Men's Social Network

Join Us
for a fun filled Month of Holiday Activities!!
Upcoming Events
Monthly Pot Luck
Live Theatre Workshop
OUT on Wednesday
MSN Movie Night
Winterhaven Stroll & Dinner
MSN Christmas Dinner and Gathering
Other MSN Events - Sunday Dinners OUT
Lunch and Museum Tour in January




            Thanksgiving has passed. Black Friday has passed. The holidays are definitely upon us. While the turnout to our two Thanksgiving events was lighter than hoped, both were successful and we approach Christmas with our eyes bright and our hopes high. We start the month off with an interesting '50's/'60's Doo Wop Pot Luck and Social.  Of course, we have a bit of everything for the holidays this month-two free movies, a play, two offerings from the Out in the Dessert film series, a stroll through Winter-haven, Christmas dinner with your MSN friends, and a lunch and museum tour January 4th to chase the post-Holiday blues. What more could you ask for?  Make your yuletide gay with MSN.



Davis Palmer 
Monthly Pot Luck
  The month's festivities open December 3rd with December's monthly pot luck at Casas Adobes Church.
Casas Adobes Church Map


Thom Goodrich and Ricky Oatman will co-host an evening based on music of the 50's and 60's (and Holiday's).  


Bring a dish to share and come to our biggest monthly gathering to celebrate the Holiday Season.   


We should have a pretty interesting evening -- Ricky Oatman is going to test everyone's knowledge of Doo Wop and Holiday music from the '50's and '60's -- plan your best dish (enough to serve at least 8 peeps); main course; sides; salads; desserts all always welcome.

Also, PLEASE bring any of your new or lightly used items to donate to the "Prize Drawing Pool" -- anything that you are going to get rid of that someone else may have a use for -- donate it -- regift items gladly accepted. Thanks much for any donations.

Contact Thom at or cell phone if you have things to donate but are unable to attend, he will try and pick up your donations prior to or on the 3rd: 305-6976 - thanks, Thom


If you need other information or directions, please contact Lee and Merlin at 207-5336 or leave a message for Davis at 325-4754 or by email at

Where & When

Casas Adobes Congregational Church
6801 N. Oricle Road
Tucson, Arizona
December 3rd, 2011


Live Theatre Workshop


Lee of Lee and Merlin has once again arranged an outing to the Live Theater Workshop, 5317 E Speedway. The play is titled "Reckless," and the show is at 7:30P on Friday, December 9th.

Relentlessly cheerful and hopelessly optimistic, Rachel's seemingly perfect life is upended one Christmas Eve when her husband Tom announces he has taken a contract out on her life but is having second thoughts about his decision to do so. Wearing only a nightgown and slippers, she hastily leaves her Connecticut home in a blizzard to escape the fate he planned for her.

"This richly inventive dark comedy marked the arrival of an imaginative and resourceful young playwright...Mr. Lucas has given us a Christmas
fable for our time."

  --The New York Times


The play will be followed by a gathering at the Village Inn at Speedway and Columbus.


Please contact Lee at 207-5336 to attend.


Live Theatre Workshop is located at i5317 E Speedway in the same plaza as Colors. Parking is quite limited, so please arrive early.



OUT on Wednesday
 Out On Wednesday
sw film fest header



santa in sleigh 


Tom and Joe continue with offerings from Tucson's newest film society, the Southwest LGBT Film Society. Films will be shown at the Screening Room, 127 E Congress Street, at 7:15 PM. All films are $7.00 unless other wise stated.


Mention MSN to receive a discount.


Wednesday, December 7th 


Baby Formula

(click above for trailer) 

Two adventurous women in love are desperate to have their own biological child. They take a chance on an experimental scientific process and make sperm from their own stem cells. Pregnant with humor and unexpected twists, their journey ultimately confirms that all life is a gift and all families are crazy.


Wednesday, December 14th         


Make the Yuletide Gay  

(click above for trailer) 

Olaf "Gunn" Gunnunderson, an out-and-proud gay college student, crawls back into the closet to survive the holidays with his family. He keeps his cool as his quirky Midwestern-hearted parents try to set him up with his high school sweetheart, Abby. But when his boyfriend, Nathan, shows up at their doorstep unannounced, Gunn must put on a charade to keep the relationship a secret. With pressure mounting from all sides, will Gunn come out before the truth does?


Contact information:

Joe Sprague  520-207-8358

Info line 520-207-8358


Where & When
the Screening Room
127 E Congress Street
7:30PM - 9:30PM
santa in sleigh
M.S.N. Movie Night
 Christmas Dog




We have two free movies this month at Far Horizons East, one a little-shown Christmas movie from my childhood and one an affectionate look back at the early days of live television.


Wednesday, December 7th

My Favorite Year (1982) 

"My Favorite Year" 


            In 1982, the early days of television, live television, were firmly in living memory and Mel Brooks, once a writer for "Your Show of Shows" executive produced this comedy with Peter O'Toole as a drunken Errol Flynn-like star scheduled to appear on a live broadcast. "My Favorite Year" is a film beloved by all who grew up with the ghostly flicker of early monochrome TV. If you lived through the era or not, this comedy is not to be missed.   "My Favorite Year" will be shown on Wednesday, December 7th.


Wednesday, December 21st

 Babes in Toyland

"Babes in Toyland"


Victor Herbert's "Babes in Toyland" was a huge hit in 1903, but has only been on screen twice, once with Laurel and Hardy in 1934 and once by Walt Disney in 1961. Disney's version takes liberties with the stage original but is still a fun family film, now seldom shown. Come and share my Christmas memories on Wednesday, December 21st.


Both films will be shown at the Far Horizons East clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway, at 7PM. Please contact Davis at or leave a message at 325-4754 to attend. Snacks and drinks will be provided.


 young Santa

Winterhaven Stroll & Dinner
Wednesday,December 14th
Merry Christmas Bouncing Ribbon

Senior Pride, a senior group from Wingspan, invites member of MSN to join them on December 14th for a stroll through Winterhaven followed by a dinner at India Oven.


Winterhaven, a development off Ft Lowell between County Club and Tucson Boulevards, has long been a Tucson Christmas attraction for the brilliantly lit and well decorated homes. Due to overwhelming popularity, Winterhaven is closed to traffic most nights during the holiday season.

Senior Pride and any MSN attendees are to meet at Tucson and Kleindale at 5:30P the evening of December 14th. From there, we will walk through Winterhaven.


Dinner follows at 7:30P at India Oven at 2727 N Campbell Avenue. India Oven has long been a favorite for Sunday dinners.


MSN members may join Senior Pride for the walk, the dinner, or both, but it is important to get a head count for this event, so please make your reservation as soon as possible.


Please contact Lee and Merlin for reservations or further information at 207-5336.


MSN Christmas Dinner and Gathering


Once again we return to one of our favorite locations, the Clubhouse at Far Horizons East. From 5-9:30P on Christmas Day, come share a meal, play games, sing Christmas carols, and watch Christmas favorites with MSN friends.


As in the past, this will be a partial pot luck. MSN will furnish plates, flatware, napkins, turkey, and dressing, but we can't do it all. We need volunteers to bring salads, sides, desserts, drinks...maybe even more meat.


I know MSN members seem hesitant to RSVP-and we won't turn anyone away who hasn't-but please, please let us know in advance if you plan to attend so we know how many are coming and what dishes to expect.


Christmas is a special day and no one should spend it alone. Call, volunteer, and come celebrate!


Please contact Davis at or leave a message at 325-4754.


Where & When

Far Horizons East Club House
7050 E. Speedway Blvd.
Tucson, Arizona 85726-7404
December 25th, 2011


Other MSN Events

Sunday Dinners OUT            


We have three Sunday Dinners Out in December, two new based on recommendations, and one old favorite. (The fourth Sunday in December is Christmas.) All dinners are at 6:30P.


12/04             Paradise Bakery & Cafe, 4362 N Oracle (Pets Mart-Home Depot center across Wetmore from Tucson Mall)


12/11             Old Peking, 2522 E Speedway


12/18           Vito's Pizza Kitchen, 2921 E Ft Lowell



           Please contact Davis at or leave a message at 325-4754 to attend.


In addition to all this, MSN offers Charades, Hand and Foot, Bowling, Pinochle, and a gay reading group. Keep busy this month and every month with your MSN!    


Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit are cancelled for December due to other commitments.  They will return in January, along with Bill and Darrin's Tuesday Night movies.




Lunch and Museum Tour
Tucson Mus of Art

Don't let the end of the holidays get you down. Celebrate the New Year with lunch at the Caf� a la Carte and a guided tour of the current Tucson Museum of Art photo exhibit, "Who Shot Rock and Roll."


Joseph and Larry have planned this outing and every one of their museum tours has been a blast. This outing is on Wednesday, January 4, 2012.


The caf�, on the museum grounds, offers a variety of sandwiches, salads, and desserts at moderate prices. Meet at the caf� for lunch at 1:30P.


The exhibit covers photos from the first two decades of rock and roll. The tour is expected to begin at 3P.


Larry and I have already been and will go back.  Most of the people in the photos you will recognize.  In addition to the nostalgia of the rock & roll stars, some of the photographs are outstanding works of photographic art.  I believe the guys will enjoy the outing.


Please contact Joseph to attend. His cell is 282-1995, his e-mail


Remember-the holidays only end when you let them end. Celebrate!



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