News & Events!
Educational Opportunities:
OCTOBER 6, 2012, 10AM Pacific:
Dr. Ichak K. Adizes, Live on Voice America Radio: Tune in and ask your own questions!
Spiral Dynamics: Natural Design with Dr. Don E. Beck, Santa Barbara, November 5-10. Special discount for Integral City 2.0 Conference participants!
Academic Deans from South African Universities will attend November 20, 2012, conference at Cape Town. Dr. Don E. Beck to keynote.
Latest News:
RECAP: 2000 attendees see Russian Premier, Dmitry Medvedev & Dr. Ichak Adizes
at the XI Sochi International Investment Forum, Russia.
RECAP: 400 academic leaders from the majority of Mexico's Business Schools attend Monterrey Tech event featuring Dr. Don E. Beck.
Dr.Beck will travel to Stockholm, the UK, and to Madrid (with AGS Ph.D. candidate, Roberto Bonilla) to deliver Spiral Dynamics trainings in October
AGS Passes Major Compliance Review
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AGS News & Events | Fall News 2012 |
Click for a Brochure |
Plan now for the Mid-Term: Spiral Dynamics ... why wait?
Quotable Quote:
I am a very critical participant as I've trained along side the best. I feel privileged to have had this opportunity to learn from Don. There was a wonderful wealth of material to review. ~ Also, in the online follow-up dialogue: I appreciated very much the balance of structure and flexibility. I was guided towards an alternative format for my final product that I could use for a practical application. ~ Course participants, April 2012
Interested in earning your degree online? Visit our website and or contact Admissions at for application details. |
Dr. Adizes Live!
On Voice America Radio
October 6, 2012
10 AM Pacific Time
Please join Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes, Ph.D. -
Dr. Adizes will share the speech given at the XI International Investment Forum held in Sochi, Russia on September 21, 2012 (see article at right). As well, he will explore insights that were not included in his speech; what he learned from the Forum; and he will discuss the changes that are needed for managers to succeed in Russia and other parts of the world.
He wants to answer any questions that you may have; as well as, hear your insights at the end of his speech!
Click here to tune in! |
Spiral Dynamics Level 1-2 Certification Seminars
New Discounts!
November 5-10, 2012
Santa Barbara, California
If you are a senior, educator, or student, we offer a great discount this year! And now, Integral City 2.0 Conference members can get this same discount, too! This is more than 35% off the regular seminar price for Level 1 individually, or for the complete L1-2 Certification course.
We also have discounts for small groups of 4 or more, and for returning guests who want a refresher!
Plus, our host hotel (the Inn at East Beach) offers a special weekly rate of only $700 for registered seminar participants!
View our Integral City 2.0 Conference article (below right).
Contact Stephanie at for details. |
Adizes Graduate School:
New student Applications for all programs are due
November 1-15, 2012.
For information on all Adizes Graduate School programs,
Stephanie at
Applying to AGS is FREE!
Why wait?
To apply to the School, visit the Application page of the AGS website. |
The Adizes Graduate School, which has been operating in the State of California since 1994 (online since 2000), is pleased to announce that we passed our regulatory on-site compliance review with zero deficiencies!
AGS hosted State reviewers at our Santa Barbara HQ for two days, September 19-20th. COO Paula Lemons led the responding team with support from Dr. Virginijus Kudrotas, Dean; Stephanie Galindo, Director of Academic Services; Demelza Benton, Registrar; and Jake Koshkarian, Office Assistant.
Adizes Graduate School is approved by The Bureau for Private, Postsecondary Education for the State of California (BPPE). Approval means to operate in compliance with State standards as set forth in the Education Code.
The Bureau approves schools to operate and to offer educational programs under the Department of Consumer Affairs. The approval process is designed to assure that institutions meet certain academic standards and deliver the quality of education promised in their promotional materials.
We are required to post this Notice of Inspection for 90 days from 9/20/12. This link is also provided on our website.
Mrs. Paula Lemons, COO and Board Member, AGS
Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas, Dean, AGS
Stephanie Galindo, M.Ed., Director of Academic Services, AGS

Demelza Benton, Registrar, AGS |
Special Guests may include...
Elza Maalouf, Build Palestine Initiative, Level 2 Presentation

Said Dawlabani, Global Economics, Level 2 Presentation
Darrell Gooden, Adizes Methodology, Level 2 Presentation
Dr. Marilyn Hamilton, Integral City, at SDi Santa Barbara

Spiral Dynamics mascot:
Humpty Dumpty
Frank Santana, Hotel Manager, Inn at East Beach in Santa Barbara, our host for the November 2012 Spiral Dynamics seminars |
Russian Premier, Dmitry Medvedev and
Dr. Ichak K. Adizes of Adizes Graduate School
at the XI International Investment Forum
Sochi, Russia 2012
September 20-23, 2012
Competitiveness: Issue of Development or Issue of Survival?
From left:
Sberbank President and Board Chair Herman Gref;
Adizes Graduate School Board Chair Ichak Adizes;
Caisse des Depots Group Director for European and international affairs Laurent Vigier;
and Primier Dmitry Medvedev (far right).
The competitiveness of the Russian regions was discussed at the traditional business lunch this year. Members of the Russian Federation Government, heads of subjects, representatives of business and expert society took part in the discussion.
The moderator was President and Board Chairman of OAO Sberbank Herman Gref. The Russian Premier, Dmitry Medvedev and Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes spoke at the event.
The forum was attended by over 2,000 people, including all members of the Russian Cabinet, the regional Governors of Russia, Ambassadors to Russia - among them the Ambassador from the United States, and top business leaders including the Chairman of GAZPROM and the President of LUKOIL.
Despite great potential, Russia remains in 67th place on the global competitiveness scale (see article below). Poor management is a key a problem, according to Dr. Adizes, 'The energy is there but has to be channeled correctly', Adizes told Business RT. News video and article here. |
Spiral Dynamics News:
400 academic leaders from Mexican Business Schools attend Monterrey Tech 3-day event featuring Dr. Don E. Beck!
Academic leaders, including many business faculty from the universities in northern Mexico worked with AGS Ph.D. candidate, Roberto Bonilla, AGS Faculty member Dr. Don E. Beck, and colleagues throughout the 3-day event.
Dr. Beck introduced the Momentous Leap innovations, and how they can integrate all of the NGOs and other resources in a city and/or region to counter the drug culture and other limitations on Mexican progress. The response was very positive to Spiral Dynamics, the Adizes CAPI construct and AGS Ph.D. Candidate Bjarni Jonssons' National Assembly work in Iceland, which demonstrated how to use memetic technology to facilitate a unifying national vision. In all cases, dealing with the deep memetic codes was clearly the key.
Funding for future work - particularly the Vital Signs Monitor, was the subject of forward looking discussions with a large electricity firm, Monterrey Tech and a technology consortium.
November 5-10, 2012: Dr. Don E. Beck teaches Spiral Dynamics: Natural Design at the Adizes Graduate School.
To learn more and to attend a live seminar on this subject in Santa Barbara, California, visit our website and review the articles below.
November 20, 2012: Global academic conference in Capetown, South Africa
A major conference planned for late November at Cape Town University will include a keynote by Dr. Don E. Beck. The presentation will begin the second phase of his historic work, as he helped with the l994 transformation and the Invictus role with Nelson Mandela.
The event will include many of the academic deans from Universities in South Africa and elsewhere. Highlights from the book The Crucible: Forging South Africa's Future (Beck & Linscott, 1991), including the leadership sequence that occurs in revolutionary societies will be illustrated. |
Spiral Dynamics Natural Design Seminar:
November 5-10, 2012, Santa Barbara, CA.
Dr. Don E. Beck will be traveling to Sweden; the UK; and to Spain (with AGS Ph.D. candidate, Roberto Bonilla) before touching down for a one-week Level 1-2 training in Santa Barbara, California, this fall....
"As our complex global challenges increase by the day, also more and more extraordinary human beings are pointing to a different direction for humankind. Unlike those succumbing to despondency and fear, they bear bright tidings - not of the imminent collapse of all we hold dear, but of wise new ways to a whole other manner of doing and being. These intrepid ones are beacons of clarity and light for our world. They sound the clarion call for new systems of seeing, solving, and evolving."
Join us and learn....
- Why international conflicts resist diplomacy.
- How value systems evolve and spread.
- How to monitor and facilitate healthy change.
- Practical tools for design applications in your individual context.
- How organizations can align their internal and external social structure, demographic, objectives and market.
Spiral Dynamics includes discussions on values, culture, organizational structure, motivation, mission, market approach, and social environment. Gain insights about yourself, your organization, and the societies you live in.
After the Level 2 seminar, we offer 3-weeks interactive online dialogue to fine tune your understanding of Spiral Dynamics and focus on your own living case studies!
Registration Deadline for 3-week online component: OCTOBER 17
Advance software training is required!
Registration Deadline for live seminars: NOVEMBER 1
Dr. Don E. Beck provides an experiential voyage through each value system
in Level 1 with music, videos, cartoons and real-world applications
Dr. Beck explains social conflicts via the Assimilation/Contrast Effect
in Level 2
New books highlight the power and potency of Spiral Dynamics and the Gravesian methodology:
Left: Mapping change strategy; Center: Don's slant on the MidEast;
Right: Participants see in colors from 2nd Tier
Visit our webpage for more information and Registration online!
Contact: Stephanie at
November 5-7: Level 1 is 2.5 days, .
November 8-10: Level 2 is 3 days.
The Inn at East Beach offers special rates of only $700/week for registered SDi participants!
Ask us about our special discounts for students, seniors, educators, returning guests, and Integral City Conference participants.
Enjoy our unique venue - the 'memified' Old Mission and beautiful Santa Barbara!
Regular Guest Presenters in Level 2:
Darrell Gooden, PhD student at AGS, presents Adizes formula demonstrating how to master the available energy within an organization in Level 2
Left: Elza Maalouf of Integral Insights Consulting presents the Vital Signs Monitor. Right: Said Dawlabani explains the economic collapse & potential for recovery in memetic terms.
Did you know that educational seminars, including food and lodging, may be tax deductible for your business or employer? Contact your tax adviser for details!
Professionals interested in earning a Masters or Doctoral Degree in Organizational Transformation can get graduate credit for this seminar and the online dialogue! Contact Stephanie at or visit our website for details now!
Integral City Conference 2.0
Spiral Dynamics - Special Discount for Level 1-2 Certification
Integral City is a place where many minds, hearts, bodies and souls can converge, confer and collect the best ideas so that our cities can become resilient, intelligent, and strategically in harmony with the Earth.
An Action-Research Laboratory: The Integral City Collective included 60 visionary thought leaders, designers, policy makers and practitioners. The voices of the Citizen, Civil Society, City Employees, and Businesses all contributed to the month-long conversation. This has been an extraordinary opportunity to imagine how a new operating system for a city might look, feel, connect and emerge.
Dr. Don Beck in conversation with Dr. Marilyn Hamilton (at left), was a key Thought Leader. He described the critical contribution of Meshworkers - informed by Spiral Dynamics Values, Change and Leadership capacities - to this vital process.
The Intregral City 2.0 Conference also included special guests such as:
- Architect and urban planner, Gaetan Royer, author of "Time for Cities" and Manager of Metro Vancouver Regional Parks
- Systems ecologist and business strategist Gil Friend of Natural Logic in San Francisco.
- Canadian Sustainability Indicator Network coordinator Christa Rust in Winnipeg, Canada.
The ICC created:
- Integral City 2.0 Expo for listening Free to 36 Live Sessions and interacting with Speakers (and speaker documents)
- Integral City 2.0 eLab for downloading (for a small fee) mp3's of all 36 sessions (plus session notes and 'Harvests')
- Global 400 for Charter Members from 100 cities to continue dialogue and coaching
All participants in the Conference are invited to attend the Spiral Dynamics seminars hosted by Adizes Graduate School November 5-10 in Santa Barbara, California, at a special discount for Level 1 or both Level 1 and Level 2 Certification seminars:
Dr. Marilyn Hamilton: This training is vital for anyone wanting to work as an Integral City practitioner!
Ben Levi: In the past, Adizes Graduate School has offered a significant discount to members of online conferences that Don's taken part in (Integral Leadership Collaborative, Enlightenment Conference). Now they'd like to offer a similar deal for paid members of the Integral City 2.0 conference. The savings is much more than the cost of the conference - it is $600 off the price of Level I and Level II combined). The normal price is $1,650, and Adizes Graduate School is offering paid IC members an opportunity to attend for only $1,050, more than a 35% savings.
Those who cannot attend both Level 1 and Level 2, can attend Level 1 at the discounted price as well (only $525).
If you can attend both sessions, the Inn at East Beach provides special rates of only $700/week!
For details contact Stephanie at
Adizes Graduate School offers Masters and Doctoral degrees online. |