Women's Club at Miles of Golf
Women's Club
Web Page


3113 Carpenter Rd
at Packard 
Ypsilanti, MI 

The Approach to Spring

We've been washed out and chilled out of lots of golf this season.  More time to think about the Women's Club Newsletter and how to improve it.

We're pleased to introduce an instructional golf video by Sandy Wagner, Kendall Academy Instructor.  A new video will appear in every newsletter.  Sandy begins the series with Golf Swing ABC's.

The Women's Club Newsletter is dedicated to the idea of having fun with golf - and improving!  There's info on equipment, etiquette, and rules, as well as events, discounts and sales.  Anything else you'd like - just drop us a line with your suggestions:  womensclub@milesofgolf.com 

Golf Swing ABC's Video

Golf Swing ABC's 

Golf Swing ABC's - 3.5 minutes

Sandy Wagner,
EMU Women's Coach & Kendall Academy Inst

Grip, stance, posture and alignment - it's an essential checklist for the beginner golfer, and a helpful set of reminders for every player.

Watch Sandy tell it like it is - click on the PLAY triangle in the image at right.

clubsBuying Your First Set of Clubs
By Sandell Bennett

Does my friend Janet play tennis with a wooden racket like Bjorn Borg in the 1970's?  Not for a minute.  So after a couple of weeks using Borg-era golf clubs in her beginner lessons, she was eager to find out what new clubs could do for a someone just taking up golf. 


What should you consider before purchasing that first set of golf clubs?  What's the process at Miles of Golf?  What did Janet find out? 

Read more.


jeanDebunking Golf Myths - Part 1

Jeanne Myers, GAM Assistant Director of Rules & Competitions

"You can take the ball back on the line of flight."  True or False?

The most widespread myth is that when taking relief from a water hazard or an unplayable lie, you may take the ball back on the line of flight.  You may not do that in any circumstance!  Neither rule says anything about "line of flight."

One of the options under the water hazard rule is to drop behind the hazard - keeping the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped.

The unplayable ball rule has a similar option - to drop a ball behind where the ball lies unplayable, keeping that point directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped.

Swing For A Cause - Three Local Outings With Women in Mind

logoSt. Joseph Mercy Livingston Golf Classic

Oak Pointe County Club in Brighton

June 6 - New! Championship Course Women's 9-hole Scramble

9:00 am - Shotgun  

12:00 pm  - Awards lunch with speaker First Lady of Michigan, Sue Snyder   

Proceeds support mammography and related screening services for underinsured and uninsured patients being seen at the facilities in Brighton and Howell.


Judy Fike Annual Golf Outing to benefit

Ann Arbor Meals on Wheels 

Reddeman Farms, Chelsea

Monday, July 11   -   9:00 am Shotgun

 Brochure & Registration info

logo10th Annual Charity Golf Outing  

To Support ALS & Diabetes Research at U of M

University of Michigan Golf Course - Monday, July 11

Sponsored by

Executive Women's Golf Association, Metro Detroit Chapter and

UM Program for Neurology Research & Discovery 



Miles of Golf has a web page listing local Charity Golf Events.   Email us your additions!


Golfing Around
  • Ann Arbor Women's Amateur Championship - Leslie Park, June 25 and 26
    City of A2 Parks & Rec in partnership with Miles of Golf host this annual event.
    Info & Registration       
  • 2011 Ann Arbor Parks & Rec Activities Guide
    Filled with info about Huron Hills and Leslie courses, leagues, instruction and special outings.  New this year - Youth League and Parent/Child Lessons.  Pages 42-53 in the guide.      
  • What's SNAG G-Ball?  (Think T-Ball!)
    SNAG stands for "Starting New at Golf" and it's an easy and fun way for young kids to learn the game of golf.  For kids as young as 5, G-Ball is an activity-based program that focuses on progressive and developmental play in a non-competitive format.  The program will begin July 8th at Huron Hills.  Call 734-794-6246 for details as they become available. Ann Arbor is 1 of 15 locations nationally which received a grant last week from SNAG and National Parks and Recreation Association to pilot SNAG.  Read about it here.   
  • Metro Parks Super Golf Day - Tuesday, June 7, including Hudson Mills and Kensington
    $10 per player, includes cart, foursomes required, carts are "first come first serve." This offer excludes leagues. 

A Winning Women's Week
Here's to all who came out for demos and clinics, discounts and prizes during Women's Week at Miles of Golf.  Several lucky ladies walked away with super swag including lessons and equipment - Carmen Clark, Lucy Hallock, Lynda Benit, Utoomporn Ernest, Lisa Huntington, Juliet Hall and Mary Jo Steinberg. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the fun, including Jim Yuhas, who gave a fine clinic, and Pete Farner, Club Fitter.





Exclusive Women's Club Offer


Buy a Shirt, Get a Bottom at 40% Off

Shirt must be at regular price and sale items are excluded.


Offer Expires: June 23, 2011.  Please present coupon at time of purchase or display on your iPhone.



Exclusive Women's Club Offer


Any Womens Package Set  

Must be from regular retail price. In stock only.   

Callaway is excluded.  

Offer Expires: June 23, 2011.  Please present coupon at time of purchase or display on your iPhone.
Miles of Golf Women's Club Newsletter
Editors:  Sandell Bennett & Carolin Dick
Send us a line:  womensclub@milesofgolf.com