
tbc building 2
Tiburon Baptist Church November 24, 2009
I am Thankful
I am thankful for every teacher in our church. I am thankful for every person who serves on a committee or a team. I am thankful for every committee chairperson or team leader. I am thankful for every person who invests time in a ministry outside the walls of TBC. I am thankful for every person who brings a guest with him or her to our church. I am thankful for our youth. I am thankful for our children. I am thankful for our preschoolers. I am thankful for our parents who bring their children to TBC. I am thankful for people who volunteer to do the little things that go unnoticed. I am thankful to the new people who have joined our fellowship over the past year. I am thankful to the old-timers who continue to be faithful. I am thankful to the 8:30 & 11:00 worshippers who do not attend at any other time. (I so wish I could see you more.) I am thankful for the richness and diversity of our ministry staff. I am thankful for our administrative assistant Ida. I am thankful for our deacons. I am thankful for our trustees. I am thankful that we currently have an emergency need for workers in our preschool area. I am thankful for people who do things that don't appear to be all that holy like clean out gutters, replace lightbulbs, empty trash cans and decorate Christmas trees. I am thankful for a beautiful location and facilities that enrich our worship of almighty God. I am thankful for our willingness to focus on the world around us. I am thankful that we will never be content with the current state of affairs and our desire to continue to follow God on this journey called life. I am thankful that we can sometimes agree to disagree and still be brothers and sisters in Christ. I am thankful that our giving has remained healthy in spite of a rough economy. That is the result of faithful people, for which I am also thankful.  There are not enough words or ways to express my thankfulness.
I am thankful because I am Tiburon Baptist Church.

turkey bowl       Turkey Bowl Tonight!

Come bowl with the youth, college students and their families.  All church members, friends and family are welcome.  Join us tonight, Wed, Nov 25, from 7-9pm at the Country Club Bowl in San Rafael. $15 for bowling plus money for snacks. Don't miss this holiday tradition.
Adoption of the 2010 Budget
On Sunday, Nov 22, during both morning worship services, the 2010 TBC budget was adopted. Our thanks to the stewardship committee for their excellent work during this stewardship season and a special thanks to the members of the committee who are rotating off in December: chairman Jerry Stubblefield, Martha Saul and David Spatz.
womens even Women's Christmas Tea

Plan to join our ladies as they celebrate the season with one of their annual Christmas teas. This year there will be four locations: Tiburon, Kentfield, Novato and San Pablo due to the overwhelming response in past years. The date is Saturday, Dec 5th, from 2-4 pm. Select your location by signing up in the Gallery or sending an email to Beth Patel or Janet Prescott.
Christmas Music Festival
Bring the family for an evening with our children as they perform all the music they have been working on the fall. Sunday, December 6th at 6 p.m.
Special Guest Comes to TBC!
Kids of all ages will want to be at dinner on Wednesday, Dec 9th, at 5:30 pm, for a very special appearance from a very special person. We are going to keep his identity a secret until he burst through the door, but trust me, this will be an incredible event for everyone. If you get here early, you might just hear him coming down the back stairs (sorry, no chimney) and you might get a glimpse of a reindeer or two
on the roof. Mark your calendars and make plans to be front and center when HE shows up. See you soon.
Christmas Musical Still Needs Help!
Your help may still be needed for the drama of the Community Christmas Musical coming on Dec 13, at 5 & 7 PM. The stage is up, but you may still help with finding the PROPS,  coordinating the COSTUMES, and assisting with the MAKEUP. See Barb Dabney for a way to assist.
tbc women   Community
Are you ready for one of the highlights of the year at TBC? The choir and orchestra are ready, the actors are in place and it is the season. All we need is you! Make plans to bring your friends and neighbors to TBC's version of A Christmas Carol. Join us on Sunday, Dec 13th, at 5 pm or 7 pm. There will be a reception following the 7 pm performance. This is the one service of the year that you will not want to miss. Come early for a good seat.
Welcome to our Newest Members!
We want to take this opportunity to say welcome to our newest members at TBC. Stephen Aoki and Christopher Seng, both Golden Gate Seminary students, joined us from their respective churches in Hawaii and Fresno. Brien Leary made his profession of faith in Christ on Oct 25 and was baptized on Nov 22. Sonja Palumbo joined our fellowship on Nov 15. Please get to know and begin praying for these new members of the TBC family.
Staff Love Offering
Dear Tiburon Baptist Church Family,
This is the season to remember all of the blessings God has bestowed upon us, while expressing our love and appreciation for others. As we reflect on the past year, we are sure you will agree with us that our church has been especially blessed this year as . . . read more
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In This Issue
Turkey Bowl
2010 Budget
Women's Tea
Music Festival
Special Guest
Drama Help
Christmas Musical
New Members
Love Offering
Who We Are?
tbc women
"Tiburon Baptist Church is a family of faith committed to vital worship and personal devotion that finds expression in ministry and missions."
TBC Finances
income to date:
expenses to date:
general fund surplus:
 - $6,708.25
TBC Attendance
Nov 8 - 248
Nov 15 - 243
Nov 22 - 220

TBC Staff
Lead Pastor
Dr. John W. Shouse
Executive Pastor
Dr. Glenn Prescott
Minister of Music
Beth Singleton
Young Adult & Family Pastor
Brice Butler
Youth Pastor
Reed Redus
Administrative Assistant
Ida Times
Music Intern
Yoon-Hee Park
Youth-Music-Young Adults
Jay Stroud
Preschool Coordinator
Christine Magtabay
Children's Coordinator
 Stephanie Shouse

  • Worship 8:30 am
  • Bible Study 9:40 am
  • Worship 11:00 am
  • Life Together 6:00 pm
  • Dinner 5:30 pm
  • Prayer 6:30 pm
  • Study 7:15 pm
Quick Links

"The next best thing
to being wise oneself
is to live in a circle
of those who are."

C.S. Lewis
TBC Office Closed

The TBC office will be closed on the following days for the upcoming holidays:
  • Nov 26
  • Nov 27
  • Dec 24 (half-day)
  • Dec 25
  • Dec 28-31
  • Jan 1
  • November 29 - no evening services
  • December 5 - Ministry Council 9 am & Ministry Teams 10 am
  • December 24 - Christmas Eve service 7 pm
  • December 27 - 10 am service only - no Bible study or evening service
  • January 3 - 10 am service only - no Bible study or evening service
  • January 9 - Administrative Council 9 am
  • January 29-30 - Women's Retreat
  • March 26-27 - Men's Retreat
  • June 4-6 - 50th Anniversary Celebration Weekend
Word of Encouragement

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  I Thessalonians 5:16-18

We want to hear from you
Let us know what you think about the new Tiburon Tidings eNewsletter. Please send us an email.
Contact Information
If you need anything, contact our Administrative Assistant, Ida Times. If you want to forward this to friends or family, click the forward email button below. If you prefer this being sent to a different email address, click on the update profile/email address button below.