St. James Events
Young Madrigal Singers
Where & When
Date: Sunday, July 3
Time: 11:00
Location: St. James Church
Special Music for the 11 O'Clock Eucharist this Sunday


This Sunday St. James welcomes Givevra Fenyes and Cristina Cartona of the Young Madrigal Singers. 


Your St. James
2011 Local Outreach Donations

Suggestions for Recipients Needed  

We need
parishioner suggestions for local outreach donations to be made in 2011. There are so many wonderful organisations in Italy, run primarily by volunteers, which actively help the community. This is an opportunity for St. James to help them in their work. The deadline for submissions is Sept. 30. Please contact Barbara Maraventano: b.maraventano@gmail.com.  
Opportunity to Help Those Effected by Hurricanes in the South USA

Episcopal Relief and Development


The severe storms and tornadoes that have overwhelmed five Southern states continue to batter the region.  A new wave of storms came shortly after an earlier cluster that barreled through the Southeast over the weekend of April 16.  Over 300 people have died throughout the South and Southeast and widespread damage to homes and civic infrastructure has been reported.

In response to the most recent storms, Episcopal Relief & Development has been in contact with the Episcopal Dioceses of Alabama and Atlanta.  Several churches are involved in immediate relief efforts, including providing temporary shelter and distributing food and other necessities. 
Episcopal Relief & Development is also supporting the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina and two congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina as they minister to their communities in the wake of the April 16 storms. 
Your help is critical in providing temporary shelter, food assistance, basic household items, pastoral care and comfort for those in desperate need.


Please make checks payable to:  

Episcopal Relief & Development/USA Disaster Response Fund

Mail to: PO Box 7058 Merrifield, VA 22116-7058


To make a credit card donation, please call 800-334-7626, ext. 5129 or visit our website at 



Donations may be also be at the Church office.


St. James' Townhouse Available for Bookings

Contact: townhouse@stjames.it
Come stay in the St. James' Townhouse

St. James' Town House, in the heart of Florence, is the perfect place to stay with friends or family. We are centrally located near the train station, the Duomo, Piazza della Signoria, and many other favorite places to visit. We accept reservations for a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 3 months. Your stay with us is considered a donation to St. James Church. Contact us for availability and further information. Everyone is Welcome at St. James' Town House!


St. James' Town House is a three story apartment with its own entrance on via Bernardo Rucellai, next to the church rectory and part of the parish complex. It is a spacious 3-bedroom, 3-bath apartment, furnished with antiques, including a beautiful 1826 John Broadwood fortepiano, and overlooking the church and the rectory garden. It is fully equipped with linens for both bed and bath, along with kitchen supplies. There is satellite television that includes many English language programs, a washing machine, microwave oven, and iron. The bedrooms and living room are air conditioned. Off- street parking within the grounds of the church for one car.

Events in Florence
Independence Day 2011

Where & When
Date: July 2 & 3
Time: 15:00 - 23:00
Location: Parco d'Arte Pazzagli
The Tuscan American Association's Fouth of July Picnic


What better way to spend a weekend with the family than celebrating Independence Day in true Western style? This year the Association goes beyond the traditional hamburgers, hot dogs, and sports in the field to bring you a truly unique and spectacular event. Various community groups, among them the professional English language theater company, Performance International, the children's activity and learning center, Creative Corner, Pro Loco, an artistic and cultural organization, have come together to create something extraordinary. With something for everyone, this year's 4th of July (celebrated on July 2nd and 3rd!) is the "can't miss event" for 2011.




Vasari, gli Uffizi e il Duca

Where & When
Dates & Times:
June 14 - October 30
Tuesday - Sunday 8:15-18:50
Location: Ufizi Gallery
Exhibition - The Fondation of the Uffizi 


In the fifth century after the birth of Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), this exhibition is dedicated to the fondation of the Uffizi (1559-1560). More than just a building, it is an architectonic system on an urban scale, the result of the close collaboration between the Duke, Cosimo I dei Medici, and Vasari, his favourite artist.


Curated by
Claudia Conforti, Francesca Funis,
Francesca de Luca, Antonio Godoli

Ticket prices:
Full price: € 11.00 reduced: € 5.50 From 8.15 am until 4.00 pm
Full price: € 10.00 reduced: € 5.00 From 4.00 pm

Open Tuesday to Sunday 8,15 - 18,50
The ticket office closes at 18.20
Closed Monday


Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, and lighten with celestial fire. Thou the annointing Spirit art, who dost the sevenfold gifts impart.    

                       Hymn 504, para. of Veni Creator Spiritus, tr. John Cosin (1594-1672).  

St. James Church, Florence
Via B. Rucellai, 9
Firenze, Italy
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Informativa ai sensi dell'art. 13, d. lgs 196/2003: i Suoi dati personali sono trattati dalla St. James American Church in rispetto al Codice privacy 196/03. Qualora non intendeste ricevere ulteriori comunicazione, potete cancellarvi utilizzando il link sottostante, oppure scrivere a St. James American Church, via Bernardo Rucellai 9, Firenze, o inviare un'email a info@stjames.it