Tidings eNewsletter

Tiburon Baptist Church
June 22, 2010

Dear TBC Family,

Earlier this month we walked through a meaningful time of thanksgiving to God for all he has done through the witness to Him here at Tiburon Baptist.  As we continue to walk in faith my prayer is we will continue to be encouraged by the heritage we have just celebrated. The stones which now stand sentinel along the walkway into the church are meant to be markers both of where we have been and where we are going.  Click to read the prayer that was offered in the parking lot at the time of the setting of those stones.


to all who worked to make the 50th Anniversary such a remarkable weekend. The committee, Jerry Stubblefield, Judy Good, Deborah Bendinelli, Paul Smith and Tom Jones, have worked for a year with Pastor Glenn to plan the events. Thanks to all who helped with the Friday night banquet, the Saturday picnic preparations, cooking and clean-up and for all who led in our Sunday worship celebration. We can remind our children and our children's children of God's goodness through the years as they ask, "what do these stones mean?"

July 4th Worship Service
We will hold one service on July 4th at 10:00 a.m. No Sunday school or late afternoon activities. Wishing you a safe evening with family and friends.
 (Church office will be closed Friday, July 2, 2010)
centrifugeMission Trip & Centrifuge
Here's what you need to do:
1. Register by paying your deposit.
2. Reserve the dates on your calendar.
3. Attend the Parent Student Information meeting two weeks prior to each trip.
4. Pack your bags and have two of the best weeks of your life!
Here's the scoop:
- Mission Trip to San Francisco is June 27 to July 2. Cost $250.
- Centrifuge is July 26 to July 31. Cost $250.
- Deposits are $50 per student per trip.
- Only paid deposits secure a place on either the trip.
- Make checks out to TBC.
Space is limited so please do not delay in signing up!
- Guests are welcome!
- For fundraising, see Reed, Alice or Bill Fort for details.
- Scholarships are available by speaking to Reed.

Camp Cazadero

Children's Camp is August 2-6. This week will prove to be an important time in the life of our children. Would you like to help a child attend camp? We often have children who need financial assistance and we welcome your contributions to our scholarship fund. If you would like to donate, make checks to TBC and indicate that your gift is for a "Children's Camp Scholarship."

Thanks for your support.

Family Camp is coming on Labor Day. Please save the dates of September 3-6, 2010. We'll travel to Mount Hermon near Santa Cruz and spend quality and quantity time with your family and friends from TBC. Everyone is encouraged to come. Perhaps it would make a wonderful finale to your summer to be refreshed through play, worship, Bible teaching, and significant fellowship. Speakers are the well known John and Nancy Ortberg. The camp has childcare options for babies and toddlers and lots of classes and activities for older kids  and teens at the same time as adult sessions happen. There are also large blocks of time for parents to be with their kids too. More info is coming soon.

Check out these videos to see the camp:

Do you want to make a difference?        
Gilead House, a faith-based transitional home for single mothers and their children in need, located in Novato, California, is seeking a part-time Family Advocate to work with our resident moms. The Family Advocate provides support to residents, guiding them through the process of setting and achieving goals throughout their year-long residence that will enable them to transition to independent living.

The Family Advocate acts as a coach to help the women develop the skills and supports they need to build a sustainable healthy life, coordinating with volunteer mentors, building community relationships and helping our moms connect with other resources and supports. The position works onsite in Novato 20 hours per week that may include 3 partial days and one evening per week.
For more information feel free to visit our website at or contact Gail Holmen, Cynthia Klock via the church directory.
Greenbrae Condo for Rent
Jeff and Melissa Jones have a two bedroom, one bath condo available for rent starting mid-July or early August. If you are interested, please contact them at (415) 412-3527 or through email at
Are you doing most of your banking and bill paying online these days? Are you not able to make your financial commitment to the Lord when you are traveling? Did you know that you can set up an automatic donation authorization at TBC? Simply pick up an AutoGift enrollment form in the Gallery and return it to the office or Pastor Glenn or John Frierson and we will take care of the rest.
  • Jun 27-Jul 2 - Youth Mission Trip
  • July 2 - Church Office closed
  • July 4 - 10 am Worship only
  • July 10 - San Quentin Ministry
  • Jul 26-31 - Youth Centrifuge
  • Aug 2-6 - Children's Camp at Cazadero
  • Aug 29 - Potluck & Family Meeting - 6 pm
  • Sep 3-6 - Family Camp - Mt. Hermon
  • Sep 8 - Resume Wed Dinners
  • Sep 23-25 - Prayer Summit
  • Oct 16 - Tiburon Classic
Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
4th of July
Family Camp
Gilead House
Who We Are?
tbc women
"Tiburon Baptist Church is a family of faith committed to vital worship and personal devotion that finds expression in ministry and missions."
TBC Finances
income to date:
expenses to date:
general fund surplus:
TBC Attendance
June 6 - 299
 June 13 -250 
June 20 - 329
TBC Staff
Lead Pastor
Dr. John W. Shouse
Executive Pastor
Dr. Glenn Prescott
Minister of Music
Beth Singleton
Young Adult & Family Pastor
Brice Butler
Youth Pastor
Reed Redus
Administrative Assistant
Ida Times
Music Intern
Yoon-Hee Park
Youth-Music-Young Adults
Jay Stroud
Preschool Coordinator
Christine Magtabay
Children's Coordinator
 Stephanie Shouse
Summer Schedule
  • Worship 8:30 am
  • Bible Study 9:40 am
  • Worship 11 am
  • Prayer 6:30 pm
I would go to the deeps a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me to have been afflicted, that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary.
Charles Spurgeon
Words of Encouragement
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.                             
Romans 15:5
Contact Information
If you have comments or need anything, contact our Administrative Assistant, Ida Times. If you want to forward this to friends or family, click the forward email button below. If you prefer this being sent to a different email address, click on the update profile/email address button below.