News and Events from the
American Institute of Architects |
January 2012 |
Join your colleagues below as a friend and sponsor of AIA Delaware, the statewide organization representing the majority of Delaware's architectural profession. Visit AIA Delaware or call (302) 654-9817
for details.

Belair Road Supply
Blake & Vaughn Engineering, Inc.
The Blue Book Building & Construction Network
BrightFields, Inc.
CADapult, Ltd.
Centria Architectural Systems
County Group Companies
Diener Brick Co.
DiSabatino Construction Company
Duffield Associates
Furlow Associates, Inc.
Hugh Lofting Timber Framing
Larsen & Landis
MacIntosh Engineering
Meander Fin
Creative Studio, LLC
MIKEN Builders
Mitchell Associates
Nason Construction
O'Donnell & Naccarato
Orndorf & Associates
Paragon Engineering Corporation
SC&A Construction
SUPER Enterprises
Tighe & Cottrell, P.A.
VanDemark & Lynch
Wohlsen Construction Company
State of the Union ~ State of AIA Delaware
By Mark Edward Clark, AIA, President
"A year deferred."
A year ago when Kevin Wilson asked me to take over as President, I thought, "This will be OK." The economy was improving and the prospects for a better 2011 seemed sure. I wrote in our newsletter in January that I predicted that 2011 would be a recovering year with perhaps 2012 being a still better year. That did not happen.
I am a participant in the AIA survey, Works on the Boards. Each month they send a survey and a few weeks later they send the results. For two years the results have been uncanny in that my business seems to parallel the survey result. When other architects report an improvement we seem to improve. When other architects report a slowing, we seem to be slowing. My conclusion is that we are all under the same sun and moon and the under the macro influences of the economy.
When I started in January, I hoped to somehow solve the problems of the profession or at least improve the state of our members. Nancy, Mary and the Board set off to improve the economic woes of the members. Eleven months later we have had to settle for some improvements and the satisfaction that AIA Delaware is still alive and still pitching for our members.
The economy that appeared to be improving in January stalled. It is not my role as AIA Delaware President to support a political party or even a political philosophy, but I cannot help being frustrated at the lack of progress our government has made in improving the economy.
Of course, the economy is the result of many variables, all too often discussed on CNN and network news. Today, I would like to focus on just one aspect that I feel directly affects our profession. Our clients need confidence. In order to commission a project, a new building or a small alteration that client needs confidence; confidence that the future with this project will be better than a future without it. Will spending money now be beneficial in the future? Their confidence has been shaken. Many are actually frightened. Instinctually, clients, institutions and business have retreated into a safe mode, saving their money for the future.
The Good News
Many corporations have funds. Interest rates are low and more clients are thinking about projects. Three years of slow construction activity means that there is a backlog of building.
Several years ago, on a cold winter night in late December, I was working late when a salesman called my office. I was ready to go home but he asked in a sad, dejected sort of way if he could talk to me about his product line. I said sure.
He was a carpet salesman and his product line was 100% wool carpets! As he talked, I thought about how in twenty years I had never specified a wool carpet. As if he had heard my thoughts, he asked if I ever specify wool carpets. I had to be truthful. He looked a little like some of my architect friends did last year.
Then it struck me. As he and I were speaking, wool carpet around the world were wearing out.
I told the carpet salesman this and he smiled and seemed to feel better, knowing that there was a growing market for replacement wool carpets.
Today, fellow architects, I want to remind you that although there has been three years of slow economy, buildings around the world and around this region are wearing out, not only roofs and window and carpets and paint, but also floor plans, locations, and purposes.
Green technologies are becoming the norm and high performance building the expectation.
The missing ingredient is confidence. As confidence increases, the clients will return. As confidence grows, new clients will emerge. And as buildings grow older, dated and in need of repair or replacement, our markets will again be solid and dependable.
I am beginning to see signs of this improvement already. The improvement is starting with small projects and, yes, there still are not enough for everyone, but my phone is ringing and my clients are calling again.
We still have a great portfolio and meaningful experience. We are still finding people who need our brand of architecture.
I challenge all of you to look for the signs of improvement. Listen for the client asking for new advice and new design ideas. Share the positive signs you come across with others in the profession. Plant the seeds of optimism wherever you find them. Then take the time to smell the roses and enjoy the profession again.
An Architect's adventue with eMi
John W.G. Rosecrans, AIA

As I stood at the baggage claim in the Philadelphia airport patiently waiting for my luggage to be unloaded from the international flight I had just endured from Cairo, I paused to ponder the events that had brought me, exhausted, to this place. I had just returned home from an eleven day trip to Egypt, land of the pharaohs, home of the sphinx. I had not been there to sightsee, although what architect could not in a similar situation? My reason for traveling ten hours to and from Cairo
 | Design Team and Church Members |
was to aid a team of professional volunteers in the design of a multi storied addition to an existing church facility. The reality of being home started to swirl around me as the baggage carousel finally came to life. However, I could not help but ask myself just how I came to be part of this incredible experience.
It all started more than five years before when I received an email from a friend forwarding me an urgent need from Engineering Ministries International (eMi) for an architect to aid them with a project in Africa. I had never even heard of eMi. As such, I began my typical process of researching the
 | Existing Church |
organization and need before I would commit. I found that eMi had been established in 1982, and was a non-profit humanitarian aid organization that mobilizes architects, designers, engineers and surveyors from the western world to design projects that serve the poor in developing countries. Not only did they have offices in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom but they also had field offices in Central America, India and Africa. I immediately realized what a wonderful opportunity this organization offered. Not only for young budding professionals about to start their careers, but also for "old timers" like me who were seeking to give a little back and use our experience to help others. Read more...
 | New and Existing Church |
John W.G. Rosecrans, AIA is the Owner and President of DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS, Architects and Planners, Inc. located at 455 Old Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317. phone: 610.388.0755 fax 610.388.2761, email: webpage:
If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities with eMi visit
Changes to AIA Continuing Education Requirements
From AIArchitect
On Dec. 9, 2011, the AIA Board of Directors voted to modify the AIA's calendar year continuing education requirements to maintain the professional life-long learning standard. These changes are to ensure that AIA members master new knowledge and skills to meet the changing requirements of the profession.
Beginning this year, AIA members will be required to complete 12 hours of HSW education annually; previously 8 HSW hours were required. The total number of continuing education hours required remains unchanged at 18 hours, which includes 4 hours of sustainable design (SD) education. The AIA Board will re-evaluate the SD requirement later this year.
The AIA continually strives for the highest quality and professional standards for architectural continuing education, and is committed to offering enhanced educational opportunities for members. Increasing the HSW requirement from 8 to 12 hours per year will raise the level and quality of the AIA's continuing education programs and the professional development of architects. It sets a higher standard for continuing education that further distinguishes AIA members.
Additionally, the value and credibility of the AIA's CES transcript services combined with the increased HSW requirement enables AIA members to fulfill state licensing requirements for most states.
The new HSW requirement goes into effect January 2012 and AIA members should fulfill their total 18 hours of continuing education during the calendar year.
Self reporting changes
In 2011, the AIA Education Committee closely reviewed our policies and recommended changes to the self reporting process. Aligning closer with many state licensing boards' practice, AIA members will no longer be able to self-report HSW courses for credit. Many states will not accept any self-reported credits for license renewals. AIA members will need to complete HSW credits by taking qualifying courses from registered AIA CES providers, and the providers will report HSW courses for members to receive HSW credits.
With the AIA reviewing, approving, and auditing all course content qualifying for HSW, members will benefit from greater consistency and quality assurance in continuing education. Members can still self-report credits that they earn, but they will appear as learning units on their transcripts in 2012. Through January 31, 2012, AIA members will be given a grace period to self-report any remaining HSW or HSW/SD credits from 2011.
Starting on January 1, 2012, members must attend courses through an AIA CES registered provider to receive HSW credit on their AIA Discovery transcript. Providers will be responsible for reporting HSW credits to be posted to member transcripts. For courses offered by a provider outside the AIA network, members should work with their state licensing board to determine if courses meet the standards for health, safety, and welfare education.
Check your CES transcripts online. For more information, contact
AIA COTE is Accepting 2012 Top Ten Green Project Entries
By Alex Hoyt, Eco-Structure
Now in its 16th year, the AIA Committee on the Environment's (COTE) Top Ten Green Projects competition is calling for entries for 2012. The program solicits environmentally responsible design solutions from architects licensed in the United States. Both new and restoration projects are eligible, and there is no limitation on projects' size, budget, style, building type, or location. Entrees must have been built and completed after 2002 and before Oct. 23, 2011.
Projects must be submitted online by 8:00 p.m., EST, on Jan. 24. Winners will be notified in April, and their designs will be displayed at the AIA National Convention and Design Exposition, in Washington, D.C., from May 17-19. The official call for entries can be accessed as a PDF. All submissions for 2012 must be submitted via the AIA's website at
The judges for the 2012 competition are Clark S. Brockman, AIA, SERA Architects; Steve Dumez, FAIA, Eskew+Dumez+Ripple; Scott Shell, FAIA, EHDD Architecture; Vivian E. Loftness, FAIA, Carnegie Mellon University; Paul Schwer, PAE Consulting Engineers; and Sue Barnett, Sue Barnett Sustainable Design.
The 2011 Top Ten included a repurposed warehouse in Austin, Texas, which now serves as the headquarters of Lance Armstrong's Livestrong Foundation; a Santa Monica, Calif., apartment complex providing housing for the area's homeless and disabled; and a structure in Greensburg, Kan., that houses the elementary, middle, and high schools for an entire school district. Profiles of the 2011 winners can be found online here. Winners from previous years also are online.
NCARB 2012
Practice Analysis of Architecture Survey
You are invited to participate in an important pilot survey of the practice of architecture that is being conducted by PSI Services, LLC on behalf of NCARB. The results of the final survey, to be conducted in April 2012, will be used to help drive the future development of the Architect Registration Examination(R) (ARE), inform the Intern Development Program (IDP) and guide NCARB's contribution to the 2013 NAAB Accreditation Review Conference. The results will also be used to inform NCARB's continuing education policies and programs.
This e-mail contains a link to a pilot version of the survey which is designed to elicit information that will aid in the design of the education program. You are part of a select group who has been asked to complete and comment on the pilot version of the survey before it is distributed nationwide in April.
The survey takes approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. All survey responses will be kept confidential and combined with those of other respondents to determine group trends. Any comments concerning the design or functionality of the pilot survey will be greatly appreciated.
Please complete the pilot survey by January 9, 2012.
How it works
In order to access the survey, click on the link below and you will be automatically directed to the survey website.
Click Here to Start Survey
You do not have to complete the survey all in one sitting. If you wish to stop and come back later to finish the survey, click on "Save and Continue Survey Later" which will allow you to provide your responses over several occasions.
If you select the "Save and Continue Survey Later" option, your work will be saved in the system until you log back in. You will be asked to provide your e-mail address so that a unique link can be sent to you. The link will allow you to resume the survey where you left off.
Each time you login your responses will be saved. Once you click on "Submit" you will no longer be able to access your survey.
To learn more about what a practice analysis is, along with other frequently asked questions, please read the attached document. If you have any questions about the practice analysis survey, or if you wish to complete additional pilot surveys, please contact PSI at
Help the State of Delaware update its
Historic Preservation Plan (participate in their survey)
Beginning in January 2012, the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs will be spearheading a year-long process of updating Delaware's statewide historic-preservation plan. (Go to the following to see the current Delaware historic-preservation plan for 2008-2012.) Required as part of the state's Historic Preservation Fund grant from the National Park Service, development of a new historic-preservation plan provides an invaluable method for focusing on the broader goals and needs of Delaware's preservation community for the next five years.
Throughout the process, the planning committee will be seeking the widest possible public comments in order to thoroughly understand the needs and desires of Delawareans regarding the preservation of the state's historic places. A timeline for the development of the plan is as follows:
- Seek input via an on-line survey to garner public comments on historic preservation views, desires, dislikes and needs. This survey will be open from January through March 2012.
- Provide additional information-gathering opportunities via a series of public meetings in late February and early March 2012.
- Produce the first draft of the plan by late spring with additional opportunities for public comment.
- Produce a revised draft of the plan by mid-summer followed by a final opportunity for public comment.
- Submit the final draft of the plan to the National Park Service for review and comment in September 2012.
- Respond to any National Park Service comments by November 2012 and prepare the plan for final adoption by the State Review Board for Historic Preservation.
- Submit the final plan to the National Park Service for approval in December 2012.
- Publish electronic and print versions of the plan in January 2013.
Public input on the current state of historic preservation in Delaware is needed now to provide guidance for the development of public meetings and for compiling a list of trends and issues that are of greatest concern to constituents. In order to help with this process, please take the Delaware historic-preservation survey which contains nine questions requiring approximately 15 minutes to complete. To provide additional comments, send an e-mail to the following:

Wohlsen Construction Company received three awards from the Eastern PA Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) at the association's Annual Awards of Excellence banquet.
The first place Award of Excellence was presented to Wohlsen in the Public Construction Under $6 million category for construction of the new one-story, 9,432 square foot I-95 Welcome Center project for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Wohlsen received an award of merit in the Public Construction Under $6 Million category for the 8,698 square foot, 2-story addition to the West Reading Elementary Center for the Wyomissing Area School District. In addition the project included 50,150 square feet of renovations to the existing facility.
Also receiving an award of merit in the Public Construction Over $6 Million category was the 60,000 square foot Bensalem High School Gymnasium addition project for the Bensalem Township School District.
Wohlsen Construction Company, a Green Plus Certified company, was founded in 1890 and is one of the leading merit shop construction firms in the Mid-Atlantic States, serving Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey.
A Conversation on Urban Sustainability for All Communities |
Friday, January 13, 2012
Program: 9:30-11:00 am
The Center for Environmental Policy (CEP) of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University presents evening Town Square programs and Urban Sustainability Forums on environmental and sustainability issues. All programs are free and open to the public. Registration is requested.
In March 2011, building on progressive work of local officials in cities around the world, the U.S. and Brazil agreed to collaborate through a Joint Initiative on Urban Sustainability (JIUS) to generate economic growth, create decent jobs, eradicate poverty and protect the environment by focusing on increasing investment in green infrastructure and city-scale green technology strategies. This Joint Initiative brings together public and private leaders from the U.S. and Brazil to serve as a platform for actions addressing the challenges and opportunities of developing urban infrastructure that promotes sustainable development with concrete economic, social and environmental benefits.
Please join us for a conversation with Michael Nutter, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia, Izabella Teixeira, Minister of the Environment of Brazil, and Lisa Jackson, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as they discuss the Joint Initiative on Urban Sustainability and their priorities for investing in building greener economies and smarter, healthier, more equitable communities in Philadelphia, Rio de Janeiro, and in cities around the world. More. RSVP:
of Renovation to the Historic Daniel L. Hermann Courthouse |
Presented by the AIA Delaware Program Committee and the PA/DE/NJ Chapter of the IIDA
January 18th, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Please RSVP by January 17th
Cost: $10 for AIA members receiving CEUs
Program Description:
The courthouse on Rodney Square was built in 1916 and originally housed the County and City government offices. After completion of the new County Court House building in 2003 it was sold to MBNA Bank who renovated the shell and interior for office space. In 2006 the building was sold to Pettinaro who redeveloped the building into offices for the Young, Conaway, Stargatt and Taylor law firm.
The presentation will address the challenges of performing renovations and additions to an historic structure to achieve code compliance, accommodate additional structural loads, and install new mechanical systems within the constraints of the building.
A reception will follow the tour.
 | Photo courtesy of Pettinaro |
Mark Hitchcock, AIA; Pettinaro -Shell & Core Architect
Anthony Colciaghi, AIA ; Francis Cauffman - Tenant Architect
Attendance, Cost, and CE Credits:
Please RSVP by January 17th. $10 for AIA member seeking CEUs.
Time and Date:
Wednesday January 18th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
Young, Conaway, Stargatt and Taylor Law Firm
1000 King Street (Rodney Square)
Wilmington, DE 19801
RSVP to Nancy Payne at (302) 654-9817 or with "Rodney Square Courthouse Tour" as the subject heading no later than Tuesday January 17th.
We look forward to seeing you! BACK TO TOP |
About This Newsletter
Member News: AIA Delaware welcomes press releases concerning, member news and events, projects, new products and services, and information of an educational nature and other items of interest to the architectural community and construction industry. Eligible member news and announcement content shall report news about, or the work of, an AIA Delaware member or the AIA Delaware member's office's work generated in Delaware. Architectural project news items are limited to work completed under the direction of an AIA Delaware member. Items should include a URL link (if any) and be sent to the Editor (and may be edited for length). Events and Programs: Consideration is given to members and sponsors, non-profit organizations, and events offering AIA Continuing Education Learning Units that are located in Delaware. Submit your brief event and program listings to the Editor. Deadline: All items are due to the Editor no later than the 25th of the month for the consideration of the next month's edition.
AIA Delaware does not take responsibility for, or any editorial position on, articles or news items submitted by its members. The views expressed in any article or news item are those of the author's and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, AIA Delaware or its Board of Directors. All questions should be directed to the author of the piece. |