Tiburon Baptist Church

November 2011


montage 1
The Tiburon Tidings eNewsletter



The Focused Church

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Acts 2:42


Attending a large church today is almost like going to a mall. You'll find lots of services available: relief for young mothers, child care facilities, breakfast fellowships, financial planning seminars, bookstores, coffee shops, courses for personal growth, play areas. In itself, having all these options is not a negative. But the danger is in dispersing the energy of the church so widely; the essentials don't get the proper attention.


The early church in Jerusalem was, by today's standards, a megachurch. It had over 3000 members. But instead of having an array of groups and projects, they focused on doing a few things and doing them well.


First of all, they spent time growing in truth. They listened to and assimilated the teachings of the apostles, all based on scripture plus the words and deeds of Christ. They knew that in order to be strong followers of Jesus, they needed to have a solid foundation. In so doing, they would not sway in their faith when confronted by opposition and persecution. In addition, they reminded each other of the truth. Each time they met, they encouraged each other to remain steadfast and to do good works.


One of the hallmarks of the early church was their love for one another. In order to facilitate and feed that brotherly affection, they spent time together, especially over meals. They deepened their knowledge of each other and knitted strong bonds during those times of fellowship.


Perhaps most importantly, the church recognized its most important work: prayer. They knew how to lay hold of God's promises.


How about you? Are you focused on the essentials or scattered in the redundant?
If you would like to receive a devotional like this on a daily basis delivered right to your inbox, click here. This is from Five Master Patterns and written by a former colleague of Pastor Glenn. 

2012 Budget 
Our stewardship season in moving right along. Our commitments toward the 2012 budget currently stand at $607,622. This is the largest commitment in our church's history and we have a few commitments still out. God is moving and there is a sense of excitement in the air. Your stewardship committee is finalizing the budget that will be distributed on Nov 6, discussed at the Family Meeting on Nov 13, and voted on in both morning services on Nov 20. Healthy giving is the result of faithful people. Have you heard that before? The same holds true for our healthy commitments. May God bless you for your faithful participation in our stewardship process.
Our New Youth Minister
You voted unanimously to call Steve Reynolds as our next youth minister. Later that same day, Steve & Laura accepted our call. He is settling in, working to get to know the kids and coordinating the youth leadership team. He will lead the youth to Camp Cazadero this coming weekend for the fall retreat. We hope you will get to know the Reynolds and begin praying for them and our youth daily.    
Thanksgiving Love Offering for Staff
This month, we are especially grateful for our dedicated and hard-working staff at Tiburon Baptist Church.  Celebrate Thanksgiving by contributing to the staff love offering.  Mail your contribution to the church office or mark your offering envelope "staff gift."  Please make your donation by Nov 20 so that we may distribute the gifts on Sunday, Nov 27.  Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing love and thanks with our wonderful staff.
                                from your personnel committee
Experiencing God Update 
We are over halfway through EG and there is a buzz around the church with a variety of stories about sensitivity to the work of God and numerous people responding. We will finish EG as we move into the busy Christmas season. We are planning an EG reunion in January to allow all the groups to gather for some fellowship and to hear testimonies of our experience and sensitivity to the movement of God. Stay tuned and hang in there. As your parents used to say, go do your homework.
Asante Children's Choir Returns 
The Asante Children's Choir concert on Nov 6 is being moved to Nov 15 at 7 pm. They ran into trouble when a customs official misread a document as they tried to board in Rwanda. They had to reschedule and thus the cancellation of our Nov 6 concert. You will hear more details regarding our new date on Nov 15. Also, we only need housing for them on three days: Nov 10, 15, and 17. If you are able to serve in this manner, please contact Ida at the church office by clicking here. For other details, see Don Comfort.  
Canned Goods Wanted
On Sunday, Nov 20th, at our Thanksgiving service at 6 pm, we are asking each person to bring a canned good or two to help support the Marin Food Bank. Thanks for your willingness to support our local agency in serving the less fortunate during this holiday season.
Ministries in November

Our ministry focus tentatively scheduled for Sunday, Nov 13th, will be the La Puerta ministry in the Canal Area of San Rafael. On that Sunday, you will hear from Marian Engelland and get a glimpse of what is happening in this Hispanic community outreach that includes teaching ESL and church planting. This is the ministry that we partner with to conduct the mission sports camp for the children at Pickleweed Park each summer. We encourage everyone at TBC to explore this to see where God might have you get involved and to meet the Engelland family. 

Hajj 2011
Muslims worldwide are heading to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, for the Hajj, the largest pilgrimage in the world. It is the fifth pillar of Islam, a religious duty that must be carried out at least once during the lifetime of every able bodied Muslim who can afford to do so. The dates for the Hajj are Nov 4-7 and Christians worldwide are called to pray during this event. For more details on your involvement in praying for Muslim peoples around the globe, click here to watch this informative video. And be in prayer this weekend. 
Save the Dates:
  • Nov 4-6 - Fall Youth Retreat at Cazadero 
  • Nov 5 - Admin Council - 9 am
  • Nov 5 - Deacons - 10:30 am  
  • Nov 5 - Choir Rehearsal & Potluck - 4 pm 
  • Nov 13 - Potluck & Family Mtg - 5:30 pm
  • Nov 15 - Asante Children's Choir - 7 pm
  • Nov 20 - Vote on the 2012 Budget 
  • Nov 20 - Harvest Dinner - 6 pm
  • Nov 23 - Youth Turkey Bowl - 7 pm 
  • Nov 24-25 - TBC Office Closed
  • Nov 27 - 1st Sunday of Advent  
  • Dec 3 - Ministry Council - 9 am
  • Dec 3 - Ministry Team Meetings - 10 am
  • Dec 3 - Deacons Meeting - 10:30 am
  • Dec 3 - Worship at San Quentin - 5:30 pm
  • Dec 4 - Children's Christmas Music Festival - 6 pm
  • Dec 11 - Community Christmas Musical - 4 pm
  • Dec 11 - Community Christmas Musical - 6 pm
  • Dec 17 - Women's Christmas Teas - 2 pm 
  • Dec 23 - TBC Office Closed 
  • Dec 24 - Family Christmas Eve Service - 5 pm
  • Dec 24 - Candlelight Christmas Eve Service - 7 pm
  • Dec 25 - 10 am Worship Service only
  • Dec 26-30 - TBC Office Closed
  • Jan 1 - 10 am Worship Service only 
Word of Encouragement

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

                                                                I Thessalonians  5:16-18 

If you have comments for us, contact me by clicking on my email address below. If you want to forward this to friends or family, click the forward email link below. If you prefer this being sent to a different email address, click on the update profile/email address link below.


May God richly bless you,
Ida Times 

In This Issue
The Hajj
The Word

Who is TBC?

tbc logo

a family of faith committed to vital worship and

personal devotion

that finds expression in ministry and missions

TBC Miscellaneous 


Birthdays & Anniversaries 

Contact Ida for the login.


TBC Calendar 


Weekly Sermon 


TBC Finances  

budget to date:


income to date:


expenses to date:  


general fund surplus:



TBC Attendance 

Oct 02 - 252

Oct 09 - 255

Oct 16 - 264

Oct 23 - 257

Oct 30 - 271


TBC Staff

Lead Pastor

Dr. John W. Shouse

Executive Pastor

Dr. Glenn Prescott

Minister of Music

Beth Singleton

Young Adult & Family Pastor

Brice Butler

Youth Pastor

Steve Reynolds 

Music Intern

Carlena Speed 

Preschool Coordinator

Christine Magtabay

Children's Coordinator

Stephanie Shouse


Carol Jackson  

Admin Assistant

Ida Times


Regular Schedule


Worship 8:30 am

Bible Study 9:40 am

Worship 11 am

Life Together 6 pm 


Dinner 5:30 pm 

Prayer 6:30 pm


Quick Links


Golden Hills 

 California SBC 


Asset Planning 







The most influential and inspiring people are often marked by humility. True greatness frequently goes hand in hand with a virtue that might be thought to curb achievement and mute influence. In fact, it does just the opposite.
    Humilitas, John Dickson 
Electronic Fund Transfers @ TBC

 Doing most of your banking and bill paying online these days? Want to be able to make your financial commitment to the Lord when you're traveling? Did you know that you can set up an automatic donation authorization or fund transfer to TBC? Simply pick up an AutoGift enrollment form in the Gallery and return it to the office or Pastor Glenn or John Frierson and we will take care of the rest.


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