Palm Sunday procession at CSMSG.

Please review The Church of St. Michael & St. George's weekly newsletter to

keep abreast of our events. Visit our online calendar for event


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Let us know....  

If you or someone close to you has had a change in circumstances [in the hospital, moved to a nursing home, etc.] please call the church at 314.721.1502, so we can keep CSMSG in your life.

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Call us at 314.721.1502 or e-mail  The Church of St. Michael & St. George

6345 Wydown Blvd.
PO Box 11887
Clayton, MO 63105
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314.721.4670 f

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"Living Christ In This World"
April 18 - April 24, 2011
This Week's Banner

The Palm Sunday procession marked the commencement of Holy Week observance at The Church of St. Michael & St. George.  

Click here to see photos. 

Preaching Rota
April 24   The Rev. Andrew John Archie

May 1       The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith
May 8       The Rev. Andrew John Archie
May 15     The Rev. John Michael Wheeler
Sunday Adult Education
The Rector's Forum   
10:30 AM  Taylor Room

The Rector's Forum will not meet Easter Sunday, April 24 or Confirmation Day, May 1. It will resume May 8. 


Faith & Life Forum 
10:30 AM   Sverdrup Room
John Tyler  
The Faith & Life Forum, led by John Tyler, is in recess through May 1. Please join us on May 8 for our next series titled "Great Questions in the Bible."
A few copies of John Tyler's book titled "Jesus: a Way or the Way: Salvation, Non-Christian Religions, and the Unevangelized" are still available in the Canterbury Bookstore. The book is a user-friendly read for laypeople of all levels of biblical knowledge and Christian experience. Get the book while supplies last!

Faith & Life information
Palm Sunday procession 

Holy Week Schedule 


Holy Monday          Evensong with Sermon                   5:30 PM

Holy Tuesday         Evensong with Sermon                   5:30 PM

Holy Wednesday    Evensong with Sermon                   5:30 PM


Maundy Thursday  Family Liturgy with Foot Washing    5:30 PM

                                  (St. George's Chapel)

                               Choral Eucharist I                         7:30 PM

                                  (Foot Washing/Stripping of the Altar)


Altar of Repose       April 21 at 9:00 PM through April 22 noon


Good Friday            Stations of the Cross                     7:00 AM

                               Good Friday Liturgy                     12:00 PM

                               Children's Good Friday Liturgy      12:00 PM

                                 (St. George's Chapel)


Holy Saturday       The Great Vigil of Easter                 7:30 PM


Easter Day            Holy Eucharist I                             7:30 AM  

                             Festival Music for Organ and Brass   9:00 AM

                             Festival Eucharist I                         9:15 AM

                             Festival Music for Organ and Brass 11:00 AM

                             Festival Eucharist I                       11:15 AM

                             Holy Eucharist II                            5:30 PM

From the Pews  Mysterious person
I'm a Campbell Soup kind of chef.  "Step 1, open the can and pour over chicken. Step 2, bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Step 3, serve hot."  In my pew, I wonder what the 3-step recipe for Christianity or Episcopalianism (is that a word?) is? Open the Bible, pour over me, heat and serve.  "Bible in a can" would be a great new product, for sure! I bet it'd be a huge seller, up there with Cream of Mushroom and Minestrone! I think Campbell Soup says "soup is good food." Well, how about "Bible is good food"?  Or, "good to the last verse" maybe.  Is there any easy way, a quick recipe? I'm not sure. But we do occasionally offer courses here at church, like The Bible in 90 Days. And there are always great classes offered on Sunday mornings. And on the church website you can find the sermons to listen to (or re-listen to). These things are really pretty easy; just a little bit of time is all that's required. We might not be Campbell Soup, but you can get a very satisfying "meal" here if you want it. That's my view from my pew. 
radio waves

On the Radio  


Listen for our Easter announcements on 90.7 FM KWMU!


Fishin' for Folk

Church "business" cards are available in the Great Hall and Narthex. Look for the flower pots. Please plant a card in a friend's hand and let them know about all the great things happening here.

Forward this e-letter to your friends!



Growing In Generosity
Stewardship Campaign 2011  
Growing in Generosity logo

Growing In Generosity  

Campaign Update

Holy Week invites us to begin a new journey and venture outside of ourselves. To become people who seek to move beyond self-interest and move towards perpetual graciousness, and a forgiving spirit. The Growing in Generosity campaign is an example of how the parishioners of The Church of St. Michael and St. George give of their time, talent and treasure- a perpetual state of gracious gratitude! Thank you for your pledge!

 Growing in Generosity Stewardship testimonials
This Week

Tuesday, April 19

Church Service League

The  Rev. Larry Handwerk
Our Holy Week guest preacher, the Rev. Dr. Larry Handwerk will be our guest speaker. Please join us for Bible study at 11 AM and lunch at noon.

Suggestion BoxSuggestion Box

Please let us know what you like about our e-newsletters and how you think we can improve upcoming editions. This is an interactive publication and we'd like to hear from you!  Give Us Your Feedback
Church School Happenings
Donatello and an admirer
Donatello is a Castilian Donkey. His owners are Sharon & Robert LeFarth from Meadow Crest Farms in Catawissa, Missouri. They will also be providing a petting zoo for our Parish Picnic on May 29.

The Church School Lenten Project

The Church School Lenten Project this year is helping Almost Home. They are in need of any or all of the following items for the young mothers and their babies:

Toothbrush - 1 child and 1 adult
2 Sets of towels and washcloths
Pantene shampoo (for split ends and breakage)
Kids socks - white any size
$5-10 gift card to Walmart or Target (for undergarments)
Comb and brush
Baby lotion
Body wash or bath soap - (Dove)
2T and 3T boy and girl Pull-ups

Almost Home "welcome kits" can be dropped off by St. George's Chapel any time before and including May 1. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Fisher in the Church School.

Mite Boxes

Mite boxThe children are collecting money for Meds and Food for Kids through their mite boxes, in addition to making donations to Almost Home. Mite boxes will be collected in the chapel after Easter. Mite boxes will be presented at the Chapel service on May 1.


There will be no Church School on Easter  

However, there are two special liturgies for families and children in St. George's Chapel on Maundy Thursday (5:30 PM) and Good Friday (noon), both led by Laurie Anzilotti. Following the Good Friday liturgy, there will be crafts for children of all ages.  Pizza will be provided in the Sverdrup Room (off the Great Hall) if your child will miss lunch at school because of the service.  Please let Jane Fisher know ( 

Adult Formation 

Women's Bible Study

The Rev. Mike Wheeler will continue to conduct the Women's Bible Studies that meet every Tuesday at 11 AM and every Friday at 7:30 AM. This spring, the study will focus on I and II Samuel.  

All women are welcome!  


The Rev. Mike Wheeler's  Women's Bible Studies will NOT meet on the following days: Tuesday, April 26 and Fridays April 22 and 29. Classes will resume Tuesday, May 3 and Friday, May 6.  

John Rowe

Endowment Fund

Over the last several years, it has become apparent that the Endowment Fund of The Church of St. Michael and St. George ("CSMSG") needs to be significantly expanded. Our members provide generous financial support to fund the ongoing activities of the Church. The average annual pledge of CSMSG members is almost twice as large as those of other Episcopal churches. Unfortunately, our endowment of approximately $6 million is much smaller than statistical comparisons would indicate is needed for a vibrant church of our size.

The recent period of economic weakness has graphically illustrated that pledges alone will not completely fund our current programs, allow full implementation of the recently approved Strategic Plan, and assure the long-term viability of the CSMSG. The logical source of additional and consistent revenue to meet these objectives is a larger endowment.

The Endowment Expansion Committee has been formed to study our financial needs. The Committee, chaired by John Rowe includes:  Ken Bean, Spencer Burke, Marianna Deal, Becky Fouke, Nick Kouchoukos, Talbot MacCarthy, Jeff Miller, Stephen Nickelson, Joe Sheehan and JoAnn Vorih.  If you have any suggestions regarding this important initiative, please feel free to discuss them with the Committee members.


 YM girls at food pantry   

Confirmands: Your Final Assignments were due yesterday, thank you for returning those! Parents, we hope you have received your invitation to the Confirmation Banquet this week. Please RSVP to Marianna Deal at for the Confirmation Banquet by this Wednesday, April 20.

Thank you to all who showed up to volunteer Saturday by baking muffins for our parishioners or by sorting food at the St. Louis Foodbank! You have made a difference in your community this weekend!

Youth Ministry making cookies for our college students.

Parents of HS Seniors: Please send in the information on your HS Senior, as well as a photo ASAP! SAVE-THE-DATE for HS Senior Recognition on Sunday, May 15 at 9:15 AM.


Middle School Mission Sign-Ups! June 20-24 is the date for our 2011 Middle School Mission Week here at CSMSG and all rising 5th graders through rising 9th graders and their friends are welcome! This week will consist of different service opportunities each day in our community. Adult chaperones and drivers are needed. Cost is $50. RSVP to now to save your spot!


Mission Accomplished! We have BABYSITTERS, and lots of other student helpers! Donate to our HS Mission Fundraiser AND get the work done that you need! Funds raised will help defray the cost of our HS mission trip. Youth Ministry students are ready and willing to help members of CSMSG with special projects such as babysitting, snow shoveling, yard clean-up after winter, flower planting and other special projects. Please donate to this special cause by signing-up for your personal Youth Ministry volunteer! The hours of service you purchase are good well into the future, so take advantage and let US serve YOU! For more information or to sign up for help from a student, please contact Bart Freer at


Congratulations to Patrick Beecher and Michael Davidson who are in New York City with their chamber choir. They are singing at The Lincoln Center for Performing Arts and will be on the Today Show tomorrow morning, Tuesday, April 19th! Kudos Patrick and Michael!

Youth group in Sunday class in Canterbury Hall

Upcoming Events

Sunday, May 1


The confirmands will be recognized during the 9:15 AM liturgy and honored at a reception afterwards. There will NOT be an 11:15 AM liturgy.


5 PM    Church

The Choir of the Church of St. Michael & St. George will sing a Choral Evensong for Eastertide on Sunday, May 1, at 5:00 PM. The liturgy will include the St. Paul's evening canticles by Herbert Howells and music of Gary Davison and Charles Villiers Stanford. Please plan to be a part of this beautiful, contemplative liturgy to mark the closing of the day.

Evensong at CSMSG

Simple Supper  

Simple supper logoA Simple Supper will be served in the Taylor Room following Evensong on May 1. The dinner will be prepared and served to benefit the Sant Memorial Library. Donations of $5 per person are appreciated. To help us plan please make reservations by contacting Alice at 314.721.1502 or Come enjoy food and fellowship with old and new friends.

Thursday, May 5

Anna Karenina Book Discussion

Anna Karenina logo7:15 PM   Library

The passion and agony of fashionable adultery...Religion and dying feudalism on the sweated Russian plains... Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina (the Pevear-Volokhonsky translation) will be the subject of a discussion led by Daniel Williamson on Thursday, May 5, 12, 19, 26  at 7:15 PM in the library. RSVP to the receptionist at 314.721.1502 or  


Monday, May 9

Susan Mount Guild

11:30 AM    Great Hall

On Monday, May 9 the Susan Mount Guild will welcome Margaret Carr who will tell us about the Revolutionary battle fought west of the Mississippi, right here in St. Louis. Punch Bowl is at 11:30; Lunch ($5) at noon followed by the program.  All are welcome!  Please make your reservations by Wednesday, May 4 by calling Helen Cavin at 314.647.0889.


Tuesday, May 10 

Christ is Risen, Lets eat Pancakes!

7 AM    First Watch in Clayton
The final Men's Breakfast of the Church Year will be Tuesday, May 10. Come to the First Watch in Clayton at 7 AM and share a meal and fellowship with other men from The Church of St Michael and St George. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but when you spend it in Christian Fellowship, it does not just a body but the soul good!

Faith in Action


Japan's earthquakeEpiscopal Relief and Development 

The Japan Earthquake Response Fund has been opened to collect donations for emergency relief provided through local partners in Japan and other areas affected by the disaster. A massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake centered off the east coast of Japan's largest island, Hokkaido, triggered a tsunami that devastated large areas of Japan and caused damage as far away as Hawaii and the west coast of the US. If you would like to make a donation please go to  and select Donate. At this site you will learn more about Episcopal Relief and Development and what they are doing to aid the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that took place in Japan. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all those affected.


Hunger Ministry's Annual TRIVIA NIGHT

Plan to attend TRIVIA NIGHT. Saturday, May 7, a wonderfully-fun evening is planned to benefit the Hunger Ministry of St. Michael and St. George. The ever-popular Jim Doyle will MC the evening for $15/person.  For more info see flyer.
2010 Trivia Night

Mission to Managua

This summer, Carroll Stribling will lead two groups from CSMSG departing on July 5 and July 12. Each trip is one week or you may participate in both weeks. If you would like to join or learn more about the mission trip, please call or email Peggy Strelinger at 314.721.1502 or
Canterbury Bookstore during Len
Canterbury Bookstore 
Canterbury Bookstore has special selections of books, Bibles, jewelry and cards for giving to children, parents, and friends of all ages. Birthdays, anniversaries, a new birth-just name a few.   Remember gift-wrapping is always available and FREE. Stop by today. Let us help you with that special gift.
Life of Jesus In Icons with commentary by Francis J. Moloney is an elegantly arranged book of more than 30 icons which tell the story of the life of Jesus. Relevant biblical texts and a commentary written by Francis J. Moloney, SDC with carefully chosen extracts from the early Church Fathers shed further light on each of the events portrayed in the icons. A valuable resource for those interested in icons and a meaningful gift for the enrichment of Bible study.
A Crucified Christ in Holy Week by Raymond Brown brings modern scholarship to bear in a very pastoral way on the four Gospel passion narratives. By explaining them separately, he enriches fourfold the material for Holy Week meditation.
Canterbury Bookstore does not collect tax and always offers free gift wrapping. The Bookstore is happy to assist in shipping your items when needed.

 Suggested books for Lent

Bookstore Hours
Book of the Month
Featured Books
Columbarium Update

Check the progress of the Page Garden columbarium project from the Ellenwood entrance! The columbarium is being rehabilitated and expanded to add an additional 164 niches. While construction is ongoing, urns are being stored in individual lockers in the cloister walk. Weather permitting, construction should be done by mid-late spring. 

Bulletin Board

Stupp Scholarship

It's time for interested graduating high school seniors from this parish to apply for a Jane Howell Stupp Living Memorial Scholarship for college for the 2010-2011 academic year. This fund was established by Mrs. Stupp's family to provide one-time only college scholarships to worthy recipients. This is a competitive scholarship and not all applicants may receive a scholarship. You need to make a written application for this grant by writing the rector and including a transcript, a list of all financial support you are receiving and two letters of reference, one of which must be written by a teacher. Your information must be received in the rector's office by Monday, June 6, 2011.

The Servers' Guild

The Servers' Guild provides a unique opportunity for students from 6th through 12th grades to participate in the Sunday liturgies and gain a deeper appreciation for our traditions and style of worship. If you would like to join a group of young people who are dedicated to enhancing the worship experience at CSMSG, contact the Rev. Mike Wheeler at

Accoytes on Palm Sunday

Altar Guild  We invite you to deepen your spiritual life and connection to the liturgy by becoming a member of the Altar Guild. This ministry is dedicated to the service of God by lovingly preparing the altars. Many hands are needed, weekdays and Sundays, to care for the linens, candles and silver. Contact Betsy Panke: 314.993.6487 or

CSMSG Pre-primary Enrollment
We are currently accepting  2011-12 applications for our parish's two pre-primary programs: 18-24 months on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM and 2-3 years on Monday through Wednesday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM.  We are also offering a five-morning schedule for both classes. Our programs are taught by a degreed teacher and have proven quite successful since their inception. For more information, call Carol at 314.721.1502. 
Babies in the nursery

Smiles Needed!

Want to volunteer one Su
nday a month? The Greeter position is just right for you. Contact Laurie Brown at or 314.721.1502. 

Valet Parking
Valet service by Midwest Parking will be available on Sunday mornings for elderly parishioners and those with special needs. This valuable service is being pr
ovided by an anonymous benefactor. Thank you for this very generous gift!