The CSMSG Youth Ministry Service Day at the Food Bank  

Please review The Church of St. Michael & St. George's weekly newsletter to

keep abreast of our events. Visit our online calendar for event


Come visit!   


Let us know....  

If you or someone close to you has had a change in circum-stances [in the hospital, moved to a nursing home, etc.] please call the church at 314.721.1502, so we can keep CSMSG in your life.





Rory Patrick Farrell, son of Suzanne Miller Farrell & Paraig G. Farrell



Brandon Hsueh 



Susan Schmittzehe Wilcox and

David Vickers Boudinet



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Call us at 314.721.1502 or e-mail [email protected]  

The Church of

St. Michael &

St. George

6345 Wydown Blvd.
PO Box 11887
Clayton, MO 63105
314.721.1502 p
314.721.4670 f

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"Living Christ In This World"
October 3 - October 9, 2011
This Week's Banner 

CSMSG Youth Ministry volunteering at the Food Bank last year. This coming Saturday, October 8 is Service Day, with a variety of volunteer opportunities available for our youth.  

Preaching Rota
October 9          Mr. Isaac Arten
October 16         The Rev. Andrew John Archie
October 23         The Rev. Andrew John Archie
October 30         The Rev. Jedediah Wynn Fox

Fall Schedule has Begun!

Liturgies will begin at 8 AM, 9:15 AM, 11:15 AM and 5:30 PM.  

Sunday Adult Education


The Rector's ForumArchie_100x100

The Rector's Forum will continue it's study of the book of Exodus this Sunday.





Faith & Life Forum  

john tyler

The Faith & Life Forum, led by John Tyler, meets each Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Sverdrup Room. The current series is titled "The Master's Men: Character Sketches of Four Disciples." This Sunday (October 9) we will discuss the character traits of the apostle Peter and how they are applicable to our Christian lives today. Come join us on any or all Sundays.
From the PewsMysterious person
As I sit in my pew, I look around and see some folks who I would definitely call my friends. Not like "facebook friends", who can be people I've never even met. Friends are peers, who I know, and who know me. Friends are people I will go out of my way to help, and who will go out of their way to help me. More than acquaintances. More than just pew neighbors. I have a special bond with my friends. It's personal. So, can God be my friend? He's my redeemer. He knows me (probably a little too well). But I don't really know Him that well. And, do I go out of my way to help Him? Or, do I just expect Him to go out of His way all the time to help me? We have a one-sided relationship I think. Maybe we need to be better friends. That's my view from my pew, friend to friend!   
Progressive Dinner Thank You!
A great time was had by all Saturday night at the Progressive Dinner!
Many thanks to Andrew and Daisy Archie, Rick and Jilanne Barnes, Tom and Janet Horlacher, Robbie and Cindy Johnson, Mark and Jane Klamer and Mike and Robin Wheeler. These gracious
parishioners opened their homes for dinner, desert and fun!
Progressive dinner
This Week  
Monday, October 10

Susan Mount Guildpeggy

On Monday, October 10 the Susan Mount Guild will welcome Peggy Strelinger who will present "Something Old and Something New, Inventing the American Wedding." Punch Bowl is at 11:30 AM; Lunch ($5) at noon followed by the program. All are welcome! Please make your reservations by Wednesday, October 5 by calling Helen Cavin at 314.647.0889.

The CSMSG Girls Choir

The CSMSG Girls Choir is still accepting new members, ages 9-18, to sing throughout this choral season concluding in May of 2012.  Contact Christi Bye now for more information by email at [email protected] or by contacting her at church at 314.721.1502, ext. 4043.
Choir girls at the Choir booth at the Lay Ministry Fair
Evensong choir
2011-2012 Evensong Schedule
 Download the 2011-2012 Evensong Schedule


  YM_Cardinals game


Many thanks to Dave Breckenridge for leading a discussion of MONEY with our 6th-12th graders yesterday! Dave engaged these students in a meaningful discussion about various aspects of money management. 


Thank you to Jenny Matthews and to all families who contributed money or food to the Simple Supper last night! The funds raised will be used to support our HS Mission trip to Utah next June.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED--The entire parish is invited to partner with the Youth Ministry in serving our community at the YM Fall Service Day THIS Saturday, October 8! Volunteer to make a difference in our community. We will be offering 3-4 different service opportunities including light construction, landscaping, clean-up and possibly painting. RSVP TODAY to  [email protected]. Adult drivers are needed. We plan to meet at church at noon and will return by 4:30 PM. Bring your friends and join in the fun!    



Rent-a-Kid is a year-round fundraiser for the Youth of CSMSG High School Mission Trip and also provides a unique opportunity for teens to connect with each other and the community through service. If you have ANY job in mind, please contact Bart Freer at 314.276.3733 or [email protected].    


October Special: Leaf Raking! Hire 2 teens, plus 1 adult for $20/hour. (suggested donation)   


Sunday School for our 6th-12th graders has begun and meets every Sunday immediately following the 9:15 AM liturgy. All 6th-8th graders meet in the gym and the 9th-12th graders meet on the 4th floor in Canterbury Hall (take the stairs just opposite the reception desk up to the top to Canterbury Hall).   


LIVE FEED...Movies: Isaac and Buzz have started a Sunday evening small group called LIVE FEED. This group watched "It's Kind of a Funny Story" on Sunday and began a discussion of  the big themes of the Christian story (things like sin and redemption, vocation and life's purpose) in the culture around us as reflected in this movie. The purpose of our LIVE FEED group this fall is to find these themes in a movie, and connect them to God's word so we can learn lessons for our own faith and know how to talk to others about Christianity using the movies! It is NOT TOO LATE to join LIVE FEED even if you weren't able to see the movie as clips relevant to the discussion will be shown weekly. This group meets on Sundays from 4-5:30 PM. E-mail [email protected] for more information or to sign up.   


Calling all parents, grandparents, want-to-be parents and interested adults! You are invited to attend the YM Fall Parenting Seminars which begin this Sunday. Isaac Arten will be kicking off the series, "So, you want your Kids to be Christian?" This class will be held in the basement classroom under the stairs from 10:30-11 AM and coffee and refreshements will be served. All parishioners and friends are invited to attend!     


FAITHBOOK: "What's YOUR Status?"
If you were not able to be at the kick-off, there is a packet for each 6th-12th grader that will be placed at the end of the cloister walk. Please stop by to pick up your packet asap so you can sign up for the exciting events offered!    


YM Leadership Team Meeting will be this Friday, October 7 from 12:30-2 PM in the Sverdrup Room. RSVP to [email protected] if you have not already.


YM Adult Bible Study will be next Tuesday, October 11 from 7-8:30 PM for dinner at Isaac Arten's home. All SS teachers and small group leaders, YM Leadership Team members, and regular YM adult volunteers (including YM event chaperones) are invited! RSVP to [email protected] by Sunday, October 9.   


Save the Dates: Saturday, October 22--8th Grade Lock-In at CSMSG; Sunday, October 23--High School Halloween Costume Party at Buzz Matthew's home.   


The High School Girls' Bible Study has resumed meeting Tuesday mornings from 6:45-7:30 AM over breakfast! All 10th-12th graders are invited! Please contact Marty at [email protected] if you would like to join this Bible Study.  


Fishin' for Folk

Church "business" cards are available in the Great Hall and Narthex. Look for the flower pots. Please plant a card in a friend's hand and let them know about all the great things happening here.


Forward this e-letter to your friends!



Upcoming Events

Tuesday, October 11  

Steak & Stories  

6 PM  Great Hall 

Continuing our fall tradition, we will focus our theme with pilot, Greg Newell, sharing his experience with his US Air Force Reserve deployment, AL Udeid Qatar 2009-10. He will share his 
experiences and knowledge and give you insights into being a pilot. Please RSVP to Alice at 314-721-1502 or

[email protected] no later than noon Monday, October 10. 


Thursday, October 13

Attention Church School Moms!
Mom's Night Out at Katherine Mathews house on Thursday, October 13, 7:30 PM.  Bring a bottle of wine or dessert.     


Saturday, October 15

Hunger Sandwich-making 

10 AM   Taylor Room 

Hunger Ministry Sandwich-making--All parishioners are invited and encouraged to join the St. Michael's Hunger Ministry on the third Saturday of each month from 10-11:30 AM in the Taylor Room to make sandwiches for FOCUS and Centenary Food Ministry clients. This month we'll be meeting on October 15. Bring a friend. Come join in meeting this ever-growing need for our community. 
 Sandwich making on Saturday morning.

Sunday, October 16
Susan Mount Sunday

following worship    Great Hall
Please join us in the Great Hall following morning worship for a reception on Sunday, October 16, to honor our church's benefactress. This has been designated as Susan Mount Day to honor Ms. Mount, whose anonymous gift helped to establish our parish in 1912. In 1914 she donated additional funds to construct the parish house. Her identity was revealed after her death in 1917, and the parish house was named in her honor.

Friday, November 4

Fundraising Concert

Great Hall
Join the Girls Choir of The Church of St. Michael and St. George, as well as many professional musicians from the St. Louis area, as we celebrate music and raise the money we need to send the Girls Choir to Chicago in February. Enjoy a music-filled cocktail hour while perusing and bidding on the silent auction items. Have dinner and hear opera arias, baroque music, jazz standards and movie tunes. There will surely be something for everyone! During the intermission, bid on silent auction items, drink some coffee and eat delectable desserts. Food and drink starts at 6 PM. Concert at 7 PM. Download a flyer

Price: $35 per ticket or 4 for $120.  Reserve your seat today!

Adult Formation 

Join Fr. Fox for Bible Study on Mondays

6:30 PM    Library

The Bible--It's big, it's complex and sometimes even a little frightening. You need someone to study along side, someone to share the load of understanding the story of God's continued work of renewing the world. Come and study with Fr. Jed and other parishoners of St. Michael & St. George as they pursue this endeavor most Mondays in the Library at 6:30 PM.

October 3          Romans 1 (finally, a new topic) Paul's Magnum   

October 10        No Bible Study (Fr. Jed is out of town)

October 17        Romans 1 continued 


Thank you for wearing your name tag!

John Rowe

Endowment Fund

Over the last several years, it has become apparent that the Endowment Fund of The Church of St. Michael and St. George ("CSMSG") needs to be significantly expanded. Our members provide generous financial support to fund the ongoing activities of the church. The average annual pledge of CSMSG members is almost twice as large as those of other Episcopal churches. Unfortunately, our endowment of approximately $6 million is much smaller than statistical comparisons would indicate is needed for a vibrant church of our size.

The recent period of economic weakness has graphically illustrated that pledges alone will not completely fund our current programs, allow full implementation of the recently approved Strategic Plan, and assure the long-term viability of the CSMSG. The logical source of additional and consistent revenue to meet these objectives is a larger endowment.

The Endowment Expansion Committee has been formed to study our financial needs. The Committee, chaired by John Rowe, includes:  Ken Bean, Spencer Burke, Marianna Deal, Becky Fouke, Nick Kouchoukos, Talbot MacCarthy, Jeff Miller, Stephen Nickelson, Joe Sheehan and JoAnn Vorih.  If you have any suggestions regarding this important initiative, please feel free to discuss them with the Committee members.

Outreach Ministries 

Shelter Ministries  

Help is needed serving breakfast at the Gateway 180 on Sunday mornings. This ministry provides a warm nourishing meal to more than 75 men, women and children and the opportunity to show them and yourself how God's love works in our lives. You can make a difference. Share yourself with this ministry; call Nick Clifford (314.997.4011) for more information or just come on Sunday morning 6 AM, 1000 North 19th Street.

 Volunteers at the shelter

Planning has begun for the next birthday party that will be held at the Juvenile Detention Center for Kids In Detention. Volunteers can help with purchasing supplies for the party, decorating the room before the event or assisting with the program for the evening from 6:30-8:30 PM  You may call Mary Kay Digby at 314.436.3545 with questions or for more information.   

Suggestion BoxSuggestion Box

Please let us know what you like about our e-newsletters and how you think we can improve upcoming editions. This is an interactive publication and we'd like to hear from you!  Give Us Your Feedback
Linda Bickel getting the bookstrore ready for fall.
Canterbury Bookstore 

Fall is here and the anticipation of the holiday season:  All Saints Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Canterbury Bookstore has many resources for each of these church seasons.

The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin, The Rainbow Book of Everyday Prayers
and Thirteen Days of Halloween will delight the children. Mr. Sunday's Soup or the newest volume in the Peter and the Starcatcher's series is sure to catch the imagination of any reader. Remember gift-wrapping is always available and FREE.

Save the date!
Sunday, November 13
Canterbury Bookstore's
Very Special Christmas
Open House 8:45 AM-12:30 PM
Games, Treats, Special Prices
Don't miss the fun!!

Bookstore hours:
Sunday 8:30-11:30
Monday 10-noon
Thursday 10-3
Friday 8:30-noon

Columbarium Update


Columbarium Update

First came the bitter cold of last winter, followed by the torrential rains of spring and the suffocating heat of summer. In the midst of all was a city-wide mason's strike and periodic delays in stone shipments. Each has played its part in delaying construction. But... the Page Garden columbarium is finally starting to round into shape. Most of the Missouri red granite has been laid, with limestone caps, new pavers and landscaping to come.  Construction should be done this fall, weather (and materials shipments) permitting, with landscaping to follow.

Bulletin Board


Saint NicholasCSL St. Nicholas Day Luncheon 

Ladies, we need your treasures and/or white elephants for the upcoming Church Service League St. Nicholas Day Luncheon and Bazaar. Please turn in your donated items to the receptionist. 


CSMSG Pre-primary Enrollment

We are currently accepting 2011-12 applications for our parish's two pre-primary programs: 18-24 months on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM and 2-3 years on Monday through Wednesday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM.  We are also offering a five-morning schedule for both classes. Our programs are taught by a degreed teacher and have proven quite successful since their inception. For more information, call Carol at 314.721.1502.

CSMSG Pre-primary program

Laurie greeting at doorWanted: 8 AM Greeters

Looking for a place to serve? Become a greeter at the 8 AM liturgy and help extend the hospitality at of The Church of St. Michael & St. George. Contact Patricia Johnson before or after the liturgy, or call her at home at 314.993.3779.



The Servers' Guild

The Servers' Guild provides a unique opportunity for students from 6th through 12th grades to participate in the Sunday liturgies and gain a deeper appreciation for our traditions and style of worship. If you would like to join a group of young people who are dedicated to enhancing the worship experience at CSMSG, contact Catherine Salmon at [email protected].

Accoytes on Palm Sunday

Altar Guild  We invite you to deepen your spiritual life and connection to the liturgy by becoming a member of the Altar Guild. This ministry is dedicated to the service of God by lovingly preparing the altars. Many hands are needed, weekdays and Sundays, to care for the linens, candles and silver. Contact Betsy Panke: 314.993.6487 or [email protected].

Smiles Needed!

Want to volunteer one Su
nday a month? The Greeter position is just right for you. Contact Laurie Brown at [email protected] or 314.721.1502. 

Valet Parking

Valet service by Midwest Parking will be available on Sunday mornings for elderly parishioners and those with special needs. This valuable service is being provided by an anonymous benefactor. Thank you for this very generous gift!