Montgomery County Republican Party
The Montgomery County Republican
 Party Line 
May 9, 2009

Sign the speed camera petition,  Get out the GOP Vote May 19,  and promote GOP Unity!

I hope you didn't miss our Lincoln Day Dinner on April 30 because it was a huge success and a shot in the arm for any citizen who cares about the future of our party and our country.  Our keynote speaker RNC Chairman Michael Steele reminded us of Reagan's words about America as a shining city on a hill.  He then asked us to remember: "The light that shines from that city is not the government.  It is the people."

Indeed, it is only through the power of the individual that freedom can ring and opportunity can flourish for all.  Though some might see divisions among Republicans, we are all united by our devotion to the principles of individual freedom and limited government.

Lincoln Day Dinner 2009
(pictured here L to R are RNC Committeeman Louis Pope, RNC Chairman Michael Steele and Montgomery County GOP Chairman Mark Uncapher, at the 2009 Lincoln Day Dinner, April 30.  Photo courtesy of Rex Reed, Amberlea Photography.)

During the month of May there are two major events for Montgomery County Republicans to zero in on:  the special election in County Council District 4 on May 19 and the petition drive to bring to referendum the state's irresponsible use of speed cameras.

The special election is a very rare opportunity to bring some balance to the Democrat monopoly on the Montgomery County Council.  The Republican candidate for this seat is Robin Ficker, an advocate for fair taxation and the author of Question B on the 2008 ballot.  Question B, which garnered a majority of the vote, requires unanimity on the 9-member council before property taxes can be raised above the cap.

No matter where you live in the county, please help out with Robin's campaign by phone banking and knocking on doors in District 4.  Please also spread the word to all of your friends and neighbors in District 4 to get out the vote.

And while you're at it, please spread the word about the petition to bring a halt to the use and abuse of speed cameras by our state and local governments.  Read more about that below.

Mark Uncapher
Montgomery County Republican Chairman
Detest those "speed" cameras?  Sign the petition to take them to Referendum!

On April 15 a non-partisan group, Maryland for Responsible Enforcement, kicked off a petition drive to repeal the use of speed cameras in Maryland.

In order to be placed on the ballot, the Maryland Board of Elections requires that 53,000 valid signatures of registered voters be gathered by a deadline of June 30.  But at least a third of that number must be presented to the Board by a deadline of May 31.

Chairman of Maryland for Responsible Enforcement Dan Zubairi has been active in getting the word out to voters through the internet.  Click here to learn more about signing the petition and helping to gather signatures:

Among the reasons to say no to speed cameras are: they have a mixed record of promoting safety, and sometimes lead to accidents; they deprive citizens of due process and privacy; and their primary purpose is simply as a backhanded tax, to pull more money from citizens into state coffers.  According to Dan Zubairi's intereview with the Gazette on April 20, the cameras also deprive citizens of "the right to face one's accuser."

Time is of the essence.  Please help!

Jack Kemp

Jack Kemp 2

Last week we lost a true champion of the Republican ideals of inclusiveness, equal opportunity and free markets.

As Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1989-93), Jack Kemp opted for bold and creative solutions to promote revitalization and new hope in urban areas. As a member of Congress (1971-89), he was also a proponent of a strong American defense.

Jack Kemp had an enormous role in the Reagan Revolution that fueled America's economic resurgence after the stagflation of the 70's.  In fact, if we reflect on his ideas -- enterprise zones in urban areas, lower taxes to fuel economic growth and job opportunities -- we see him at the very center of the movement of the Reagan/Thatcher policies that led to the downfall of communism.

He was a longtime resident of Bethesda, but began his life and his career in his home state of California where he was active in Barry Goldwater's 1964 campaign for president and Ronald Reagan's 1966 campaign for governor of California.  He was first elected to Congress from a blue collar district in Buffalo, NY.

After the election of Barack Obama, Secretary Kemp posted an open letter to his grandchildren, which perhaps more than anything illustrates his optimism for America and the thoughtfulness that is at the heart of being a Republican.  You can read that letter by clicking here:
Jack Kemp's Letter to his Grandchildren

He is survived by his widow Joanne, four children and 17 grandchildren.
Let's work to get out the vote for Robin Ficker on May 19 and bring some balance to the County Council!

There is a clear choice for voters in County Council District 4 on May 19:  Robin Ficker.  He stands out as the only candidate who is willing to bring some semblance of stability and reason to the budget.  He will hold the line on the out-of-control taxation the all-Democrat Council has been pushing on county residents for years.  Homeowners have seen their property taxes more than double in less than a decade.  They can expect even worse as the Council devises new ways to tax our families' funds in order to feed the beast of our county government. 

Ficker's opponent is a member of the school board, which consumes over half of the county's 4+billion dollar budget.  She stands for the out of control spending which betrays a deep contempt for the nearly-broken backs of taxpayers and their families.  Too many families in this county have been tightening their belts only so that the county government can expand theirs. Navarro also stands for the control of all segments of our lives - businesses, schools, and families - by huge unions that wish to dictate the terms of our government, but are accountable to no one.

Even if you do not live in District 4, please help to break up the Democrat monopoly on the County Council by getting out the vote for Robin Ficker.  Click here for details:

If you are not sure if you or Republicans you know live in Council District 4, please click on this link to zoom in on this map:
County Council Districts with Roads

If you live in one of the following precincts, mark your calendar to vote on May 19:

Leg Dist    Cong Dist    Co Csl Dist    Scl Bd Dist    Pct    Pct location    
14    8    4    99    05-001    Good Hope Com Ctr     
14    4    4    5    05-002    Greencastle ES    
14    4    4    5    05-004    Riderwood Village    
14    8    4    5    05-008    Page ES    
14    8    4    5    05-009    Westover ES                      
14    8    4    5    05-012    PAINT BRANCH HS    
14    4    4    5    05-015    Cloverly ES -additional Pct    
14    8    4    5    05-016    Stonegate ES     
14    4    4    5    05-017    Fairland School Ctr t                
14    4    4    5    05-018    Burtonsville ES    
14    4    4    5    05-019    Banneker MS    
14    4    4    99  05-020    Marilyn J. Praisner CCtr  
14    4    4    5    05-021    Eastern Montgomery Region   
14    4    4    5    05-023    Marilyn J. Praisner Com. Ctr.
14    4    4    5    08-006    Sherwood High              
14    4    4    5    08-007    Sherwood ES    
18    8    4    4    13-028    Wheaton High School    
18    8    4    4    13-036    Sargent Shriver ES   
19    4    4    5    08-003    Flower Valley ES    
19    4    4    5    08-004    Sequoyah  ES    
19    4    4    5    08-008    Magruder HS    
19    4    4    5    08-012    Rosa Parks Middle School    
19    8    4    4    13-001    Georgian Forest ES   
19    8    4    4    13-002    JFK HS             
19    8    4    4    13-011    Forest Knolls ES   
19    8    4    4    13-020    Brooke Lee MS           
19    8    4    4    13-033    Kemp Mill ES                          
19    8    4    2    13-034    Weller Road ES    
19    8    4    2    13-035    Weller Rd ES    
19    8    4    2    13-037    St. John's Lutheran    
19    8    4    2    13-043    Wheaton Woods ES    
19    8    4    2    13-045    PARKLAND MIDDLE SCHOOL  
19    4    4    5    13-046    Children's Learning Ctr.    
19    8    4    4    13-048    Bel Pre ES    
19    8    4    4    13-049    Wheaton Moose L    
19    4    4    2    13-051    Rock Creek Valley ES    
19    4    4    2    13-052    Earl B Wood MS        
19    8    4    5    13-054    Leisure World Clubhouse    
19    8    4    4    13-055    Strathmore ES    
19    8    4    4    13-056    Argyle MS    
19    8    4    5    13-061    Blake High School    
19    8    4    5    13-064    St. Matthews Presb.    
20    8    4    5    05-005    Springbrook HS     
20    4    4    5    05-006    White Oak MS                 
20    8    4    5    05-011    Cannon Road ES  
In This Issue
GOP Unity, a Special Election and Speed Cameras
Sign petition against speed cameras
Remembering Jack Kemp
Council District 4 Special Election on May 19
Recruit good GOP candidates
Precinct Training Sessions
Contact your Central Committee Members
Tucker Carlson to head GOP fundraiser
Connie Morella
Michael Steele at Lincoln Day Dinner 2009

"The light that shines from that city [on the hill] is not the government.  It is the people." - RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Do you know people who would be good Republican
candidates for the  2010 Elections?

Send them our way!  Montgomery County needs solid Republican candidates for the state legislature, county council, and a host of other offices.  Over 50 offices are at stake in Montgomery County in the 2010 elections.   We are looking for well-spoken, well-informed, hard-working Republicans who can connect with voters across party lines.  Could that candidate be you or someone you know?  

If you are tired of the Democrat monopoly in Montgomery County and are ready for some balance in our state house and county government, please contact Jim Shalleck at 301-987-0505 or Sylvia Darrow at 301-424-3097 with your candidate recruitment ideas.  Time is running out, so please call soon!

Precinct Training at MCGOP HQS.
15833 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville
Saturday, May 9, 10:00-12:00 noon
(then, not untill July 11)

This training is open to any one who is interested in grass roots efforts at the precinct level. You will learn about the voting districts in Montgomery County, understand what is needed to build a successful precinct, and much more. The training is informative, fun and FREE and includes group participation and role playing. To enroll please email your name, phone number and precinct number or address to, email Pat Fenati at or call MCGOP Headquarters at (301) 417-9256. If you have been doing precinct
work for a while, your experience will be welcome.

Nearly 200 people have completed the program so far.  We are asking every current  Montgomery County Republican Precinct
Chair that has not yet taken the course to do so in 2009. 


Hon. Mark Uncapher -At-Large Chairman 
Hon. Katja Bullock - 18
First Vice Chairman 
Hon. Sam Malhotra - At-Large Second Vice Chairman 
Hon. Stella Green - 15 Communications Director & Secretary
Hon. Gus Alzona - 16
Hon. Vincent DeCain - 18

Hon. Robert Dyer, III. - 16
Hon. Scott Dyer-39
Hon. Pat Fenati - 14
Hon. Joe Gillin - 20
Hon. Rachael Gingrich
Hon. Anne Koutsoutis - 14
 Hon. Adol Owen-Williams, Jr. - 17

Hon. James Shalleck- 39

Hon. George Sauer - 15
Hon. Lynn Siguenza - 19
Hon. Deanna Stewart - 20

Hon. Josephine Wang - 17
Hon. Dan Willard- 19

Tucker Carlson II
Political Commentator Tucker Carlson  to headline state GOP fundraiser in Montgomery County May 20

If you are interested in meeting Tucker Carlson and helping the Maryland GOP, please call 410-263-2125 or click here for more information, then scroll down to May 20th event on that page:

Maryland GOP Events

Connie Morella and Howie Denis 
Former County Council Member Howie Denis congratulates Connie Morella on her lifetime achievement award at the Montgomery County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner, April 30.  Photograph courtesy of Rex Reed, Amberlea Photography.
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The Montgomery County Republican Party
Montgomery County Republican Party
Tel.: (301) 417-9256
newsletter editor, Stella Green
by authority Moshe Starkman, Treasurer