
In This Issue
Donor Honor Roll
Donors of New Collections
Reference Department Report
Amistad Hosts Bill Cosby
Film Crew Gets Crash Course in Culture
Future Architects Learn About Amistad
Donor Honor Roll




$100,000 +

Tulane University

United Church of Christ

Local Church Ministries

Institute of Museum and

Library Sciences


La Amistad

$99,999 - $50,000

Clara Elizabeth Jackson

Carter Foundation


Lewis Tappan

$24,999 - $5,000

Edward Dees, Jr.

Foundation for the Study of

America's Technology Leadership

Solinet/Andrew W. Mellon Foundation


Harriet Tubman

$4,999 - $1,000

Edgar John Bullard, III

Chicago Friends of Amistad Research Center

Faith Congregational Church

Hartford, CT

Harry Wade Jones & Stella Pinkney Jones Family Fund

MIT Museum Loan Network

SSA-SAA Grant Fund

The Schomburg Corporation

Second Baptist Church of Los Angeles

Ora Myles Sheares

Betty Wisdom


Carter G. Woodson

$999 - $500

Julie Bensdorf Isenberg Trust

Lee Hampton

Southern Conference, UCC

United Church of Christ

Wider Church Ministries


Frederick Douglas

$499 - $100

William H. & Gloria Armstrong

Mattie C. Braden

Anthony D. Capps

Charles A. Davis

Gloria Richard Davis

Benjamin A. Dent

Richard H. & Constance H. Dubie

Joseph Herzenberg TTE

Joseph Herzenberg Inter Vivos Trust

Beverly Wade Hogan

Lee Jackson

Clifton H. Johnson Family Living Trust

Sybil Haydel Morial

Lew & Cheryl Myers

Doris Newton in memory of William Newton

Second Baptist Church

Elgin, IL

Kenneth B. Smith


Phillis Wheatley

Less than $100

Lionel Arnold in honor of Bernice Mitchell's Birthday

Allen County Public Library

Caryn C. Bell

Ralph & Evelyn Beets

Joan W. Bennett

James J. & Rudine Sims Bishop

Juanita Crear-Price

Charles E. Donegan

LaSandra Glass-Gibson

Marie J. Griffin

Sybil Joshua-McCarthy

Lambda Pi Alpha Sorority

Theresa Lee-Whiting

Josie Lewis

Nancy B. Mikelsons

Myrtle Peterson memory of

Rev. James W. Young

Marian Plant

Albert M. Ragland

J. Robert Sandman

Todd L. Savitt

Spelman College

Betty Trudeaux-Jackson

Eunice M. Williams

Marcella C. Collins

Ora Strickland-Howard



Alan Z. Aiches

R. Bentley Anderson

Marietta Arenberg

Lionel Arnold, Ph.D.

Harold Battiste, Jr.

James B. Bennett

John F. Blair

Shugana Campbell

Iva E. Carruthers, Ph.D.

Nicholas C. Cooper-Lewter (Reverend)

Cyprian Davis, O.S.B.

Gloria Wade-Gayles, Ph.D.

Willie Lee Hart

Historic New Orleans Collection

Bernice Powell Jackson (Reverend)

Charles A. Maxfield (Reverend, Ph.D.)

Erin Goseer Mitchell (D.Min.)

Neighborhood Story Project

Greg Roth, Ph.D. (Reverend)

Rutgers University Press

Sybil G. Schroeder, Ph.D.

Bob Zimmerman

From the Director
directorThis issue of e-Amistad Reports is dedicated to the Amistad Research Center Honor Roll of Philanthropy.  We pay special tribute to the generous support of our many individual, corporate and institutional donors who are largely responsible for Amistad's significant accomplishments.  The listings include donors of monetary gifts and gifts of collections during calendar year 2006 and hurricane-shortened 2005.


A strong annual fund is crucial to Amistad in today's environment of shrinking bottom lines and growing competition for charitable dollars.  It supports collections, new acquisitions, improved technology, equipment upgrades, and staff development.  Most significantly, your annual gift helps Amistad to perpetuate its mission and permanently preserve America's ethnic history.  Given the importance of donor participation, with this report we offer recognition and sincere appreciation to those that responded in the past year.


While other repositories also contain extensive records of African American History, Amistad remains unique with its focus primarily on collecting and preserving original source materials.  Our manuscript, library and fine arts collections are sustained and grow richer with new acquisitions that enhance the research value of the collections.  The Honor Roll provides special thanks to donors of library volumes, fine art, and manuscripts. 


We are careful not to overlook nor minimize special contributions made by the significant number of volunteers who came to us from diverse backgrounds, affiliations, and locations to provide assistance. Their selfless focus on the Center's needs helped to ensure that we were able to speedily and efficiently restore "normal" services under abnormal circumstances.


volunteersAgain, thanks to the individuals, corporations and organizations listed in the Honor Roll of Philanthropy and all volunteers for their vital commitment to Amistad Research Center.  We move forward with a renewed sense of commitment to mission and community, seeking even greater participation and involvement from every sector.


NOTE TO DONORS:  Despite our best efforts to avoid errors, mistakes may have occurred in the production of the Honor Roll of Philanthropy.  If your name or donation has been omitted or reported incorrectly, please accept our sincere apologies.  We request that you email us at sburrel@tulane.edu or call 504 862 3222 to provide accurate information that we will report in a future issue. 

Collections Donors


African American Leadership Project Papers (1 ft), Mtangulizi Sanyika

Orissa Arrend Manuscript "Showdown in Desire:  The Black Panthers Take a Stand in New Orleans" (.5 ft), Orissa Arrend

Florence Edwards Borders Papers (2 ft), Florence Edwards Borders

Raphael Cassimere, Ph.D. Papers (4 ft), Raphael Cassimere, Ph.D.

Rhonda Chaney Papers (.5 ft), Renetta Anderson

Reverend Samuel Cole Papers (.5 ft), Sam Hill, Ph.D.

"Eyewitness to Katrina" Film, Glenn Kirkland 

First Congregational United Church of Christ, Atlanta, GA Collection (1 folder), Ruth P. Freeman

Jon Foose Collection (4 items), Jon Foose

New Orleans Lower 9th Ward Katrina Interviews (.5 ft), Ann Richardson

New Orleans 9th Ward Photo Collection (.5 ft), Rodney David Spears

New Orleans Downtown Neighborhood Improvement Association Education Committee Papers (.5 ft), DNIA Education Committee

New Orleans Second Lines Collection (.5 ft), Randolph Square Jr.

"Our Home" Film, Terrence Rosemore

Peoples Congregational United Church of Christ Collection (.5 ft), Elise Cain

Mohamed J. Shaik, Ph.D. Papers (2 ft), Faitama Shaik, Ph.D.

Reverend Dr. A. Knighton Stanley Papers (7 ft), A. Knighton Stanley

Walkertown Historic Community Collection (1 folder), Diane C. Coleman 

Eric Waters New Orleans Photography Collection (.5 ft), Eric Waters

Whitney Young Collection (.5 ft), Douglas Wilson   



Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Alpha Beta Omega Chapter Collection (2 ft), Conchetta White Fulton, Ph.D.

Marcus Allen Papers (1 folder), Mary Myers Allen 

James P. Carter Dr. P.H. Papers (.5 ft), James P. Carter

James P. Carter Oral History Interview, Edward Dees, MD

Charles Oron Erickson (Reverend) "Don't Fence Me In: My Life Story Enjoying Freedom," (1 folder), Charles Oron Erickson

Minister Louis Farrakahn Collection (2 dvd recordings), the Nation of Islam

Gentilly Ecumenical Alliance Collection (0.8 ft), Mrs. Eugene Dupuy

Sheila Bergeron Harrell Papers (1 folder), Sheila Bergeron Harrell

Marian Perkins Hymes Papers (1 folder), Marian Perkins Hymes

Barak Obama Collection (.5 ft), Ms. Willie Lee Hart

Sue Jane Smock (1 folder), Sue Jane Smock

Raymond J. Smyke Papers (7 ft), Mrs. Patricia Smyke

Dorothy Mae Taylor Papers (5.5 ft), Johnny Taylor

Norman R. Smith Papers (4 ft), Norman R. Smith



Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Alpha Beta Omega Chapter Collection, 2006 Addn (2 ft.), Barbara Brown

Harold Battiste Jr. Collection, 2006 Addn (27 ft), Harold Battiste, Jr.

Vivian Ellis Papers, 2006 Addn (.5 ft), Vivian Ellis

Chicago Friends of Amistad Research Center, 2006 Addn (.5 ft), Willie Lee Hart

Louisiana Coalition Against Nazism and Racism Collection 2005 Addn (4 ft), Larry Powell, Ph.D.

Between A Rock and A Hard Place Oral History Collection, 2006 Addn (1 ft), Pamela June Anderson, D.Min.

Stella Jones Gallery, 2006 Addn (1 ft), Stella Jones, MD

Norman Smith Addn (1 folder), Norman Smith

Reverend Dr. Reuben Sheares II Papers, 2006 Addn (2ft), Ora Myles Sheares

Roy Lewis Papers, 2006 Addn (1 folder), Roy Lewis

Marc H. Morial Papers, 2006 Addn (1 item), Marc H. Morial

Ronald Mickens Papers, 2006 Addn, Ronald Mickens, Ph.D.

Mary Allen College Archives, 2006 Addn (.5 ft), Mrs. Agnes Rhoder

Joe Madison 2006 Addn (1 item), Joseph Madison

Clifton H. Johnson, Ph.D. Papers, 2006 Addn (1 item), Clifton H. Johnson, Ph.D.



Jack Baron, 2005 Addn (3 ft), the estate of Jack Baron

Regina Baiocchi Papers, 2005 Addn (.5 ft), Regina Baiocchi

Marvin Elliott Ellis Collection 2005 Addn (2 folders), Marvin Elliott Ellis

Harrell Miller Family Papers 2005 Addn (.5 ft), Antoinette Harrell Miller

Clifton H. Johnson, Ph.D. Papers, 2005 Addn (.5 ft), Clifton H. Johnson, Ph. D.

Miriam Simmons Keller, 2005 Addn (2 ft), Leonard Williams, Ph.D.
Louisiana Coalition Against Nazism and Racism Collection 2005 Addn (4 ft), Larry Powell, Ph.D.

Joseph Edward Madison Papers, 2005 Addn (6 ft), Joseph Edward Madison

Darlene A. Moore (Reverend) Papers, 2005 Addn (1 ft), Darlene A. Moore



Lithographs by William Pajaud: Friday Night, Register Number 2012, 61/61, Hustler, Register Number 2020, 58/61, I'll Be A Woman Tomorrow, Register Number 2013, 61/62, Main Street Mission, Register Number 2016, 52/56, O. C.'s Honey, Register Number 2014, 62/63, Wash Day, Register Number 2010, 59/59, donated by Evelyn Salk, from the Estate of Edwin Salk

Reference Department Report
reference dept report 1
reference dept report 2
reference dept report 3
Amistad Hosts Bill Cosby

cosbyFollowing-up his visit last year to one of New Orleans' most troubled schools, Bill Cosby recently returned to the city and provided celebrity status to the cause of the Downtown Neighborhoods Improvement Association (DNIA), an advocacy group for the city's public schools.  The early morning meeting at Amistad with members of the group included presentations by students, teachers and concerned citizens.  In his comments to the group, Cosby was sympathetic to their cause, but he also encouraged students to work with the hands with which they were dealt as they anticipated positive change and not allow themselves to become statistical dropouts. 


Cosby then visited a number of schools in the district and engaged in conversation with students at each stop.   Later he and the group met with local and state education officials, and he echoed the requests for basic school improvements that included smaller classrooms, the hiring of more teachers, social workers, and psychologists.

Film Crew Gets Crash Course in Culture at Amistad
pride movieLast summer, Producer Paul Hall brought his film's young crew to Amistad for a crash course in 70's culture training. They absorbed lessons from collections of photographs, periodicals, special manuscripts, and personal papers that provided enlightenment on the time, events, and African American history relevant to the period in which the movie was set. 


Based on true events, Lionsgate's PRIDE tells the inspiring story of Jim Ellis, a charismatic schoolteacher in the 1970's who changed lives forever when he founded an African American swim team in one of Philadelphia's roughest neighborhoods.  Directed by Sunu Gonera, this life-affirming drama stars academy award nominee Terrence Howard (Hustler & Flow, Crash, Ray), Bernie Mac (Guess Who, Oceans 12, Bad Santa), and Kimberly Elise (Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Manchurian Candidate, John Q).  PRIDE will be in theaters March 23. 

Future Architects Learn About Amistad
architecture studentsTulane University School of Architecture students were posed with a challenging project:  plan and design a new building for the Amistad Research Center.  The site chosen for the hypothetical project was in the Vieux Carre near the river, adjacent to Woldenberg Park, and next to the aquarium.  During the planning component of the work, students proposed strategies for designs on this parcel of land that falls between the city pattern of the French Quarter and the open landscape of the park and the river.


After the conceptual stage, students developed plans for the actual building according to their research with certain fixed components.  Lee Hampton, Amistad director, was excited about the project because the students spent time conducting research about Amistad.  In addition to a joint session at which Hampton addressed all sections of the class, small groups of students toured the Center and were introduced to its history and mission. 


The director was also impressed with the designs which featured a coffee shop/restaurant, bookstore and gift shop, patio and garden space, state-of-the-art storage and other technologically enhanced facilities. 


hotchkissRev. Wesley A. Hotchkiss, 88, died on January 7. For more than 35 years, he served the UCC as the general secretary for higher education and as director of the former American Missionary Association, most notably during the Civil Rights era.

Hotchkiss was also a founder of the Amistad Research Center, now housed at Tulane University in New Orleans.

"Wes was one of the giants of the United Church of Christ," said the Rev. John H. Thomas, general minister and president. "While with the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries, he played a key role in the work of Andy Young and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which was supported by UCBHM."

A graduate of UCC-related Chicago Theological Seminary, Hotchkiss received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He served as a military chaplain during World War II. His wife, Mary Ellen, died in 2003.

Survivors include one daughter, Tannia, and son-in-law, Bob Lesko, and two grandsons Dr. Jacob Larkin and Gregory Larkin.

austin leslieAustin Leslie (July 2, 1934 - September 29, 2005) was an internationally famous New Orleans chef whose work defined "Creole Soul".  His distinctive style was the inspiration for the restaurant imagery of the 1987 television show Frank's Place. 


First as a delivery boy and later in the kitchen, Leslie began work in a New Orleans restaurant while still in high school.  After high school he worked as a chef's assistant at retailer D. H. Holmes' restaurant.  During his four and a half years at Holmes, Leslie was not allowed to directly prepare orders for the restaurant's white only customers.  In 1964, his Aunt Helen opened Chez Helene Restaurant and Leslie came to work fulltime as chef. 


Chez Helene became the classic "underground" restaurant, featuring good food, reasonable prices, and location in an African American neighborhood.  Despite its modest surroundings, the restaurant was compared favorably to New Orleans' bastion restaurants such as Brennan's, Antoine's, and Commander's Palace. It received rave reviews from national food writers such as R. W. Apple of the New York Times.


Leslie eventually closed Chez Helene after thirty years of operation and left for work in Denmark as an executive chef.  He appeared on Danish television and prepared gumbo and jambalaya for the Copenhagen Jazz Festival.  He returned to New Orleans, met Jacques Leonardi, and joined on at the newly opened Jacques-Imo's restaurant.  October 2004, he left Jacques-Imo's and joined Stan "Pampy" Barre at Pampy's Creole Kitchen where he was content as a mentor to the kitchen staff and as a good-will ambassador greeting guests. 


Leslie fled up to the attic of his house to escape the rising flood waters after Hurricane Katrina.  He was trapped for two days in 98 degree heat and evacuated first to the Morial Convention Center, then briefly to Arkansas, and finally to Atlanta.  He was admitted to an Atlanta hospital on September 28, 2005 with a high fever and died the next day from a heart attack.