Angel Wings
MCC Omaha's OnLine Newsletter
February 12 2009
"On the wings of Angels come glad tidings and great news". . . . .so what better way to bring you the glad tidings and great news from within MCC Omaha?

Marriage Action 2009 

Gay & Lesbian couples and supporters are invited to meet outside of the Douglas County Clerk's office at 8 am on Friday, February 13The Clerk's office is at 1819 Farnam Street, on the lower level (Harney Street level) of the Omaha-Douglas Civic Center Building.
At 8:30 am GLBT couples will attempt to obtain marriage licenses.  We still need more couples to show up for this important event as we continue to demonstrate the lack of equality of our laws in Nebraska!

Media will be present.  Afterwards, a press conference will follow the Marraige Action on the steps outside the Hall of Justice building directly east of the City-County Building.

This year MCC Omaha is partnering with First Unitarian, 2nd Unitarian Churches, Join the Impact as well as local community activists Susan Koenig, Bob & Betty Dorr and others as we peacefully protest the inequality of our Nebraska marriage laws!
It is very important the MCC couples attend tomorow's event regardless of the weather.
Sadly, equality must be claimed and we must do our part.  This means meeting Pastor Tom and others at the County Clerk's office at 1819 Farnam Street at 8 am tomorow morning.
We are expecting good attendance from other members of the community.  Make yours count as well.
A threat against the event has been made on the internet.  We do not believe the treat to be serious, but all necessary measures with the authorities have been takenYou need not fear!  Fear will work against us and against our rights.  The authorities have been notified and their presence will be appropriate to ensure our saftey.
We are followers of Jesus who has taught us how to proclaim our truth in love dispite those in this world who would stand againt us and against our rights.
The time has come for Omaha to hear our voice! See you tomorow!

Lenten Fish Fry Time 

Volunteers are needed for the upcoming fish fries,  If you want to be a part of this fund raiser and help MCC-Omaha continue to grow in its ministries, please consider getting involved.
The planning committee is forming teams of volunteers to work each Friday during the fish fries.  You don't have to work every Friday, just pick a Friday and help.  The fish fry schedule will be February 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3.   The times will be from 4:30 -7:30 pm.  
We need volunteers to help with the:
  • Kitchen Crew
  • Cooking
  • Preparing the meals
  • Set up and Tear down
  • Wait Staff
  • Cashiering 
Also individuals will be needed to help sell tickets and help with advertising.
The menu for the fish frys will be Alaskan Pollack, chicken strips, cole slaw and potato salad, bread, coffee, tea, or punch.  Cost will be $7.00 for adult meal,  or $4.00 for a kid's meal.
Last year the fish fries were lot of fun.  It was a time for fellowship and about $1000 was rasied for the general funds of the church.  With six weeks this year, maybe we can double that $2000.
To volunteer to help or to ask any other questions, please feel free to call Kevin Marik at 402.658.8494, leave a message if there is no answer.  You can also email Kevin at [email protected].  

Prom 2009

"The Color of Magic" is the theme for the 2009 MCC Prom!  
Green-the color of cash--is the color we need from sponsors in our church and community who want to help make this year's prom the biggest and best ever!   Of course, we also love "the color of plastic," and that does match almost every item in your closet! 
Sponsors can help with items as inexpensive, but treasured, as a complimentary ticket for someone in the congregation unable to afford the cost of a single ticket ($15) or the ticket for a couple ($25). 
There are sponsorships available in every price range:
  • Postage--$50
  • Gayzette Ad--$100
  • Printing (posters, flyers, tickets)--$200 or any part thereof
  • DJ--$250
  • Tiptop Rental--$300
  • Catering--$500

The 2009 Prom will be held Saturday, March 28, at the Tiptop Ballroom at 1524 Cuming from 8PM-Midnight.  If you would like to sponsor any part of this great event, please contact Susie Brenner by Email or at 578.7291 or Cheryl Arends at 341.6565, or you may mail your sponsorship contribution to MCC-Omaha, 819 S. 22nd St., Omaha, NE  68108.  

Silent auction and raffle items are also needed.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  Proceeds from the event will fund improvements on our church building/grounds.
 Weekly Financial Update -
                                    for February 2009
January 25 
Last sunday, February 8 (the
 second Sunday of February) offerings totaled $ 1,866.31 and expenses totaled $ 2,642.  (Our 2009 budgeted monthly expenses average $11,451.50, a increase from 2008).
In addition to the offerings, the church raised an additional $ 194 in fundraising money for the general fund last week.
Last week, General Fund expenses exceeded income by $581.69.

With regards to our Expressions of Generosity pledges, since October 2008 we have received 43 pledges totaling $7,418.57 a month toward the 2009 Budget.  These 43 pledges represent 49 individuals (43 members and 6 non members).  Many thanks to each of you who have said "Yes!" to God in supporting your church!
Additional pledge forms are available from the church office.  We ask that everyone fill out a new pledge form and return it to the church office, or place it in the offering plate during worship.
Your 2009 Pledge/Tithe is extremely important toward the work of our many ministries at MCC Omaha. 

Celebrate Valentine's Day 2009   (with MCC & the Rodeo)

Saturday February 14, the Heartland Gay Rodeo Association (HGRA) will be serving up dinner and a show at the church. 
HGRA's Tracey will be cooking Skillet Lasagna, a veggie, garlic bread, and dessert at 6:00 pm in the church Social Hall.
Then we will all move upstairs for a Valentine's Benefit Show at 7:30 pm.  Jazmine - Miss HGRA 2009 will be joined by all the 2008 HGRA Royalty, Pete, Trina Tabloid, and Aretha Spanklin.  Other performers will include Susie Brenner, and more of your Nebraska favorites.
This is a joint fundraiser for the MCC Food Pantry and the Heartland Regional Rodeo.  And you get all this food and entertainment for the low price of $15 per person or $25 per couple.
What a great way to spend the evening with your special person - having a great meal and helping two great charities!  For more information contact Shelley at 402.658.2922 or
[email protected].

Children & Youth Ministry Update


Your church is working hard to improve the services your kids and young adults receive. 
We are in the process of identifying immediate, intermediate and longer range goals to better serve our young people.  These goals will be shared in the days to come.  Keep your eyes open for some exciting developments.
Part of this very important process will include a gathering of input from parents (more to come) and our children and youth.
We need Sunday School teachers and assistants.  We need at least 8 total volunteers and we have three.  This has resulted in Sunday school being canceled from time to time.  A background check is required. 
If you would like to be a Sunday School teacher, please see Michael Einspahr, Minister of Children and Youth or Sharon Van Butsel, Minister of Education.  You can also call the church at 402.345.2563 and let us know about your interest.

Special Invitation for all Fish Fry Volunteers 

This is a special invitation to all the volunteers who  have signed up to help with the Friday Fish Frys. 
On Friday, February 20 at 6 pm in the Social Hall, the Fish Fry team will be preparing a meal for all the volunteers,  This will be a dress rehearsal, for the upcoming 6 week Fish Fry.
The Fish Fry team could still use some more wait staff volunteers, as well as individuals who can help make signs.  Individuals to deliver fish fry flyers to various locations around Omaha are also needed.  If you are interested,  please contact Kevin Marik by Email or at 402.658.8494.   
Thanks again for everyone's interest and please remember to RSVP Kevin if you are planning to come to the meal on February 20.

Newsletter Deadline Approaching 

The Connections Newsletter Deadline is approaching -Wednesday, February 18.  Please have all articles to the editor - Carla Petersen by the end of the day on Wednesday the 18th. 
This issue will take in the months of March, April and the beginning of May.  Make sure that if you have an event planned that it is listed with the Church office and then get articles sent in about all of these things! Send them to either Newsletter Editor or MCC Connections.
She will send you a reply within 24 hours of receiving your article(s). If you don't hear from her within that time frame, please resend your article(s). They do occasionally get lost in cyber space - or accidentally deleted.

"It's My Funeral,

Play Jazz if I want"

Ash Wednesday is all about acknowledging our mortality.

Following our Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, February 25, join us for snacks in the Social Hall as we learn about how to make sure you have done all the necessary work to fund and plan your memorial service.

Too many times, people put this important task off until its too late.  Consequently, relatives are left with the cost and uncertantity of how to plan your funeral or memorial.

Presented by John A. Gentleman Mortuaries

Neighbors United: Upcoming Community Meal 

Volunteers are needed for the upcoming Community Meal on March 21.  This is the meal MCC-Omaha prepares for the less fortunate in our neighborhood as part of our involvement and membership in the Park Avenue Area Faith Leaders Collaboration - Neighbors United.
The meals are prepared and served at First Baptist Church. The meals are always on Saturdays.  Every Saturday a different group comes together to feed the neighbors of the Park Avenue, Leavenworth, Columbus Park neighborhoods and other areas others of the city. 
Kevin Marik, Minister of Community Service, is looking for a MCC'er who would like to coordinate the planning of the March meal for the church. Also, if anyone can donate a menu item or suggest a meal idea that will feed aprroximately 150 people please contact Kevin Marik via Email or by phone at 402.658.8494.
The meal is served at 11:30 am -1 pm.  MCC Omaha usually cooks the meal at First Baptist, so anyone who is interested in volunteering will need to arrive around 9 am.
Metropolitian Community Church of Omaha
Join Angel Wings! 
Sunday at MCC Omaha
  "Ruth: Part 3 * ~
This Way & That Way"

February 15
9 AM and 11 AM
Worship with
Pastor Tom 
( * During the month of February, Pastor Tom will be delivering a 4 Part Sermon Series about Ruth)

Worship with MCC
 every Sunday
We invite you to join us for one of our services which best suits your schedule.
All services are held at 819 S. 22nd Street in Omaha. 
  • Sunday Worship Celebration - 9:00 A.M.

  • Fellowship - 10 A.M.

  • Sunday Worship Celebration - 11:00 A.M.

  • Children's Sunday School - after the Children's Time during Worship Celebration
Are you called to a certain MCC Omaha Ministry?
Attend one of the upcoming meetings to get involved:
  • Lay Delegate's Meeting - Thursday, Feb. 19. . .6 pm in Ted's Room

  • Deacon's Meeting - Thursday, Feb. 19. . .7 pm in the Social Hall

  • Board of Director's Meeting - Saturday, Feb. 21. . .2 pm in the Social Hall

  • Prom Team Meeting - Tuesday, Feb. 24. . .6 pm in the Social Hall

  • Council of Ministries Meeting - Tuesday, March 3. . .6 pm in the Social Hall

  • Budget Task Force Meeting - Wednesday, March 11. . .7:35 pm in the Social Hall
Jan/Feb Issue - Now Online
The January/February issue of Connections, MCC Omaha's printed bimonthly newsletter is now available online.
For those who have indicated that you will read the newsletter online, rather than having a printed issue mailed to you, the current issue can be viewed by clicking here Current Issue of Connections.

ReCharge on Wednesdays!
Do you need
 a ReCharge to finish the week?  
Need a spiritual boost?

 Spend 30 minutes during the week at MCC Omaha in worship!  
Take time to ReCharge at 7 pm on Wednesdays at
MCC Omaha!  
ReCharge is a short 25 minute service that will get you back on track each week.
This quiet candlelight worship is largely in the Taize style of meditative worship.  Together we will experience the beauty of dozens of candles, gentle meditative singing, and the regenerative power of silence.
Join us for the weekly candlelight meditative ReCharge Worship service.  
MCC's Celebration
Join us in wishing

JoAnn Palmer  (2-2)
Linda Beckstead  (2-3)
Jeanette Kennedy  (2-3)
Juline Miller  (2-5)
Michael Cosgrove  (2-10)
Denae Hemminger  (2-11)
Craig Sluiter  (2-15)
Jon Champaign  (2-21)
Celeste Bartless  (2-24)
Kent LaVene  (2-28)

Congratulations to the following couples celebrating their

Chuck Wooley & John Lee

If you are an Active Member, or a regular attender of MCC Omaha, we would like to be able to recognize you on your birthday and also during your birthday week. In order for this to happen, MCC Omaha is asking for your birth day and month.

If each person would take a moment to respond via email to the church office or by phone at 402.345.2563, we will add you to the birthday list! We would like to be able to recognize you on your important don't have to provide the year - just the month and day!   
Are You on MySpace?
Did you know that MCC Omaha has a social networking site?
We are connected to many of the other MCC's across the United States via our MySpace site!

If you have a MySpace site on the web, you can visit our page and request that MCC Omaha become one of your friends. Once the request is received and approved, you can then move MCC Omaha into your top friends spaces and thus, help promote and make more people throughout Nebraska aware of our great church ministries!

Our MySpace site is in the infant stages of creation, but it will soon grow to join our new website to help keep MCC Omaha at the forefront of the LGBT Community of Nebraska and western Iowa.  Check us out! 
Website Links which
 are of interest to
MCC Omaha. . .
MCC Omaha's Printed Newsletter
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
UFMCC Online Community - Living Fusion
The AIDS Memorial Quilt - Names Project Foundation