Tiburon Baptist Church

August 2011

montage 1
The Tiburon Tidings eNewsletter



School is just around the corner and that signals the end of summer; what little we've had this year. As we prepare to crank up the schedule to move into the fall, there are several things for you to be on the lookout.


Our youth will experience their fall kickoff event on Friday, Aug 26. Our combined children's programs will meet the following week to throw a Back to School party on Wednesday, Aug 31. Sunday nights begin with potluck & family meeting on Aug 28. Our full schedule for Wednesdays, including dinner, begin on Sept 7.  


However, the big enchilada this fall will be Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God. Henry Blackaby wrote EG in 1990 and as of today, it has been translated into 47 different languages and used by nearly every Christian denomination.  


Tiburon first went through EG as the team was preparing for the first mission trip to Kenya about 15 years ago. Eric Kwok shared that he was so busy preparing for the trip that he did not do EG until he returned. But upon his return, experience God he did. On looking back, God used this study to graft missions into the DNA of TBC.  


As we introduce Experiencing God, begin praying for how God will use this study in your life. God is at work in our world in so many different ways. EG will help all of us in our being sensitive to the ministries to which we have been called. EG Launch is set for September 11th.

TBC Summer Picnic 2011

Our summer picnic is Saturday, Aug 13th, at Hoog Park in Novato. Make every effort to join us for this church-wide event that will prove to be an incredible experience for the whole family. Sign-ups for side dishes will be in the Gallery again this Sunday. This will be a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend to church. You say, "we're not meeting at the church" and that is where you would be wrong. The church will be going mobile on that Saturday and meeting in Hoog Park. The church is not the building. Join us! 

Last Call for SAN QUENTIN 

We are having to redo our entire list for clearance into San Quentin. Our next worship is scheduled for Saturday, Sept 10th. So we must get the list submitted right away. We need your legal name, date of birth, CA driver's license number and your social security number. DO NOT SEND this information in an email. Hand deliver it to one of the ministry staff members. Join us!

Summer is Nearly Over!

Children's Camp is over and our kids are home from a great week at Camp Cazadero. The youth are at Jenness Park this week for Centrifuge. Pray for Jordan, Mary, Ryan, Taylor, Zach, Dasia, Maureen, Tyler F, Christine and our chaperones, Amanda & Tyler S. Camp is such an important ministry that pours lasting memories and experiences into the lives of our children. Thanks for your support of our age group ministries.

Ministries in August

The ministry focus for Sunday, August 28th, will be our preschool & children's ministries and the related music programs that work with these age groups. 

Family Camp at Mt Hermon

We hope you will plan to join us in the Santa Cruz Mountains for Family Camp at Mt Hermon, Sept 2-5. More details are in the Gallery and scholarships are available to help with the cost of the weekend. See Pastor Brice for more details. 

Baptist Global Response

The BGR connects people in need with people who care. We have been blessed to be a blessing. BGR is a non-profit global Southern Baptist Relief and Development organization that attends to urgent needs worldwide partnering with the International Mission Board. 100% of your donations go directly to the field with IMB personnel assisting in the distribution of relief resources. Click to connect with BGR.

Save the Dates:
  • Aug 1-6 - Youth Centrifuge at Jenness Park
  • Aug 6 - Ministry Council - 9 am
  • Aug 6 - Ministry Teams - 10 am
  • Aug 6 - Deacons Meeting - 11 am 
  • Aug 13 - TBC Summer Picnic in Novato
  • Aug 26 - Youth Back to School Kickoff  
  • Aug 27 - Choir Rehearsal & Dinner  
  • Aug 28 - Potluck & Family Meeting - 6 pm
  • Aug 31 - Children's Back to School Party 
  • Sep 2-5 - Family Camp at Mt. Hermon
  • Sep 5 - TBC Office Closed
  • Sep 7 - Wednesday Evening Resumes 
  • Sep 10 - Worship at San Quentin - 5:30 pm
  • Sep 11 - Sunday Evening Resumes  
Word of Encouragement

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Philippians 2:1-4   

If you have comments for us, contact me by clicking on my email address below. If you want to forward this to friends or family, click the forward email link below. If you prefer this being sent to a different email address, click on the update profile/email address link below.


May God richly bless you,

Ida Times
Tiburon Baptist Church

In This Issue
San Quentin
Mt Hermon
The Word

Who is TBC?

tbc logo

a family of faith committed to vital worship and

personal devotion

that finds expression in ministry and missions

TBC Miscellaneous 


Birthdays & Anniversaries 

Contact Ida for the login.


TBC Calendar 


Weekly Sermon 


TBC Finances  

budget to date:


income to date:


expenses to date:  


general fund surplus:



TBC Attendance

July 03 - 255

July 10 - 251

July 17 - 230

July 24 - 240

July 31 - 249


TBC Staff

Lead Pastor

Dr. John W. Shouse

Executive Pastor

Dr. Glenn Prescott

Minister of Music

Beth Singleton

Young Adult & Family Pastor

Brice Butler

Youth Pastor


Music Intern

Yoon-Hee Park

Preschool Coordinator

Christine Magtabay

Children's Coordinator

Stephanie Shouse


Carol Jackson  

Admin Assistant

Ida Times


Summer Schedule


Worship 8:30 am

Bible Study 9:40 am

Worship 11 am


Prayer 6:30 pm


Quick Links


Golden Hills 

 California SBC 


Asset Planning 








we need to go not because we are called, but because we are sent.


Electronic Fund Transfers @ TBC

 Doing most of your banking and bill paying online these days? Want to be able to make your financial commitment to the Lord when you're traveling? Did you know that you can set up an automatic donation authorization or fund transfer to TBC? Simply pick up an AutoGift enrollment form in the Gallery and return it to the office or Pastor Glenn or John Frierson and we will take care of the rest.


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