The Newsletter for Employer-Managed Healthcare
In This Issue
Third Annual On-Site Employee Health Clinics Conference
CHS Opens Clinic for Seaboard Foods
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July 19-21 Boston
Vol. 5 No. 2April 2010


Under the heading "we told you so", comes the announcement that Walgreens Take Care Health is actively working with hundreds of health care systems directly.  You can see the reference in Drugstore News here.  We give Walgreens full credit for the initiative, which we feel is the next logical step for on-site programs and employer managed health care.  If you want to reference the original "future of" claims that we have made about the industry, hospitals, health care systems, and the coming convergence, read the book.  In it, we suggest that the best way to optimize health care integration and reduce cost is to have the employer-based programs work, very carefully, with local providers.
Walgreens is referenced along with other providers in the article, and the obvious is restated as the writer reflects that the on-site vendors are being contacted by hospitals and health care systems.  No kidding. The health systems have been preening primary care networks in their local markets for decades, and the newest providers are now cropping up in the retail space, not in the on-site medical building.  More important, the consumers are electing the provider at the corner Walgreens or at the employers' sites.
If one goes into the archives and looks to the charter programs, all of the mature programs are addressing close linkages with hospital resources on a selective basis.  Some are being very successful, and some are just plain political.  What is your program doing to figure out this important next step?
On-Site Employee Health Clinics Conference
The Third Annual On-Site Employee Health Clinics conference is scheduled to be held this July 19 and 20 in Boston.  More information can be found at the Global Media Dynamics site.   This has been billed as something for everyone - those who already have clinics with questions about expansion, improvement, how to measure ROI, etc. and those who think they might want to start one.  Thought leaders from Cisco and Whirlpool will be there, but the remainder of the panel apparently has yet to be determined.  
This session joins another July conference that is scheduled for July 27-29 in San Diego that will focus on ROI.  Check this one out at the World Research Group site.  This conference has a full slate of presenters, and is probably oriented to an employer with a more mature program, but almost anyone could benefit from the people who are presenting.
Note that these conferences are being billed as returning conferences for each group.  This year, there is a crop of such meetings, and the consumer should shop them based upon the quality of the presenters and the topics offered.  The fact that the topic has been now highlighted by the Midwest Business Group on Health, the American Academy of Health Care Executives, and HBCE suggests that this idea of onsite programming is not a fad.  It is here to stay.  Now, we need to figure out where it is going. 
Watch the Web site, www.onsiteclinics.org , for new details on conferences, meetings, industry references, and norms.
CHS Opens Clinic for Seaboard Foods
In Southwest Michigan, we have what we think is the single top hog producing county in the country.  However, I did not know until recently that Seaboard Foods claims to be the second-largest producer of hogs in the U.S. and among the top ten largest companies for pork processing in the United States.  They also have a wholly-owned subsidiary that produces biodiesel fuel.  They have just announced that they will utilize CHS to serve their beneficiaries.  Their plant in Guymon, Oklahoma has about 5,000 employees and now has a 3,200 square foot on-site clinic to serve employees and dependents (over age 2).
CHS is experimenting with new models that include integration with local health care providers and their own employer-focused EMR.  They have also recently enjoyed AAAHC accreditation at some of their key sites.  This is another step that is marking a new phase in employer- based health services, and CHS is to be congratulated on its initiatives to move the bar for on-site care quality certification.
To read more about the clinic, go to CHS Medical or Seaboard Foods.
For more on-site clinic news, visit our Web site at www.onsiteclinics.org .

Mike La Penna
The La Penna Group, Inc.