papers of historian Gwendolyn Midlo Hall and civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer; ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­and others.


Amistad continues to receive positive feedback from researchers and donors who are pleased and impressed with the expanded access to collections and the user friendliness of the software.  The link to Amistad's online database can be accessed at our website (www.amistadresearchcenter.org) or directly at www.amistadresearchcenter.org/archon.


Image credit: From the Lucile Hutton Papers. May not be reproduced without permission.

2010 Visitor Numbers Increase Greatly
Harmony House visitors

Visitors from the Harmony House Senior Citizens Center.

The staff of the Amistad Research Center prides itself on providing knowledgeable and efficient service to constituents, ranging from donors to researchers to tour groups that visit the Center. The 2010 year was a banner year in terms of outreach to individuals with the Center hosting or co-hosting a number of exhibitions and public events that showcased the historically significant materials within the Center's collections. The Center's efforts were not without success as evidenced by last year's annual statistics reported by the Reference Department.  


All registered researchers who visit the Center and request material from its collections are asked to complete a short registration form that provides information as to patron category, purpose of research, and subject interests.  This information provides staff with statistics regarding collection use, subject areas of researcher interest, and the intended outcome of research visits to the Center, ranging from undergraduate research papers to scholarly publications and news articles. Statistics are also kept on queries by researchers who are unable to visit the Center, as well as the number of tours and non-research visitors who come to Amistad.


The number of visitors to the Center during 2010 was 37% higher than any of the previous five years, and registered researchers rose by 26% over 2009's totals. In addition, requests for reproductions of the Center's holdings (ranging from research photocopies to hi-resolution digital images for publications) rose by almost 60% over the previous year. During 2010, the Center processed close to 400 linear feet of archival collections, added over 1500 books to its library, and its online finding aid database now includes inventories for over 100 collections.


Natalie Midlo Collection

Materials on civil rights and desegregation collected by civic activist Natalie Midlo were processed thanks to a grant from the Keller Family Foundation, which, in turn, led to a donation by the Midlo Family in appreciation of Amistad's efforts.

These numbers reflect the efforts of the Amistad staff to increase access to the Center's wide range of manuscript, printed, and art holdings, which have, in turn, led to the increase in visitors and researchers. Increasing access also contributed to financial donations, whether from scholars who received outstanding service while conducting research or from individuals pleased that information regarding personal or family papers is now online and available to a global audience.


Amistad's mission to collect, preserve, and provide open access to materials related to ethnic history and race relations is based on partnerships with our many constituents. Last year's statistics reveal the success of many of those partnerships and the promise of an exciting future.

Amistad Offers Graduate Intern Experience
Beryl Hunter
Intern Beryl Hunter 

One of the ways in which the Amistad Research Center partners with institutions of higher education is to facilitate internship experiences for graduate students.  Typically a student agrees to serve and is contractually assigned as Amistad intern for a minimum of one semester, after which formal evaluation occurs. Exposure to the basic operations of the Center are provided during the internship.  Activities usually include supervision by the Amistad managers of acquisitions, processing, or library and reference services. Depending on individual curricula, interns also specialize in specific areas of interest, in which they are mentored and receive practical experience.


The following information was journaled and reported by a current intern.  The report is presented to emphasize to our readers the important role that these students play and to acknowledge Amistad's gratitude for intern contributions.  We are pleased to assist in the preparation and education of the next generation of archival workers.    


My name is Beryl, and I'm a graduate student in Museum Studies at Southern University at New Orleans.  For the past few months, I have interned in the processing department at the Amistad Research Center.  The initial reactions when entering the reading room are of respect as historical facts surround you. Every role in the Center from the director to the permanent employees, interns, and volunteers play a vital part at the Center. Working in an environment focused on cultural preservation, I am currently processing the Jason Berry papers (1966-1987), which are an important contribution to researchers of the Civil Rights Movement. The Berry papers document the development of a writing career during a period when the landscape of American society was rapidly changing.

Berry, a New Orleans native, is an acclaimed author, prolific journalist, and film director who has written extensively on Southern politics, culture and religion.  The documentation of Berry's involvement in the Civil Rights Movement provides interesting insight from the perspective of a young career-minded college graduate who landed a job as press secretary for Charles Evers, brother of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers, during his bid for governor of Mississippi in 1971.

The Berry papers focus primarily on race relations, politics, and voting practices in Mississippi during the 1970s.  Articles, audio-taped speeches, correspondence, and video productions related to Evers' gubernatorial campaign make up the bulk of this collection.  Also included is correspondence from Berry's mentors: David Chandler, of Life Magazine; Hodding Carter III, of the Delta Democratic Times; and Berry Morgan and Walker Percy, both southern writers that Berry consulted for advice.

Berry's perseverance is impressive and inspiring, and processing the Jason Berry papers has been a very rewarding and informative experience for me
