Annual meeting

Please review The Church of St. Michael & St. George's weekly newsletter to

keep abreast of our events. Visit our online calendar for event


Come visit!   


Let us know....  

If you or someone close to you has had a change in circumstances [in the hospital, moved to a nursing home, etc.] please call the church at 314.721.1502, so we can keep CSMSG in your life.








Mary Turner





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Call us at 314.721.1502 or e-mail  

The Church of

St. Michael &

St. George

6345 Wydown Blvd.
PO Box 11887
Clayton, MO 63105
314.721.1502 p
314.721.4670 f

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"Living Christ In This World"
January 16 - January 22, 2012
This Week's Banner 
The chili cook-off after last year's Annual Meeting was a well-attended event!  
Preaching Rota
January 22    The Rev. Andrew John Archie
January 29    The Rev. Jedediah Wynn Fox
February 5    The Rt. Rev. Edward Lloyd Salmon, Jr.
February 12  The Rev. Andrew John Archie
Sunday Adult Education

Archie_100x100The Rector's Forum

Rector's Forum will not meet this Sunday, January 22 due to the Annual Meeting. Please join Fr. Archie January 29, as he continues to study the book of Exodus. 



Faith & Life Forum  

john tylerThe Faith & Life Forum, led by John Tyler, meets each Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Sverdrup Room. The current series is titled "The Public Ministry of Jesus According to Luke." We will not meet  Sunday (January 22), the date of the Annual Parish Meeting. Come join us on January 29 when we will discuss the calling of the first disciples. 

Growing in Gratitude logo
Giving in Generosity
As of today we have received 366 pledges for a total of $1,745,870.
Each and every pledge makes a difference. Thank you for your pledge.
This Week

Saturday, January 21
Hunger Sandwich-makingSandwich making
10 AM   Taylor Room
Hunger Ministry Sandwich-making--All parishioners are invited and encouraged to join the St. Michael's Hunger Ministry on the third Saturday of each month from 10-11:30 AM in the Taylor Room to make sandwiches for FOCUS and Centenary Food Ministry clients. This month we'll be meeting on January 21. Bring a friend. Come join in meeting this ever-growing need for our community.

Sunday, January 22
Annual Meeting this Sunday
Make plans now to attend the Annual Meeting this Sunday, January 22. The meeting begins immediately following the 9:15 AM liturgy. There will be no 11:15 AM liturgy.

Informative and fun, the meeting will feature skits by the Youth Ministry and Church School, as well as a funny song by the choir and the state of the church report by the Rector.

And, if that's not enough--chili, soup and pie will be served in the Great Hall following the meeting.
Hope to see you there!
Chili, Soup, Pie and Cornbread Needed for the Annual Meeting Lunch
Contact Laurie at if you are able to bring either.
The Annual Meeting gives our parishioners a big appetite!
Thank you.
Last years chili cook-off following the annual meeting

The CSMSG Girls Choir

The CSMSG Girls Choir is still accepting new members, ages 9-18, to sing throughout this choral season concluding in May of 2012.  Contact Christi Bye now for more information by email at or by contacting her at church at 314.721.1502, ext. 4043.

Girls Choir at Advent Family Night
CSMSG Centennial  1912-2012
The Church of St. Michael & St. George has been the church home of thousands of people over the past 100 years. Lives have been changed, hearts healed, souls saved. How has CSMSG changed your life? What is your favorite CSMSG story? Please let us know if you have pictures you'd like to share. We're especially interested in pictures from the 1920s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s.

Contact Laurie Brown at 314.721.1502 to share your story, photo or memory.

Upcoming Events 

Sunday, January 29
Newcomers Brunch Sunday
All newcomers to the parish are invited to brunch following the 9:15 AM liturgy on Sunday, January 29. The Rev. Mike and Robin Wheeler will host in their home located on Wydown. Contact Alice at or 314.721.1502 for information and to rsvp.
Children will be taken to the nursery for pick up following the brunch.

Monday, February 13

Susan Mount Guild
11:30 AM     The Great Hallpeggy
The Febrary Susan Mount luncheon will be Monday, February 13, beginning with Punch Bowl (socializing) at 11:30 AM and lunch at noon. After lunch, Peggy Strelinger will speak on 'Far Away Places and Strange Sounding Names: Experiences in India' (rescheduled from January). All parish members are invited to join us the second Monday of each month for good food, fellowship and interesting programs. Please make your reservations by calling Helen Cavin at 314.647.0889 by Wednesday, February 8. Costs are $10 for annual dues and $5 for the luncheon.
Church School Happenings

Skit from the 2010 Annual Meeting Skit
Church School Changes because of the Annual Meeting on January 22 

ALL Church School children should go to their classrooms this Sunday, January 22 at 9:15 AM. The 4th and 5th Grades will be preparing for their part of the Annual Meeting (which follows the 9:15 AM liturgy). The Preschool-3rd Graders will have class first, then all meet in the Chapel for hear the Gospel story and to watch a movie. The Preschool-3rd Graders will join their parents in the church at the time of the Youth program's segment of the Annual Meeting.  


  hands forming a cross


Middle School Retreat is coming, sign up NOW!
All 6th-8th graders are invited to attend our MS retreat January 28-29 and are asked to sign up now! by e-mailing Scholarship money is available, simply call Marty Chapman at 314.721.1502.   


KICK IT ALL NIGHT! All high school students are invited to join Buzz from Friday, February 3 at 9 PM until 8 AM Saturday morning for a HS LOCK-IN! You will NOT want to miss this chance to hang out with Buzz and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship! Friends are invited too! RSVP to NOW to reserve YOUR spot!    


Middle School Mission Week June 11-15, 2012:
Make plans now for your 5th-8th grader to participate in local service opportunities. Cost is $50 for the week. Friends are WELCOME!

2012 High School Mission Trip: Current 8th-12th graders are invited to join our HS mission team as we travel by train to Monument Valley, Utah, June 21-July 1, 2012. E-mail to sign up or for more information.

Look for your copy of our new Youth Ministry E-Newsletter each week! If you have not received this yet, please e-mail Buzz at with your current e-mail address.


Fishin' for Folk

Church 'business cards' are available in the Great Hall and Narthex. Look for the flower pots. Please plant a card in a friend's hand and let them know about all the great things happening here.


Forward this e-letter to your friends!



Adult Formation 

Join Fr. Fox for Bible Study on Mondays

6:30 PM    Library

The Bible--It's big, it's complex and sometimes even a little frightening. You need someone to study alongside, someone to share the load of understanding the story of God's continued work of renewing the world. Come and study with Fr. Jed and other parishioners of St. Michael & St. George as they pursue this endeavor most Mondays in the Library at 6:30 PM.     


Confirmation is Coming! 

Anyone who is interested in being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, or just wants more information about what all of this means, please contact Fr. Jed Fox or call the church at 314.721.1502.

Men's Retreat

The Annual Men's Retreat will take place February 17-18. All the men of the parish are encouraged to attend, and to bring a friend. Our speaker this year is Fr. Robert Hendrickson, Curate at Christ Church, New Haven, and a driving force behind the founding of the American chapter of the Society of Catholic Priests and St. Hilda's House, an intentional community for young adults contemplating a vocation to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church. We will once again be retreating to Pere Marquette Conference Center. We hope that you can be a part of a great opportunity to get away and get close to God and your fellow parishioners. For more information, call the church at 314.721.1502, or send Fr. Jed Fox an email.  To download the registration form, please click here.  

Pere Marquette lodge  

Women's Retreat - The Contemplative Heart 

Refresh, Reflect, Relax, Retreat!
Make plans now to attend the Women's Retreat from Friday, March 2 at 5 PM until Saturday, March 3 at 4 PM.
Take 24 hours for you, your mother, daughter, sister or friend.
Use the retreat to prepare for Lent and enter into spiritual renewal
led by Madeleine Lane, SSND and the Rev. Susan Skinner, Chaplain. Held at the conveniently-located Mercy Center in Des Peres.
Contact Laurie at for more information.
Columbarium Update

The Page Garden columbarium is nearing completion! As you may have noticed, the walls and niches have been constructed and the new pavers are laid. (Check them out--they're gorgeous!)  Landscape lights and sprinklers are roughed in, awaiting only the completion of the landscaping. A new gate remains to be built and installed.
We expect to return the urns from the lockers to their niches sometime in the spring, following Easter, when the weather will be more temperate. We will alert those who have loved ones in those urns prior to any such move.


Outreach Ministries

Cell Phones
If you own an old cell phone that you no longer use, you could provide a much-needed safety net to a victim of domestic violence. Old cell phones are being collected and refurbished to provide women at risk with a secure phone to make "911" calls in the event of a domestic emergency. The phones (no accessories please) are being collected in the Sant Library.

Faith In Action
Was there a ministry that you wanted to know more about? Do you have an idea for a ministry activity? Is there a question about Faith In Action you'd like answered? Call Peggy Strelinger...let's talk.  314.721.1502. Put YOUR Faith in Action.

Suggestion BoxSuggestion Box

Please let us know what you like about our e-newsletters and how you think we can improve upcoming editions. This is an interactive publication and we'd like to hear from you!  Give Us Your Feedback
Canterbury Bookstore during Len
Canterbury Bookstore 

After Christmas Sale
Lenten materials, devotionals, meditation guides and prayer resources are available in the Bookstore.  Prepare for your Lenten season ... at sale prices. Review the richly-varied resources and select one for your journey.  Prepare for Lent. Books by Martin Smith, Frederica Matthewes-Green, Rowan Williams, C.S. Lewis, Joan Chittister and Henri Nouwen to guide you through the coming Lenten season are in the Bookstore for you to select from for your personal journey.  Let us help with your selection.

The Serious Sale continues ... 10%-75% off all in store-stock. Books, Bibles, prayer books, jewelry, candles, Christmas items, greeting cards. Let the staff help you with a particular need or browse through and find a bargain. Inventory is coming and "we'd rather sell it than count it!"  

Free gift wrap is available and Canterbury Bookstore does not collect sales tax. That's a bargain just for starters.  

The Bookstore will be closed Monday, February 6 through Friday February 10 for Inventory.


Bookstore hours:
Sunday 8:30-11:30
Monday 10-noon
Thursday 10-3
Friday 8:30-noon

John Rowe

Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund of The Church of St. Michael and St. George was established in 1943. It was created to provide the Church consistent supplemental funding for vital services, support during difficult economic times, and additional resources for mission growth. Over the past decades, while investments have been prudently made, parishioners and friends of the parish have not always remembered the fund in their estate planning and the Fund has not grown sufficiently to continue to meet its original purposes.


Today, as our society continues to evolve, the need for a strong Endowment has never been greater. In 2010, the Endowment Expansion Committee was formed to develop a long-term strategy to expand the Fund to a sufficient size to meet the Church's current and future needs. The Committee, chaired by John Rowe, includes: Ken Bean, Laurie Brown, Spencer Burke, Marianna Deal, Becky Fouke, Nick Kouchoukos, Talbot MacCarthy, Jeff Miller, Stephen Nickelson, Joe Sheehan and JoAnn Vorih.


In early 2012, the Committee intends to share its plan for Endowment Fund expansion with the entire church membership.  In the meantime, several targeted presentations have been made to the members of the Vestry, former Wardens and other church members. The resulting donations and commitments for future donations to the Fund have been quite encouraging.
Bulletin Board


Birth Announcements Needed

Please contact Debbie Fenner at or 314.721.1502 when there is a birth in the church family, so we can properly welcome the new baby into the parish.


CSMSG Pre-primary Enrollment

We are currently accepting applications for our parish's two pre-primary programs: 18-24 months on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM and 2-3 years on Monday through Wednesday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM. We are also offering a five-morning schedule for both classes. Our programs are taught by a degreed teacher and have proven quite successful since their inception. For more information, call Carol at 314.721.1502.

Child with book

The Servers' Guild   

The Servers' Guild provides a unique opportunity for students from 6th through 12th grades to participate in the Sunday liturgies and gain a deeper appreciation for our traditions and style of worship. If you would like to join a group of young people who are dedicated to enhancing the worship experience at CSMSG, contact Fr. Mike Wheeler.

Acolyte with cross

Altar Guild  
We invite you to deepen your spiritual life and connection to the liturgy by becoming a member of the Altar Guild. This ministry is dedicated to the service of God by lovingly preparing the altars. Many hands are needed, weekdays and Sundays, to care for the linens, candles and silver. Contact Betsy Panke: 314.993.6487 or

Valet Parking

Valet service by Midwest Parking will be available on Sunday mornings for elderly parishioners and those with special needs. This valuable service is being provided by an anonymous benefactor. Thank you for this very generous gift!